Woke up early morning to cook the nasi lemak, but the sambal & others dah ready by the night before, masak2 at kak faha's. me & Kak husna went to kak faha & kak ida's place around 8.40am, kemas2 barang n there we go!!
once arrived at Taiping, we went straightaway to the lake garden. we were hungry. x breakfast sgt before gerak. had our home-cook nasi lemak. yummy!!! berkelah like this, with nasi lemak & beautiful scenery and great company; was nice. saya sgt suke. ;)
lepas perut kenyang, it's time to enjoy. yayy! jom kayuh swan!! last 2 times came here xdpt naik. 1st sbb hujan, 2nd sbb dgn dgn mr.bf's mak angkat. so agak segan2. haha. this time, dtg with my kakaks, no reason to say NO. me & kak faha while kak husna with kak ida. penat sgt, ok. dah la baru pas makan, then matahari sgt terik. huhu~
lepas penat2, lepak2 minum air kjap. hilang kan rase pnt sambil plan where to go after that. agak2 dh hilang penat, kami pun bergerak to Perak Museum. but unluckily, there were some construction & renovation going on. so half of the museum was close to public. yang open was only bahagian animals.
Next station, Zoo Taiping!! Ticket is rm12/adult. mahal? hurmm.. discount 30% for people from Daerah Larut, Matang and Selama. We stayed in Parit Buntar, tp ic bukan ic Parit Buntar. huhu.. masuk2 terus tggu nak naik train. it was very sunny, x larat nak berjalan2 terus. compare to my last visit here, the train route dah makin panjang. satisfied sikit.
Abis tour in the zoo, btul2 time siinggah surau for Zuhur, hujan lak turun.. lebat for a while, but by time dalam kereta hujan dah reda. Our next activity is jalan2 cari makan to the Taiping famous Doli Kuey Teow Goreng. mase tu ramai sgt org, smpai ade yg berdiri2 depan pintu and waiting to customer2 yang nak bangun dah.
after kenyang makan2, we headed back to taman tasik for photography session ;p memandangkan cuaca agak mendung and x seterik awal2 tadi..
Nasihat. Beware of monkey yang garang+jahat+scary+etc.
Dah petang dah..... jom balik,bubbles.......
hope to come here again, sbb masih x berkesempatan ke bukit larut..
saya sgt enjoy & happy dgn trip ini. thank kakaks.
Taiping, with love.. ;)
ini kampung saya.
BalasPadamsaya SHUKA juga.
ales.. sampai ke taiping ko bejalan noi..
BalasPadamtaiping is 1 of my fave place ;)
ala.. parIt buntar-taiping bapE minit dh smpai.. hehe
jLn2 slagi dpt kebenaran mak, xper.. ;p
wah wah wah :D
BalasPadamtak capek ke asek jalan2 je keje ;p
BalasPadam(jealous lalu membawa diri)
x pown.. suke je..