30 Disember 2010

#harimaumalaya brings back the AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

I know that every single blog must have updated about this since last night, but I want to!

I am so proud of the Malaysia #harimaumalaya team that I want share with everyone the joy of it. :D Watched the game at home last night, shouted and screamed, honestly one of the most nerve-wracking match I’ve ever watch. Feel like gugur jantung to watch every second of game (plus tweeting). :P That match seems more interesting than any Manchester United game I’ve ever watched. Haha.

Anyway, by beating the Indonesia Garuda team 3-0 in the first leg (Stadium Bukit Jalil), and score 1-2 against them in the second leg (Gelora Bung Karno), Malaysia Tiger wins the game and brings back the AFF Suzuki Cup WITH PROUD!


(Source : TheStar Online)

And one thing that I really really wanna share, especially with those who are not in Twitter, check this out!

25 Disember 2010

Makan satay rebus di malam minggu

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 25 Dec '10, 10.53pm MYT PST]

Tadi ambil mak kat Ancasa Hotel, she was there to meet an aunt from Singapore. Ajak Diba teman. Fetch her then asked mum if we could go to Jalan TAR as i wanted to have the satay rebus / steamboat. It has been a while.
So here we are having my favourite chicken liver and kerang. Weee yummy!

23 Disember 2010

Rakyat Malaysia Terancam - Cegah Sebelum Terlambat

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 23 Dec '10, 8.57am MYT PST]

Amalkan gaya hidup sihat!

Saw this ads on the train. Agak menakutkan the title kan? Huhu. Yes, Malaysians are said to not having a very healthy lifestyle. Betul ker?
Come to think of it, I asked myself : Do you live a healthy lifestyle? No, I don't think so. I might not be smoking, not taking alcohol. But I dont think I practise a healthy lifestyle enough. Pemakanan tak berapa nak jaga, tak bersukan, tidur waktu tak menentu. Isk. Must take care of ownself better!

22 Disember 2010

Birthday/ Christmas/ Year end celebration potluck lunch

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 22 Dec '10, 12.34pm MYT PST]

As I'm doing my part time at the Chancellery, IMU, the staffs are having the Birthday/Christmas/Year End celebration at the office and I'm invited to join. They always have this kind of celebration at the office.
So we're having a pot luck lunch now. And we're going to exchange gifts to the person whose name we got by draw.

21 Disember 2010

Lawatan sambil tweet ke Zoo Negara

Planned a trip to Zoo Negara last weekend with some Twitter friends who are now my real life friends. Some of us went to a #kltour trip to Muzium Negara, Planetarium Negara, Tugu Negara and Central Market (which was more to a hangout session for us but a first time visit for Eny ;p) last month.

The previous member of the trip  (Me, Aman, Eny, Ayong, Kay and Mun), together with some new members, Een, Kerel and Zelo  went to the Zoo Negara last Sunday.

According to the plan, we were supposed to meet at the Zoo by 10 am, which on the day, I was still at home waiting for somebody to pick me up. Yeah. So janji Melayu, kan? -__-"


20 Disember 2010

Trying out the Blogger mobile templates

After reading the article from amanz.my about the mobile templates for Blogger, I was called to try that out since me, myself is a smart phone user and always read others' blog on the go, wherever and whenever I want to.

I know that I don't really have a lot of readers that wish to spend their precious time reading my blog via the computers or laptops, moreover via phones. But hey, there's no harm trying the new stuff right? ;p

But since I use customized templates for my blogs the one that will appear on the mobile version is just the Simple Mobile templates, and this is how it look likes on my Nokia N8 .

19 Disember 2010

Zoo Negara day trip

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 19 Dec '10, 12.04pm MYT PST]

As planned, I'm here at the Zoo Negara for a day trip with dear friends. Already here are aman, kay and mun. Waiting for (probably) eny, kerel, een, ayong and zelo to come to us.

Supposed to meet here at 10am but well now it's already 12noon.

