10 September 2010

Salam Aidilfitri 1 Syawal 1431

“May Allah bless your home with happiness,

you heart with devotion,

your soul with purity.

And I wish the blessing be with you,

today and always.”


Dear my Muslim readers,

I wish you a blessed Eid ul-Fitr and I would like to ask for apologize if my writing have ever offended any of you somehow.

I made an effort to give away a few ‘raya’ cards to some of my twitter friends this year, hand-made cards.

Thank you to you guys who replied to my tweet asking for those who want to receive a card from me, and give me your address. It might be simple but I hope you like the cards.


Two of the card recipient post an entry each about my cards. Thank you, Mr.Namie and Eizil XD

p/s: Do come to my house if you live nearby :)

Salam Lebaran 1431

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 10 Sep '10, 6.39pm MYT PST]

Assalamualaikum... Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri pd semua. Mintak maaf zahir batin kalau ada tersalah kata terluka kan hati secara sengaja atau tidak. Semoga semua berbahagia di hari yang mulia ini. :)

09 September 2010

The new family member

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 9 Sep '10, 1.41pm MYT PST]

Introducing the new family member, the baby boy-yet-to-be-named. :)
Sekarang ada kat HUKM melawat baby baru. Angah still kat hospital, belum boleh discharge sebab lahir C-section. Alhamdulillah baby sihat je cuma belum boleh keluar sbb tunggu blood test, takut kuman sbb duduk dlm perut Angah dkt 24jam lepas air ketuban pecah. Yg lain2 semua ok je. Baby lahir pd 7 September 2010 pukul 8.40pm berat 3.13kg. Welcome to the family,love! :)

08 September 2010

Lampu 7 likur buatan sendiri

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 8 Sep '10, 10.39pm MYT PST]

Lampu 7 likur memang cantik menghiasi rumah di hari-hari terakhir Ramadhan serta menjelang Syawal. Kalau di kampung2 zaman dulu2 lampu 7 likur dibuat dari buluh, tapi sekarang kebanyakan di jual pelita lampu 7 likur dari plastik.
Tapi pelita kat rumah kami istiwewa sebab pelita ni atuk buat sendiri dari botol Brylcream kaca yang di jual zaman 70-an. Bayangkan lah dah dekat 40 tahun dah pelita tu menyinari rumah kami :) Atuk tebuk tutup tu, letak kepala tiub tayar kat atas tu sbg pemegang sumbu. Sumbu pun atuk guna tali guni. Kreatif & inovatif tak atuk kami? :D

Live blogging

Whenever I’m back at home, I spend less time in front of the home pc or laptop. It has been this way since years ago. I tweet and check my Facebook mostly through my mobile phone. The attempt to blog also will be less whenever I'm back at home.  But I’ve set up a live blog few months back, to blog, live from my mobile phone update on the spot (if the internet line is okay) about whatever happens in my surrounding, my updates etc.

For those who never came across my live blog, well, please do so.


See you there :)


Anyway, my cousin Angah had safely given birth to a cute baby boy in HUKM earlier tonight. Congratsssss!

4967492423_04cb659214The baby who is yet to be named. :)

Welcome to the family, love.

07 September 2010

Anak ke-6 saya!!!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 7 Sep '10, 11.36pm MYT PST]

Well anak sepupu2 semua pun saya ngaku anak saya kan. So ni la anak ke enam saya.hehe. Ni anak sepupu saya, Hazreen (Angah) dan Hakim. Alhamdulilah Angah selamat lahirkan baby lepas waktu berbuka tadi. Ni anak sulung diorang, anak lelaki. So w cicit atuk dah ada 5 lelaki 1 perempuan. Nama baby masih belum diketahui.
Tak sabar nya nak jumpa baby baru
!! :D
Congrats Angah & Hakim!!

Break fast with the schoolmates

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 7 Sep '10, 9.18pm MYT PST]

Am having Carls Jr at Pavilion with Ainol and Baiti, and joined by Ashraf now. Terserempak dgn Sarat here.

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