02 Jun 2008

Jalan2 Penang...Again! Part III

Botanical Garden
-located at Waterfall Road, it was built in 1884 by the British. The garden are also well-known as Waterfall Garden; as there are a waterfall at the end of the garden with the height of 122m. This garden is the another sanctuary for all , offering fresh air , beautiful lush greenery and a cool hideout!

There are lots of houses of plant; such as cactus house, fern house, and orchid house. While walking through the garden, you'll find various beautiful floras that maybe unknown to you. some of it are not even originated from Malaysia.

The tree at the right photo is the "Cannon Ball" tree. It's native to South America. It has a really beautiful flower and around the trunk it bears the fruit.

People come here to jog as early as 5.00am till late evening. Some other come to just enjoying the green beauty of the garden.

Some facilities available here are recreational or picnic areas, toilets, wheelchair access walkways, bandstand, gazebos, jogging tracks, jungle trails, resting lawns and plant nursery.

There are also a lot of monkey all over the garden. They come from everywhere. "Do not feed the monkey", warned the garden management. But who can resist? They are so cute (the babies..i mean) which encourage people to feed them fruits and nuts and even ice-cream!

30 Mei 2008

Jalan2 Penang...Again! Part II

Toy Museum
- located in front of Copthorne Orchid Hotel, at Jalan Tanjung Bungah (on the way to Feringgi), this is a must-visit place either for little kids or teenage or even adults. this is the largest toy museum in the word and 1st in Asia!

The entrance fee for adult is RM10 and RM6 for children. Open daily from 10.00 to 9.00pm. It is a reasonable price and worth for seeing over 100,000 toys, dolls and collectibles in such special museum.

Passion for toys is where it all begins, says the proud owner Loh Lean Cheng of his collections. He was inspired with toys collection after visiting the London Toy and Model Museum at the age of 19. For the past 30 years - Starting from the first toy that he bought in 1973 at 0.5 pound (Popeye), his collection just keeps on growing & growing. Today, almost everything that you ever think of (on toys) can be found here.

The wall of the museum is creatively decorated with the famous ancient Egyptian monument such as the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza.

What's inside?

Spiderman, Batman, the Power Rangers, X-Men, X-Files, Tarzan, The Simpsons, Winnie the Pooh, Barney, Snoopy, Bananas in Pyjamas, Dalmations, Toy Story, Garfield, Barbie, Ninja Turtles,

actor/actress/singers little creatures - Bruce Lee, Andy Lau, Jackie Chan, The Beatles, Kiss, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera &Michael Jackson.

life-size - Lara Croft, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Jack Sparrow (Pirates of Carribean), Shrek

what else u want to see? jast name it!
seriously u will be crazy once u step inside the museum.

More pics HERE!!

28 Mei 2008

Jalan2 Penang...Again! Part I

Pasar Chowrasta
located at jalan chowrasta facing jalan penang. source from the internet, Chowrasta means "four cross roads" in Urdu. it was originally built in 1890 by George Town municipality. it was rebuilt in 1920 and remain unchanged until 1981 when a new market was builtin its place. before, more than 3/4 stallholders were Indian Muslim.

for me, this is the jeruk heaven! you can find all kind of jeruk-mangga, cermai, "kokondong" (Rich AF4 version of kedondong), salak, and Penang famous nutmeg, also dried foods and local-foods.

i bought dodol (by grams) and jeruk mangga for myself.

semua orang pun rambang mata tengok jeruk-jeruk depan mata ni. cousin kak lina even went there twice. ntah die nak bukak kedai jeruk kat rumah ke ape. huhuhu~ sementara menbeli, jeruk2 yang ditelan oleh perut-perut kami pun dah nak sampai harga rm5 kot. nasib la ye tauke.. kitorang beli banyak tau.

the children x mintak jeruk. but they asked for buih sabun untuk ditiup2.

24 Mei 2008

it's 0116hrs.
i can't sleep.

i'm downloading csi but the internet connection is too lembap dan sengal.
so bored, rummie went back home, but still couldn't fall asleep.
think i'm too excited bout mum coming here tomorrow.
cousin sis lina coming with the whole family - hubby+amir,hilman,nurin+her mOm+kak alis - and mum come together tOo. so, will be jalan-jalan ke penang lagi saya tomorrow.
might go to the same places again~ sbb kak lina x pernah pergi lagi some places yang dah pernah bawak mum & other. but one place for sure for the children - Toy Museum - and for me too! i just love the place so much. wish i could colect toys as many as that!

i have a happy thing, an exciting thing, a 'alhamdulillah' thing coming into my life soon, InsyaAllah.. but cant burst it out yet. x confirm lagi. takut x jadi pulak. malu jer! huhu.. it's like dreams come true. ceh..ceh...
you. yes, you. the one reading this, please pray for me supaya ia akan menjadi kenyataan~ please. please. please do.

i just transfered & edited our Polymer Nite dinner video yang sudah lapuk itu. miss some of them already. some of them have started working, some are still here with me, some had already confirm will pursue their study in Master. but mostly i miss the camera-man so so much. come here! come see me now!

pics of haris zikri and nurin adrianna; our laughters and joys.

till we meet again~
nyte peeps

22 Mei 2008

little creature~

back at home last week, bongkar2 almari, kemas2 sbb nak bawak balik barang2 di kampus ini pulang ke rumah.. dalam mengemas dapat la mengumpul anak-anakku yang banyak2 dirumah. koleksi semenjak kecik2 lagi. but some of it dah bagi anak-anak buah, dah derma kat PBSM, dah jual kat LYN. so these are some more left.

mum said this was given by cousin kak lina for my birthday but cant remember what year that was. she always taught me that present given must be keep well. i know that this thing had live in my almari for at least 15 to 17 years.

most of them are presents.. dulu saye mmg suke kumpul bear2 so ramai ler yang menghadiahkan patung/bear sehingga la ke zaman skolah menengah pun...

yang baby rabbit ni pun hadiah harijadi, mak kate makcik sulungku yang bagi. pun....x ingat tahun bile. must be when i was little la kan? cuz i cant remember it as well. huhuhu~

this one was given by a primary school friend, Musrinieyanty in 1996. yang ni x tergolong di antara yang little2. sbb kene tumpang Pn.Jamaliah jugak la balik naik kete nak bawak kotak die (kalau bawak nek bas mini, pasti jahanam sudah sebelum sempat bukak kotak itu, huhuhu~). i remember that she told me she asked her mum beli hadiah before fetch her up at school that evening (mase tu sesi sekolah petang).

p/s: anybody yang nak bagi anak patung kepada saya, amatlah di alu-alukan.. walaupun harijadi lambat lagi, majlis konvo saye akan menjelang. =p

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