13 Julai 2009

My sunshine turns 24 today!!

nasi kandar line clear

taman tun sardon

padang kota

Gambar2 di atas adalah gambar untuk kempen Mari Membaca Doa Sebelum Makan bersama Cik Nurbaiti Hanim Hamdan. Oleh itu adik adik, ikut la kakak Baiti yer. jangan lupa membaca doa sebelum makan. (selepas makan semua dah kenyang xde nak snap2 ye)

Mrs Baiti Renfro
Trixie Grace
Nurbaiti Hamdan
Baiti Al-Jannati

whatever name she use, whoever her alter ego is.

i knew this girl since tadika. She used to be anak manja cikgu. Serius x tipu. Try tgk gambar2 masa tadika, dia mesti berdiri sebelah cikgu. ;p We went to different primary school but the same SRA Al-Watan and i only see her 1 semester per year (cos her SKTHO x tukar sessi sepanjang tahun). through the years in the same school, i envy her beauty, she has this snow white skin that every girls dream of. and she was smart and i always take her as a competitor. yet she's just who she was. a humble, good friend. we met again after her SAB to STJ to SMTM (3 schools in form 1 je, teruk kan dia? haha) to SAB back and we happened to be in the same class (form 2). lotsa things happened to both our lifes. seriously lots. and we make it through. there were always up and down in the friendship. but she always be there for me. in form 2, she taught me 'infatuation' when i only know 'love'. she taught me 'flabbergasted' when i only know 'surprise'. in form 3, she was there when my life suddenly changed. we crossed the field in the rain to run from some "crazy Indian guy" who follow me from home to school to home. we walked home together (jauh ok nak sampai rumah dia). but i like the walk. and i miss the walk. and one thing that i can't get off my mind is the letters we wrote to each other. WTH rumah x sampai sebatu main pos2 surat masa cuti. haha. i miss writing u letter too! we should do it again some day. she's the reason of why i listen to butterfingers. and eventho she doesn't like Hindi movie, she can proudly say the 'Meh Tumsei Pyar Karti Hu' and always remember that i love Hindi movie. I love u for that, girl!!

ok, theres so much to write kalau nak cerita, so i just cut it short. this girl has a big impact on my life. and i love her damn much. and today she turns 24, finally. i hope she has a great day today.
i am so sorry i can't b with you. u know how i wish i could... see u very very soon darl!!!

ini nanim nonoi tau. siapa berani kacau, siap!!

to mr. Jacob Grace (eventho i know u prolly wont read this), jaga nanim baik2. kalau die sedih2, i tembak u nanti! dah la x ingat i was ur classmate (merajuk x habis lg nih) haha

Happy birthday, sunshine!!!

10 Julai 2009

Cousin Along will be induced to labor...

......on the 19th!!!!!!

*super duper excited*
harris nak dapat adik. woohoooooo!

i want to be there!!
nak sangat tengok baby tu hari2 terawal dia macam tgk harris dulu......

yayyyyyyy!!!! tambah lagi sorang..

19th July - new baby will b born.. insyaAllah
1st August - Nurin turns 4
3rd August - Harris turns 2

ingat. ingat.

Oh. Sunshine's on the 13th. ;)

*edited @0017, 11 july*

the twins - ekha & kaina - are back for good!! ekha baru call but read shana's tweet tadi and later ekha's herself. haha
welcome back home, darlingsss!! xoxo

09 Julai 2009

North Malaysia Trip. Day 1

After a long wait...finally trip to north Malaysia! eh, i know i'm currently living in Penang, which is situated at the north also, but i mean north as in Kedah & Perlis. sudah lame berhajat nak bawa bonda tersyg ke Perlis since my last visit there, tapi asyik x kesampaian je. and finally dpt jugak buat trip walaupun plan last minute & changes of tourist yg sepatutnya ikut serta.

mum and others took a train from KL on friday night, and arrived here (Parit Buntar) saturday around 0600. fetch them up and went back to campus dulu. breakfast & all. then at 0900 camtu la baru gerak ke Alor Setar. disebabkan sampai yang agak awal, xleh nak check in terus, maka kami terus menuju ke Pekan Rabu yg femes utk shopping itu.

nampak sedap, kan? huhu

then lepas pusing2 survey2 ape yang boleh dibeli dan dibelahkan di sini, melepak2 sambil memakan kueh yang sedap2 (serius kueh2 die sedap2) dan memakan ABC, we went to hotel yang thankfully dekat dengan Pekan Rabu ni je and senang nak carik. dah rest2, hilang penat si driver, kami pun memulakan operasi men-tour Alor Setar.

there's a Muzium Padi (Rice Museum). sangat best gile x tipu. ok, maybe sangat best gile x tipu for those yang rumah xde sawah or dapat tengok sawah dalam kadar 3 tahun sekali or kurang.

