18 Mei 2008

Pasar Minggu Jalan TAR

its been a while since i last went to pasar minggu at Jalan TAR. the last time i went there was few years back with cousin kak alice and kak mala, if i'm not mistaken. yesterday, cousin kak alice and kak lina and her children came to the house after mandi manda in sungai congkak. kak alice said things bout going to the pasar minggu and i was like, "nak ikutttttttt!!!". but she didnt go anyway. i ask mum if she want to there and she said ok.

bought some tudungs, shirt for cousin dba and haziq and boo. anf fOod is a must! lot and lot of ppl. luckily we went there quite early. it became more crowded when we were about to go home.

enjoying cendol

popia yang sedap

this is not for mum, OK!

16 Mei 2008

Update sudah!

ada orang suruh saya update. xtau nak update ape pun. so, dpt disimpulkan...

1) dah start keje RA tp macam x start je sbb belum dapat kerja yang betul2. just buat tu ni tu ni jer.

2) saya balik rumah lagi hari ni. sbb isnin cuti wesak. huhu.. baru seminggu sudah mahu pulang lagi. hebat kan?

3) saya telah berjaya mengajar orang yang sibuk suruh update blog itu webcam. semalam kami ber-webcam bertiga bersama seorang lagi cousin.

4) gossip girl e16 dan e17 juga sudah ada. sudah tengok.

5) Hari ini GG e18 is out!! tapi saya mahu balik so x bley nak download. aahhh! tidaaakkkk..!!!

6) separuh akhir piala thomas sedang berlangsung. mari menyokong Malaysia!!!!! Malaysia dah kalah ngn China....

11 Mei 2008

this one is for you...

She used to be my only enemy and never let me free
Catching me in places that I know I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad
I never thought you would become the friend I never had

Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood (So now)
So now I see through your eyes

All that you did was love

Mama I love you
Mama I care
Mama I love you
Mama my friend
(You're my friend)

I didn't want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about, about the way I used to be
Never had a sense of my responsibility

Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood (So now)
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love

Mama I love you
Mama I care
Mama I love you
Mama my friend
(You're my friend)
You're my friend

But now I'm sure I know why (I know why)
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes (I see through your eyes)
All I can give you is love (All I can give you is love)

Mama I love you
Mama i care
Mama I love you
Mama my friend

HaPpy moTher's Day....

05 Mei 2008

mother's day coming soon. what should i give/do? idea.. idea... i need some.
help me ppl!

01 Mei 2008

Happy Labour Day!

hey, peeps. kinda bored staying here with no roommate 4 a while (zyd, cepat la turun!) plus the movies+drama sharers are mostly home by now. i need to do something to survive! Full report completed and i will officially be out of student life. yayyy! congratulation, Julia! so, jOb offer? not yet. x de rezeki lagi stakat ni. mintak2 cepat la ade rezeki. will be doing R.A. here for my fyp supervisor, Dr. Azura. she's going to have her baby any time now. her 3rd child after the 1st & 2nd twin.

gossip girl is back! greatest news ever since the last 13th episode. oh! downloaded e15: desperately seeking serena by my own. yes. i will do so sbb dah xde org nak tlg download kan, as long as i can watch my beloved Rufus. huhuhu~

E14: the Blair bitch project
S comporting B

E15: Desperately seeking Serena
G - S's worst nightmare

and there's a new series that i like, Miss Guided. Staring Judy Greer (Becky Freeley), Brooke Burns (Lisa Germain), Kristoffer Polaha (Tim O’Malley) and more. The story is about the life of Becky Freeley, a guidance counselor at Glen Ellen High School which she attended when she was a teenager.

Becky tries to help guide the students so that they will cope with high school better than she did. She comes back to find her old insecurities reignited by the presence of a vixen classmate, Lisa, a very attractive lady who teaches English in the same school. Lisa is interested in a Spanish teacher, Tim who happens to be the guy Becky likes, too.

okay! hear this. Ashton Kutcher appears in episode 2, as a substitute Spanish teacher, wearing thumb rings and a guitar slung over his shoulder. i am so cair~ anybody willing to help me kill demi moore?

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