06 Februari 2011

Sepetang di Tanjung Harapan

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 6 Feb '11, 6.21pm MYT PST]

Went to Amcorp Mall just to found out that the flea market is not open today. Sedih! So this friend of mine yang konon keboringan jugak drive us here - Tanjung Harapan, Klang. I dont know why are we here exactly. It's so sunny and if i get sun burn, i'll put the blame on him, for sure.
Anyway, it's been ages since I last came here for seafood dinner with family. So, Kak Lina, bila lagi? :p

03 Februari 2011

From the top of the Broga Hill!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 3 Feb '11, 7.44am MYT PST]

Live blog from the peak of Broga Hill, Semenyih. Yeahh! Finally! Setelah berapa lama nak naik sangat. Last hiking was to Muka Head Light House, Penang in October 2008. Honestly memang pancit gak tadi walaupun bukit ni tak tggi mana pun. Tapi sangat windy. Sejukkkk! Waiting for the sunrise! Beautiful scenery. Subhanallah...

27 Januari 2011

Cincang cili lumat lumat

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 27 Jan '11, 7.43pm MYT PST]

Hari ni cakap kat mak nak masak ikan talapia masak cili. Tapi cili merah tu tak nak tumbuk macam biasa. Nak bagi mak makan macam mana org masak masa duduk hostel dulu.
Kat hostel sebenarnya tak boleh masak, tapi kitorang seludup masuk multicooker and masak dalam bilik. Sshhh~ hahaha. Pastu dah kata pun seludup je kan, maka takde la blender atau lesung batu. So bila teringin nak buat nasi goreng ke, makanan yg bercili ke, ni lah caranya. Cincang cili tu sehalus yang mampu. Dlm gambar tu tak cukup halus lagi. Tp tangkap gambar dulu takut lupa. Hehe.
P/s: rindu nak masak2 dalam bilik dgn exroommate yg skrg tengah pregnant. Hehe. Congrats, zyd! ;D

IMU Aspire sourvenir

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 27 Jan '11, 12.03pm MYT PST]

The International Medical University (IMU), the place where I'm working on contract now is launching its Project ASPIRE - IMU Strategic Plan 2011 - 2015 today. We also got the sourvenir, a notebook and a button badge. Yay! First stuff i got from IMU. Haha. Plus, I got a button badge to add to my collection. Yes I collect button badges. But it has been awhile since I buy or got a new one. :D

25 Januari 2011

#iheartborneo My Kota Kinabalu Trip - Day 2

My trip to Kota Kinabalu started on the second day with photography session in KK town. Went to the waterfront area and took some photographs with the fishes.

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