Encik Boifren saya mengalami kecelakaan. Sedih.
I was taking a nap. x jugak. I was sleeping petang semalam sbb kesakitan perut yg melampau, then at about 5pm Yun, a coursemate called.
"Ju, kereta ju ade pape ke, knp ramai org bekumpul mcm tgk2 kete ju?"
i was so mamai, and asked her to please check my car for me dulu. then few minutes later, a knock on my door. Yun came.
"Ju, cermin kereta ju pecah."
Whatttttt?? *terus segar tetibe*
So the what happened was org yg memesin dan memotong rumput sedang memotong rumput di sekitar itu dan seketul batu kecik telah terbang dan mengenai cermin kereta.
It's the cermin at the driver side. thank God cermin ade tint. kalau x pasti ia berderai2 sudah. then yun ajak g tengok, she said the uncle (the boss) ada and he wanted to see the car owner. he gave me his number, asked me to give him a call lps repair for claim. rase nk menangis gak la tgk kereta cmtu.
then balik bilik, called Bf, told him bout it, n asked what 2 do. i was still in pain n xde mood nak setel everything, ingat nak tunggu this morning je, tp pun kene masuk lab. sementara menenangkan hati sendiri tu, Bf called his friends yg keje kat kedai half-cut and bengkel2 kat area sini tanye if ade Myvi nye cermin. then got one kedai have it. he asked me to go to the workshop terus, takut malam2 hujan or ape2 nnt.
"Ju, kereta ju ade pape ke, knp ramai org bekumpul mcm tgk2 kete ju?"
i was so mamai, and asked her to please check my car for me dulu. then few minutes later, a knock on my door. Yun came.
"Ju, cermin kereta ju pecah."
Whatttttt?? *terus segar tetibe*
So the what happened was org yg memesin dan memotong rumput sedang memotong rumput di sekitar itu dan seketul batu kecik telah terbang dan mengenai cermin kereta.
It's the cermin at the driver side. thank God cermin ade tint. kalau x pasti ia berderai2 sudah. then yun ajak g tengok, she said the uncle (the boss) ada and he wanted to see the car owner. he gave me his number, asked me to give him a call lps repair for claim. rase nk menangis gak la tgk kereta cmtu.
then balik bilik, called Bf, told him bout it, n asked what 2 do. i was still in pain n xde mood nak setel everything, ingat nak tunggu this morning je, tp pun kene masuk lab. sementara menenangkan hati sendiri tu, Bf called his friends yg keje kat kedai half-cut and bengkel2 kat area sini tanye if ade Myvi nye cermin. then got one kedai have it. he asked me to go to the workshop terus, takut malam2 hujan or ape2 nnt.
so i picked kak faha up utk menemani saye ke bengkel arai (promote jap hehe). gile bwk kereta slow & steady. bile smpai jalan yg membuatkan kereta 'melompat' (what shud the word be eh?), dengar bunyi kaca2 jatuh dlm pintu. sedih ade, takut pun ada. buatnye die jatuh bederai tgh2 jalan. huhu..
alhamdulillah, siap terus.
tetiba dunia saya jadi terang.
cermin belah driver cerah aje. aaahhh. x best. sape2 sila blanje saye tint balik, pls.
masuk lab la weh. buat keje. bos dah balik dari geneva. huhu
i want to blog about girlfriends visit+vacation in penang. tp nnt la. busy lak. hehe. i liikkkeee!
adoiii...cilakak gila org potong rumput
BalasPadamsiannyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. tp, bila bole naik encik bf tu? yeaay cermin kete baru!
BalasPadamko call x claim balik kat org tu??
suda settle i presume? ;)
BalasPadamdah claim dari org tu ke? claimlah sekali ngan tint tu.....
BalasPadamhaha.. nk buat cmne pun.. bukan die sengaje baling batu pun. huhu
jom2. haha. berhati2 la kalau parking kat tempat yg tepi2 ade rumput tu. ;p
mesti la claim.. mane leh x xclaim.
ekha bucuk,
yup. settle sudah, alhamdulillah.
p/s: u tell auntie eh? terkejut je auntie called tny td. huhu
dh jmpe org tu dh tghhari td amek claim.
claim tint? bgs gak idea tu kan. huhu
haha yeah i told papa. i thot tak settle lagi. huhu. baguih la org tu bayo balik :) how much he had to pay?
BalasPadamalahai ciannyer...
BalasPadamsabar yer....malang x berbau..uhuhu
Oh dear. Thank heavens the guy was responsible and paid the claim. How much was it?
BalasPadamrakus sungguh orang itu..
sis Mhani,
BalasPadamthanks ;)
ekha & b,
rm160, cermin+tapak+uPah.
tau x per.. huhu
p/s: lame x singgah sini. ari tu try bukak Blog kamu tp x leh. huhu