been very very very busy for last week. i've been moving twice. from hostel to a senior's house somewhere near the campus and back to hostel. damn, i have lots of things. rase macam dah hantar balik banyak barang. tapi knape still banyak barang di sini. aahhhh! sangat penat. and today, i can finally rest~
so, few days without blogging and blog-hopping. Along's new blog dedicated for his cute and lovely harris zikri, who's going to be 1 this coming August. and a schoolmate-with-controversy (du`uh~ =D), acap also came up with a blog which i just found out. blogs can just help me keeping in touch with people around me. like sis marhani who i haven't met since in high school. we've been apart, contact through sms before and several ym, and now, blog set us together back. am waiting for nanim dearie to update hers. i quoted "I miss blogging, but i am just not into it right now." will wait for u, babe!
twin Ekha & Kaina are back in hometown! so sorry i missed the date u arrived. didn't realize it till Kaina called 2 days after. enjoy your days at home before going back to Aussie ya.
i miss home!!! i'm sooo home-sick. duduk kat kampus doing RA sangat x sama dengan time belajar. byk masa terluang at night, doing nothing and reminds me of home. i want 2 b at home. i do basically nothing at night besides watching back-to-back Gilmore Girls started back from season 1 (currently dah sampai season 4), and some movies i've downloaded.
till next time, peepz!
Hah..update pon..
BalasPadamApasal kau pindah² randah??
BalasPadampindah Sbb dh x jadik Student lg sO kene kUAr hostel. ingat nk duK umah sewa tP last2 dpt masuk hOStel balik... seb baik.. jimat duit..
naper kena kuar,pastu boleh masuk balik?? eh..kepochi pulak aku
BalasPadamsBb hostel yg satU tu bengOng kate dh pnh, so minTak la Hostel yg LAgi satu..
BalasPadamhomesick sgt ker? bukan jauh pun.. balik aje..
BalasPadammst la homesick. lame dh x jumpe rumah.. hehehe