North Malaysia Trip crew

on the 3rd level of this museum (ok, why do i start with 3rd ye? hurm..) is a place with a beautiful scenery macam betul2 tgk sawah padi and sekitar depan mata. and what makes it more cool is it's a rotating auditorium! cool, kan? kan? oh, before you reached the 3rd level, u need to climb a spiral staircase, which the wall look like an inside cave wall. double cool!!

sit. relax. enjoy the view.

then level 2 is the main level. ade wall yg cantik2 tp xtau knp x ada gambar pulak. ;p
turun lagi 1 level to the 1st floor. here they placed all the things used in paddy harvesting. from the old traditional equipment used those days. saya sangat xkenal apakah barang2 itu, honest. except few things that we learn during kajian tempatan or sejarah kot zaman sekolah dulu.

and the most important part of the museum is the souvenir shop. bukan untuk shopping, but for camwhoring. hahaha

orang x pernah menampi padi..camni la..

bondaku.... my sponsor for the trip.hehe. thank you.. ;)

oh, di luar muzium juga terdapat pelbagai3 benda2 menarik untuk di posing bersama, spt kerbau, kuda & singa. pokok2 juga cantik2. x lupa pemandangan Gunung Keriang yang cantik.

next, we went to the Menara Alor Setar. the tallest building in Alor Setar (kot). tix for 1st floor viewing level was RM6 (adult). i got RM4 for IPT student price. remember to bring along your matrix card whever you go! hehe.

Alor Setar view from 88.0 m observation deck.

that's the Menara Alor Setar replica

inside the elevator

get one for yourself!

then dah petang, banyak tempat dah tutup by 1700. so we headed back to pekan for some shopping2. basically the mothers la do the shopping. the kaum anak ni hanya berpusing-pusing sana dan sini, bergambar sana dan sini.

balik hotel, malam keluar cari dinner but it was raining so couldn't go around town lagi. we stopped at a kedai makan yg ternampak secara tetiba (nasib je la sedap ke x ye masa tu) and parking. boleh lak parking2 tu, turun kereta dekat dgn warehouse barang2 dapur. aishh..ape lagi, the mothers meneruskan aktiviti sebelum mendinnerkan diri.

balik hotel. rehat. tidur. esok adalah hari yang panjang.

to be continued...

08 Julai 2009

Kawan kawan...jom tolong saya mengundi!!!

To all my family, friends, teman-teman blog or segala anonymous and strangers yang sedang membaca post ini...

jom tolong undi Harris Zikri untuk Si Cilik Sinar!!

Klik sini yer untuk mengundi.

undi jangan tak undi ye.
jasamu di kenang :)

btw, gambar tu di ambil masa kami beramai2 ke Genting Highland. gambar cute yang di hantar oleh umi Harris tu pastilah yang diambil oleh saya. hehehe

Harris with Auntie Bubbles

Harris dengan ayah dan umi tersayang.

p/s: Harris is turning 2 this August (and nurin is turning 4 this August jugak. haisshh duit.. duit..) and harris bakal dapat adik insyaAllah end July or early August jugak (duit lagi wehhhhhh.bankrupt!! ).

p/s2: Along, org dah tolong promote nih. ape lg..? cozy corner la. haha

01 Julai 2009

kenduri durian di rumah salmi lagi

hari-hari yang tak berapa nak best last week telah diceriakan oleh mereka-mereka ini iaitu ahli-ahli rombongan lawatan memakan durian (sekali lagi) ke rumah siti salmi di sungai batu, pulau pinang pada hari jumaat yang lepas. hehe. walaupun tak berapa sihat, saya sangat seronok dan enjoy pada hari tersebut ;D

semoga murah rezeki salmi & keluarga yang bermurah hati mengkendurikan durian2 dan manggis dan pulut dan lain2 kepada kami yang jauh dari keluarga masing2. hehe

gambar2 lain di fesbuk je yer. malas nk muat-naik (gile ape skema aku ni) gambar banyak2 itu. hehe

muchas gracias, amigos.

untuk kamu semua.....

no durian, no life!

p/s: ahad saya juga sangat seronok *smiles*

*still can't stop smiling* ;p

09 10