I was having a major writer's block.
I stared at the blank page on the screen for hours. Kept on flipping on the printed journal papers on my desk for hours.
Still nothing.
Then I found one of the videos on PhD and thesis writing saved about a year back titled "How to Finish Your PhD Thesis in 6 Months Even if You Have No Idea What to Write". So I spent my lunch time watching and listening to the video, hoping by the time I finished listening, I finally know what and how to write.
The first tips given by the speaker, Scott Rank from thescholarpreneur.com is;
He mentioned how by writing EVERY DAY, even a non-academic, non-PhD related, would help the PhD thesis writing eventually.
Just keep on writing.
If possible, have a daily writing target or goal to meet.
Just draft whatever you can think of.
Write, write, write.
"A simple habit to help you write every day."
So, here I am - writing.
Hope this is the start to a longer (non-academic) write up and eventually the journal paper and thesis writing.
(And hope to regularly update this blog again, too. :P)
Wish me luck, guys!