time : more or less 12.45pm
place : in wsa****, in the middle of pekan parit buntar (was stuck sbb ada train nak jalan)
dialing 039******2
"hoit, min."
"hari ni besday kau eh?"
"eh? hah. a'aa. along bagitau tadi."
"huh? kau hilang ingatan ke?"
"happy birthday"
"happy birthday"
"oit! cakap thanks la!"
"haha. thanks"
"kau pehal?"
"min x ingat tarikh hari ni"
omg!! what happen to my cousin? was she lost in the middle of nowhere? or she couldn't accept the fact that she's getting another year older? adoiiii....
happy birthday, yazmin mohd fuzi!!!
be a good girl.
study design2 tu sampai hebat.
nnt leh design kad kahwin aku cantik2, and for free. hehe
wish u all the best.
god bless.
(p/s: cantik kan hijau. pandai aku pilih kaler. lalala)
be a good girl.
study design2 tu sampai hebat.
nnt leh design kad kahwin aku cantik2, and for free. hehe
wish u all the best.
god bless.
(p/s: cantik kan hijau. pandai aku pilih kaler. lalala)
iya....semalam birthday dia..aku pun baru tau masa mak cakap.. patut la date semalam cam familiar jer.. weee~~
BalasPadamxpe la jugak kalau kite x ingat. ni kalau die tu sndri x ingat. haissh2.
BalasPadamp/s: jangan de org lupe tarikh nak kawen sudah. ngehngeh
BalasPadammimin kan mmg sengal...
yg pkai jaket ijo tu comel...yg dukung die tu.... xcomel..
mmg sentiase la die tuh.
jaket hijau comel. yg dukung x comel, yg post blog ni paling comel. haha