The OgilvyPRKL dinner, ‘Makan’

Well, as a previous Maxis10 reviewer of the Nokia N8, I was invited to a dinner party held by the Ogilvy PRKL, the company who organize the Maxis10 Programme on behalf of Maxis. The dinner - ‘Makan’ – was held at their place, at Menara Milenium, Damansara on the Friday night.

One of the objective or reason for the dinner is to celebrate the people who directly or indirectly involve with their company. And also for the Ogilvy team and us to mingle, and us, with each other. Well, me being me, I dont really go around, just hang out with my two bodyguards of the day and fortunately, Kak Nani (@loveykatz) was also there and we just sat and gossiping. ;p
 17122010739My bodyguards of the day – Aman and Een ;p

18 Disember 2010

Chilling out with mummy and cousin Farah at Ice Room

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 18 Dec '10, 4.32pm MYT PST]

Mum offered to have ice cream on this Saturday afternoon. Asked cousin Farah to join since she's at home too. Having the Tropina Mix Fruit Shaved Ice today instead of the one I usually have, Peanutbutter. And having the Tiramisu as well. Yummy!
Thanks, mum!

17 Disember 2010

Ogilvy PR KL dinner "Makan"

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 17 Dec '10, 8.14pm MYT PST]

Oqilvy KL is holding a dinner party to celebrate who have directly or indirectly involve with them. As a #maxis10 reviewer, i am invited to join the dinner party at Menara Milenium, Damansara. They did the 3 Jacob cracker challenge and lightyoruichi won! But those who participated got a pair of return Firefly tickets to Kuching - and Een got it!! Benci!!

16 Disember 2010

15 Disember 2010

Top 10 blogger kacak – parody of @andyhowtt's

Well, not really a parody. Just when Andy posted the entry, it’s from his eyes. So.. I feel like listing down my own choice of ‘Top 10 Blogger Kacak’ in my eyes. ;D

If you think you are handsome, macho, gorgeous etc. but you’re not listed, may be because I happen to never reach your blog yet. So, please do leave your blog link (in case of I’m updating my Top 10 Blogger Kacak list in the future). :P

Well, lets count it backward!

14 Disember 2010


[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 14 Dec '10, 1.43pm MYT PST]

Menyedihkan. Rasa nak sepak2 je org yang buat tiang tiangtkat KL ni macam hak milik sendiri. Kalau nak sgt tampal, tampal ah kat bilik tidur korang sendiri. Ganti poster2 artis kat bilik tu. Tapi, org kalau x bertanggungjawab, cakap apa pun apa diorang kisah, kan?

13 Disember 2010

Setulus Kaseh Charity Dinner with @maherzain - by Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Aid Malaysia

Hey guys, as some of you might know, I’ve been blogging about Rumah Titian Kaseh (RTK) for a few times by now. I was also invited  by Mr. Muhammad from Donate For Ummah – the man who always gives his hand to help the unfortunate from RTK  as a writer for the RTK blog ( I didn’t really write a lot there tho.. huhu... my bad -_-" ) Anyway, he asked me to help to promote a charity dinner with the most charming male singer of the moment, Maher Zain they’ve been planning.


11 Disember 2010

My girl, @edhakuchan2607's wedding

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 11 Dec '10, 9.57am MYT PST]

Am now at Masjid Saidina Omar AlKhatab, Bukit Damansara for my other darling, Eda Edlina. Just a month ago Sha got married and now Eda, and insyaAllah will be followed by Sharmi next. The bride and groom are ready, just wait for the akad nikah to begin.
All the best to, Abg Ham & Eda! ;D

09 Disember 2010

Agro Bazar @ RnR Ulu Bernam

When I was on my way back home from campus, i received an SMS from mum telling me to stop by at RnR Ulu Bernam (southbound) to buy her the famous Putu Perak. Me, myself has never tried the putu Perak. Mum said she read it in the newspaper about the Putu Perak. In case you’re travelling southbound and wanna give it a try, stop by RnR Ulu Bernam and look for Zie’s Taste.

