i've always wanted to blog about this but i always forget to. so, here we go. people around me, who are close to me knows that i like The Powerpuff Girls so much since i don't know when and mostly i like Bubbles, the one with yellow hair & blue outfit. blossom is girlish, buttercup is elder-sister like & bit garang while bubbles is careless one and always bring them troubles. but she's the cutest, like me. haha. she wears blue, i like blue.
so i like to watch PPG. and collect PPG stuffs.specifically bubbles. i dont have current picts of the stuff since some of them were sent home (konon dah abes final year nak anta brg2 balik dah, who know ada kat sini lg. =p), so these are some pics taken when i was in 2nd year. check how crazy i am for PPG. call me childish, i don't care. haha
ok, bubbles yg paling depan, yg kepale besar itu was a birthday gift from exroomates 4129 (2005/06) balik bilik after raya dh ade atas katil. hehe
....and i still wish to add more to my collection. maybe someday i can pass this to my daughters or granddaugthers. haha InsyaAllah.
so ppl, jgn malu2 ye if u want to help adding up PPG stuff to my collection. =p
oh, and when we were in 2nd year, we had to present anything in English class, and my presentation title was "The Powerpuff Girls". hehehe.
BalasPadam2 yg x thn 2...
Fighting crimes trying to save the world here they come just in time.. The Powerpuff Girls..
Ten tenet tenet..!
My fave is Buttercup cuz she's the toughest fighter ;)
BalasPadamjeles? atau dengki?
lets save the world before bedtime!!
my baby sister tengok post ni and she kept asking for ppg merchandise now.
sila2 membelikannya.
i like this bantal,,, is so cute
BalasPadamOH MY GOD!!!! So cute!! Love it! powerpuff girls are amazing :D