13 Jun 2013

The coffee story

We were watching The Voice Top 6 Performance Show while drinking a cup of Nescafe when the conversation of my addiction to caffeine took place. 

Me: Kalau org ada rezeki pregnant, kamu bg tak org minum coffee ke Nescafe hari-hari?
Husband: Sorry la.. Mestilah tak. 
Me: Kalau macam tu kalau org pregnant org tak nak bagitau kamu at least sampai 2 bulan ke atau sampai perut nampak.  Hmmpph!
Husband: Macam mana yg kamu nak sorok tu?
Me: Hmm org sorok la. Kalau period tak datang, ckp la maybe sbb tension buat research. Pastu kalau rasa loya-loya, org pegi toilet cepat2 pegang perut ckp sakit perut ah. Pastu bukak air kuat2. Pastu kuar toilet org ckp ah "org rasa org keracunan makanan laa.." Hahaha. Pastu dah 2 bulan baru buat2 tak sihat, pegi klinik cakap baru tau rupanya pregnant
Husband: Banyak la kamu. Hahaha. 

We both laughed. Then the conversation seemed like it ended. But after 10 sec of silence...

Husband: Huhu tak boleh jadi ni. Kena berhati-hati. 
Me: Kenapa?
Husband: Tak leh caya kat kamu. Kamu bkn nye boleh, kang betul2 buat sbb nak minum kopi punya pasal. Hahaha


Do you think one will be able to hide a pregnancy from the husband? 

And do you think i'll do that just for the sake of coffee??? Ppfffttt.

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