Pencemaran udara melampau!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 9 Dec '10, 3.23pm MYT PST]

Dalam perjalanan balik ke kuala lumpur, sampai dekat area ipoh nampak asap hitam yang banyak. Ingatkan rumah terbakar tapi rupa rupanya asap tu asap dr kilang. Teruk gila. Kilang tu sangat tak bertanggungjawab dan mengakibatkan pencemaran udara melampau. Tak sayang alam sekitar betul!

08 Disember 2010

Prosperity burger is back!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 8 Dec '10, 9.08pm MYT PST]

Burger kemewahan telah kembali. Tak paham gak apesal awal memandangkan Tahun Baru Cina macam lambat je lagi. Tapi tu tak penting. Yang penting... Burger kegemaran telah kembali. Jemput makan..

07 Disember 2010

Attention ladies. This is serious.

I got an sms from my aunt, who worked for the PDRM. So she always got the news from PDRM, and any news from her will be taken seriously by the family. Instead of just forwarding the sms to my family and friends that I know, I think I should take the responsibility to share this with all of you too.


And so the sms read;


PESANAN PENTING UNTUK SEMUA WANITA YANG PERGI KERJA, KOLEJ ATAU SEKOLAH SENDIRIAN. jika anda terjumpa budak kecil sedang menangis atas jalan, yang memberi anda alamatnya dan meminta anda menghantarnya ke alamat tersebut. Sila bawa nya ke balai polis. Tak kira apa yang anda mahu lakukan. JANGAN bawanya ke alamat yang diberikan. Ini adalah taktik baru untuk penjenayah merogol wanita. Sila sms kan mesej ini kpd semua rakan anda agar mereka boleh memberitahu maklumat ini kepada rakan-rakan mereka dan ahli keluarga mereka. Terima Kasih. dari ASP SUMAN KUMAR. D9 – Bukit Aman.”


And those who read this, please spread the words. Thanks.

06 Disember 2010

Mari menonton Narnia

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 6 Dec '10, 4.36pm MYT PST]

Skrang kat GSC Sunway Carnival Mall Penang nak tengok The Chonicles of Narnia - The Voyage of The Dawn Treader dengan cousin Adiba. Yup Diba is here in Penang, teman duk sini 2 3 hari sebab nak balik KL balik nanti.

01 Disember 2010

If you want it to be a good girl…

…get yourself a.. BAD BOY!

Ok. That’s a title of one of BackStreet Boys songs years back. I keep that in mind, that’s why keep on looking for a bad guy. Ok kidding. :P Mum, please don’t kill me.

Anyhow nowadays watching all the TV series, yes i think most of the characters I like are the bad guys. They are just… too sexy when doing their bad-ass thingy. Don’t you think? Here are some of the bad guys that I can’t take my eyes off and make me impatiently wait for the next episode every week.

ed-westwick-chuck-bass-1 Charles Bartholomew "Chuck" Bass – Gossip Girl

His name itself is already sexy. I can’t even pronounce “Bartholomew” properly but I think it sounds sexy. He’s the worst guy ever, the wicked lass, but even if he spent his time with lots of hot chicks who come and go anytime, he does fall in love with his only true love, Blair Waldrof. How sweet is that? Awww~

Langit gelap tanda nak hujan...

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 1 Dec '10, 4.00pm MYT PST]

Tingkap bilik ni mengadap kawasan lapang belakang kampus. Pagi pagi boleh nampak matahari terbit, cantik. Tp skrang ni, nampak awan gelap sangat, tanda ari nak hujan. Sejak dua menjak ,memang musim hujan je kat sini. Hari hari bila petang je, dah mula glap dn hujan lebat. Kadang-kadang sampai ke malam. Ni pun guruh dah mula berbunyi. Semoga hujan yang turun membawa rahmat pada semua. Amin~
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