03 Mei 2011

Malaysian Today Secret Phrase

Have you ever heard of the Malaysian Today fortnight newspaper? I started to read Malaysian Today after I started working in IMU as the paper can be found at colleges, universities, and popular eateries for free on Thursdays, fortnightly. Malaysian Today is not like the average tabloid you boring-ly read everyday. It is a magazine-style newspaper which gives you facts, information, so colorful and it is fun to read. Really suits their slogan: No 1 Youth Weekly. Plus,they give gift-away too!


And yours truly is one of the winner of the Malaysian Today secret phrase gift-away. Yayyy! It is as simple as ABC.



One of the covers which I twitpic-ed before.



So how to win the gift-away?

First, like the Malaysian Today Facebook page.




Every Thursday, once in two weeks, get the Malaysian Today newspaper. Read line by line carefully. Look out for the ‘Secret Phrase’ which could be ANYWHERE in the pages. Then post the secret phrase on the Malaysian Today wall. Like this;




And who knows you might be lucky Winking smile


So anyhow, when I posted the “Live like you’re dying” phrase on the wall, the Malaysia Today team commented with something else like they have no clue about what did I posted. Few days later I found out they got a winner. Yeah I was a bit frustrated as I was the first to post it. But after a few days they commented again on the post.






But days went by, I was busy with the accreditation visits and all.. I hadn’t had the chance to go pick the movie ticket.


And I, shamelessly, tried again for the secret phrase for the other week.





Hahahaha. Ok fine sangat tak malu kan? Disappointed smile


But still, busy busy busy! Up till two days before the movie ticket due date, which was on the 29th of April, I had no choice but to ask cousin Effa to help picked the gift up at their office in Petaling Jaya. And look what I’ve got!!







And since I had things planned with Mum on the 30th itself, I gave the movie ticket to cousin Effa as a token of appreciation to help me getting my gift. She went to the cinema on the 30th April, but not sure what movie did she watch. Should’ve ask her. Hmm..


Anyways, thank you, Malaysian Today!!! Love ‘em much! Open-mouthed smile

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