07 November 2007

Raya picts

Finally can upload some picts. tetibe syg pulak kat USM. hikhikhik... These are picts during raya at Dr.Zul's place (27 oct 2007)

Julia, midah & nurul

some of the gentlemen

our dr.Zul Ariff, the tuan rumah

polymer engineers-to-be. aminnnn....

peja & myBee

the ladies

05 November 2007


internet in campus macam ntah pape. i cannot upload any single picts. =( mcm die swuh stadi je exam2 ni kan....

03 November 2007


i've decided to rename my blog-name for no particular reason. (",)

01 November 2007

to kill my boredom


Favorite fast food restaurant? Mc'd
Favorite sit-down restaurant? at the mean time, A.Rahman Nasi Kandar, Parit Buntar
How much tip do you leave? 0
Something you could eat for twoweeks and not get sick of it? MeGgi
Pizza toppings of choice? pizza Hut's bbQ chicken


Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
Have you ever had anything removedfrom your body? nope
What was d last heavy item u lastlifted? heavy item? urm..my nephew is heavier.
Have you ever been unconscious? never


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? i think so. so i can be well-prepared
If you could change your name, whatwould you change it to? Norfaratul Akma - mum said that was the name she planned to give to me
What color looks best on you? chocolate
Have you ever swallowed a non-fooditem by mistake? not sure. x ingat lak


Would you kiss a member of the samesex for $100? urm..best x?? huhu~
Would you allow one of your littlefingers to be cut off for $200,000? if i really need that money to save some1 life, maybe..
Would you never blog again for$50,000? yes, i will
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? no way
Would you take someone's life for$1,000,000? kalau dgn kewujudan die menyusahkn hdp org lain.haha..


What is in your left pocket? Tissue
Is Napoleon Dynamite a good movie? dUnno
Do you sit or stand in the shower? stand
How many flip flops do you own? entah
What would you be when you grow up? a gEwd wife =p


Friend you talked to? zyDah
Last person who called you? bOYfriend
Person you hugged? mum
Person you kissed? aLiff hilman.. cOusin's Son


Missing someone? very much
Mood? boring
Listening to? paula Deanda feat Bow Wow - Easy
Watching? nothing
Worrying about? EXAM!!


First place you went this morning? toilet kot? or kedai fotostat
What can you not wait to do? jalan-jalan
Do you smile often? mAybe

24 Oktober 2007

penang's lanca

mum send me back to campus with kak alice (cousin) and hilman (cousin kak lina's son). so we stayed in penang for 2 nites. what i like to share is.. after 4 years spending time in USM and spending a lot of times in penang, at last, i took a lanca ride. (beca in penang is called lanca)*wink*

me & dek man on a lanca - pusing2 padang kota

and there were also some places we went like botanical garden, feringgi beach and its pasar malam, kek lok si and toy museum. mum wished to go to some other places but unfortunately it kept raining while she was here... so, here we go!

i love trees & flowers. tree = hindustan scenes. hehe... @ penang's botanical garden

hilman @ feringgi beach

kura-kura yang berebut nak makanan dr kami @ kek lok si

me yang dah gemok with lovely mummy berlatarbelakangkan penang bridge.
exact location = depan Queensbay Mall

cousin Sis Alice @ Masjid Terpung Batu Feringgi

aliff hiLman + Feri

09 10