01 Disember 2010

If you want it to be a good girl…

…get yourself a.. BAD BOY!

Ok. That’s a title of one of BackStreet Boys songs years back. I keep that in mind, that’s why keep on looking for a bad guy. Ok kidding. :P Mum, please don’t kill me.

Anyhow nowadays watching all the TV series, yes i think most of the characters I like are the bad guys. They are just… too sexy when doing their bad-ass thingy. Don’t you think? Here are some of the bad guys that I can’t take my eyes off and make me impatiently wait for the next episode every week.

ed-westwick-chuck-bass-1 Charles Bartholomew "Chuck" Bass – Gossip Girl

His name itself is already sexy. I can’t even pronounce “Bartholomew” properly but I think it sounds sexy. He’s the worst guy ever, the wicked lass, but even if he spent his time with lots of hot chicks who come and go anytime, he does fall in love with his only true love, Blair Waldrof. How sweet is that? Awww~

Langit gelap tanda nak hujan...

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 1 Dec '10, 4.00pm MYT PST]

Tingkap bilik ni mengadap kawasan lapang belakang kampus. Pagi pagi boleh nampak matahari terbit, cantik. Tp skrang ni, nampak awan gelap sangat, tanda ari nak hujan. Sejak dua menjak ,memang musim hujan je kat sini. Hari hari bila petang je, dah mula glap dn hujan lebat. Kadang-kadang sampai ke malam. Ni pun guruh dah mula berbunyi. Semoga hujan yang turun membawa rahmat pada semua. Amin~

29 November 2010

How will d post looks like if i post via Pixelpipe?

Lets try and see how it work. If it's good, can use this for live blog. If not, will stick to flickr for live blogging. So what say you? P/s: I can't use (enter) to go one line below. Wonder if break works. Try break...

Testing New Template

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 29 Nov '10, 4.55am MYT PST]

Yayy! It works! ;D

25 November 2010

I’m the proud owner of the Nokia N8


Thank you Maxis for giving me the chance to review the Nokia N8 for the Maxis10 programme, and now let me own the gadget (wehoo!!) just when my HTC Tytn II failed on me… –__-“
Anyhow, I’d also like to thank my family especially Mum for the support, and friends who indirectly and directly helped me through the reviewing period.

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