14 Disember 2010


[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 14 Dec '10, 1.43pm MYT PST]

Menyedihkan. Rasa nak sepak2 je org yang buat tiang tiangtkat KL ni macam hak milik sendiri. Kalau nak sgt tampal, tampal ah kat bilik tidur korang sendiri. Ganti poster2 artis kat bilik tu. Tapi, org kalau x bertanggungjawab, cakap apa pun apa diorang kisah, kan?

13 Disember 2010

Setulus Kaseh Charity Dinner with @maherzain - by Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Aid Malaysia

Hey guys, as some of you might know, I’ve been blogging about Rumah Titian Kaseh (RTK) for a few times by now. I was also invited  by Mr. Muhammad from Donate For Ummah – the man who always gives his hand to help the unfortunate from RTK  as a writer for the RTK blog ( I didn’t really write a lot there tho.. huhu... my bad -_-" ) Anyway, he asked me to help to promote a charity dinner with the most charming male singer of the moment, Maher Zain they’ve been planning.


11 Disember 2010

My girl, @edhakuchan2607's wedding

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 11 Dec '10, 9.57am MYT PST]

Am now at Masjid Saidina Omar AlKhatab, Bukit Damansara for my other darling, Eda Edlina. Just a month ago Sha got married and now Eda, and insyaAllah will be followed by Sharmi next. The bride and groom are ready, just wait for the akad nikah to begin.
All the best to, Abg Ham & Eda! ;D

09 Disember 2010

Agro Bazar @ RnR Ulu Bernam

When I was on my way back home from campus, i received an SMS from mum telling me to stop by at RnR Ulu Bernam (southbound) to buy her the famous Putu Perak. Me, myself has never tried the putu Perak. Mum said she read it in the newspaper about the Putu Perak. In case you’re travelling southbound and wanna give it a try, stop by RnR Ulu Bernam and look for Zie’s Taste.

Pencemaran udara melampau!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 9 Dec '10, 3.23pm MYT PST]

Dalam perjalanan balik ke kuala lumpur, sampai dekat area ipoh nampak asap hitam yang banyak. Ingatkan rumah terbakar tapi rupa rupanya asap tu asap dr kilang. Teruk gila. Kilang tu sangat tak bertanggungjawab dan mengakibatkan pencemaran udara melampau. Tak sayang alam sekitar betul!

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