15 Mei 2010

Congratulations Taufiq & Asiah

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 15 May '10, 4.01pm MYT PST]

Selamat Pengantin Baru Kok Leong ( @ Taufiq) & Asiah yg selamat diijabkabul pd 14 Mei 2001.
Gambar persandingan di rumah pengantin perempuan di Tanjung Piandang, Perak.

12 Mei 2010

I love the 3D Google Maps!!

I’ve been using Google Maps, either on Desktop or mobile, quite often since i like to go here and there. Google Maps help me like a lot especially when i go travelling to places I’ve never been before. And when I get lost when driving (and since my MapKing doesn’t really work, thank u so much –__-“ ) i know i can count on Google Maps! XD

Anyhow, talking about Google Maps for desktop/website, i super duper like the latest version of Google Maps.

You see.. instead of using this map view…


or this satellite view…


you can view Google Maps in 3D!!!!


Since i downloaded the 3D plug-in for Google Maps, I can’t stop viewing all the cities all over the world to see the great building like Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty also the Sphinx.

Plus, I GoogleMap-ed this.


USM, Engineering Campus in satellite view.


Now….in 3D view!! hehe :D

What else?


Malaysia National Museum, Kuala Lumpur


Where my heart is, the city of Kuala Lumpur. :’)


and this.. Penang Bridge, yaw! Cool isn’t it?

lets find some other cool places! :D


Just to tempt you more to play around with Google Maps 3D, here for you.

(Source: Google Maps)


09 Mei 2010

You’re the best mum ever.

‘Nuff said.


   201005071459002 201005071458001201005071459003

I love you, Ma.



Am so busy struggling with the thesis writing and the journal paper, used all my energy & creative thinking in writing that I’m left with no idea what to write for my Mum... :((

Anyways, these are the last 2 years of my Mother’s Day post.






I wish I’ll finish my Masters soon, very very soon and come back to KL and take care of you. And start working and buy you nice stuffs, and bring you to travel all around the world. Please wait for the day it happens patiently ma.. You know the day will come eventually.. That’s a promise.




05 Mei 2010

Siapa lagi nak sayang budaya dan tradisi kalau bukan kita, kan?

Hujung minggu yang lepas, pergi menonton Teater Teratak Minang dengan bonda dan sepupu, Adiba. Menonton teater adalah satu kegemaran yang dikongsi bersama bonda. Setakat ni, cuma beberapa kali je pergi menonton teater dengan kawan2,  ke 1 je kot. Teater Cindai – dengan Sharmi dan Sharifah. Yang lain2, baik teater kanak-kanak, teater muzikal, semua nya pergi menonton dengan bondaku.

So, anyways, Teratak Minang memang sangat menarik tertarik kau mmg da bomb la! Tapi kali ni belum nak cerita pasal teater tu, next post ey.

Kali ni nak cerita kenapa tertarik sangat nak tengok Teratak Minang. Dari kecik kecik lg memang suke sangat tarian dan menari2 ni. Lebih lebih lagi tarian2 tradisional Melayu seperti Zapin, Joget, Inang, Masri etc.
Dulu start menari untuk kelab, masa sekolah rendah. Tapi sbb kurniaan yg Tuhan beri, walaupun sekolah rendah, dpt menari dgn kakak2 & abang2 sbb tinggi lebih kurang dorang je. Cikgu tarian yang 1st nama die Cikgu Ismail. Masa tu ada blaja satu tarian, nama tarian tu Tari Indang. Lagu Tari Indang ni dalam bahasa Minang. Kire lagu ni memang terkenal la bagi orang2 yg layan lagu traditional or lagu Minang, spesifik nya.
Lepas tu, atas sebab2 tertentu, berhenti menari, minat terkubur.

Sampailah masa zaman belajar kat Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan tahun 2003/04. Ada Karnival Kokurikulum Matrikulasi (KAKOM) 2003, di mana salah satu pertandingan adalah pertandingan tarian tradisional. So ape lagi. Macam bulan jatuh ke riba. Terus bagi nama nak join. :D

001The dancers, Diotari

002The musicians, Bongai 

So anyways, nama kumpulan penari kami Diotari (Dio means dia, so macam nak kata “dia menari”) and pemuzik Bongai. Kumpulan Bongai lebih kurang dengan kumpulan Caklempong, cuma berbeza sedikit pada alat muzik yang digunakan. Oh, btw, KMNS satu-satunya kumpulan yang main muzik live pada KAKOM 2003. :D

Masa ni, choreographer kami, Cikgu Sham banyak ajar bahasa Minang (note that bahasa Minang N9 isn’t really the same with bahasa Minang Padang), adat2 Minang, lagu2 Minang dan tarian kami juga lebih berunsurkan Minang.

Masa ni juga lah mula melayan lagu2 Minang dari penyanyi2 Minang terkenal spt Elly Kasim dan Eddy Silitonga dari Indonesia, juga Ally Noor dan Mastura dari Malaysia.

8423_123982738043_575488043_2385698_3392637_nSebahagian dari keluarga Bongai & Diotari, KMNS 2003/04 masa farewell party. Rindu korang :’(

I just think that it’s so cool & nice to have a culture that u hold on, since I was born & raised in KL, I don’t really hold on to any specific culture, or even dialect.

So anyhow… untuk anak anak nogoghi, ini yo la lagu yang mancaghito kan tantang kaindahan nogoghi sambilan. enjoy!!!

“Budayo disanjung tinggi,
adat Popatih dijago,
sedetik dilupo tidak,
dilupo tidak…”

Tunggu update pasal Teratak Minang pulak, k. Spoiler alert!! I FALL IN LOVE WITH IMAM RELLYGIUS TARTUSI!! Hahahahaha

p/s: I still haven’t got the book Dansa by Sasha Bashir… takde ke sape2 nak belanje…. :((

04 Mei 2010

USM Engineering Campus Library

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 4 May '10, 2.30pm MYT PST]

Yay! Live update from the library,ya'll! So anyways i've received the notice of thesis submission, which stated that i need to submit my thesis within 3 months period from 3rd of June, and i still hav a lot more to write - which means from now on... hardwork & struggles!

So, lets start working working working, Juls!!

25 April 2010

Postcard from Mummy

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 25 Apr '10, 2.50pm MYT PST]

I like postcards. To receive one, to send one and to collect. Thats d main reason i join the Postcrossing.com.

Few days ealier i received a postcard sent to my hostel, signed by my Mum. Which on the postcard written "OPTIMISM : People who attempt the difficult often attain the impossible". If i'm not mistaken, d last card i receive from Mum (beside birthday cards) was during my undergraduate years.

Mum,thank you so much. I need this now, during my hard days finishing my thesis writing. You're the best. Love you! =)

-your only daughter-
09 10