24 Februari 2010

My name is Julia. And I’m not a terrorist.


“My name is Rizvan Khan. I might seem a little different to you. That is because I have Aspergers Syndrome. It is named after Dr Hans Aspersers who first noticed the traits in children. Having Aspergers does not mean I am stupid. I am very intelligent, but I don't understand people. I don't know why people say things they don't mean. For example, they say come to my house any time, and when I go to their house they say why have you come at this time? Sometimes people think I am rude. I don't mean to be rude, being rude is not good. My mother said there are only good people and bad people in the world and I am a good person...”

 My Name is Khan is a must see movie. Fullstop.


Since i missed “3 Idiots” during the show in cinema, i wanted to make sure i won’t miss My Name is Khan starring my favourite Shahrukh Khan and the lovely Kajol, directed by Karan Johar. Shahrukh and Kajol – what a better combination could it be right? Even better with the touch of Karan. I like them as movie partne r since the Baazigar, Karan Arjun, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and up until the memorable 2001 Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham. 9 years of waiting for another pairing in a good movie. The Karan-Shah Rukh-Kajol combo strikes once more!

I went to watch My Name is Khan yesterday. And I regret that i didn’t watch it sooner. Damn it was a great movie. But of course, there are still a few gap here and there. And for some of you, may be you won’t really like this movie because of the religion issue. Mind you one thing, you won’t see any dancing scene choreographed in this music. No romantic item like Suraj Hua Madham.. or enjoyable songs and dance like Koi Mil Gaya. A bit frustrating for me tho. :P


Short synopsis:

Rizvan Khan, a Muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers Syndrome, falls in love with Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together. They are happy until September 11, 2001 when attitudes towards Muslims undergo a sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is devastated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love of his life has left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America.

Attention please!

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 24 Feb '10, 1.55pm MYT PST]

Antara kesan yg timbul selepas kemalangan yang meragut nyawa seorang pelajar USM Kampus Kejuruteraan,kat lampu isyarat pun ditampal peringatan supaya x langgar lampu merah.
Tapi ada gak yang langgar lampu merah tadi.. *sigh*

22 Februari 2010

Rumah Titian Kasih, Titiwangsa

If u ever came across my entry about PBSM Malaysia located in Jalan Nipah, off Jalan Ampang, KL, you’ll remember about the unused item (mostly clothes) yang kami sekeluarga hantar as a donation so that they can sell and use the money for their PBSM activity.

So few months back, i did a closet clearance and have some clothes that I don’t use anymore and wanted to send it off to PBSM. Then call cousins & aunts tanya kalau2 ada jugak barang nak hantar sana, boleh kumpul2 hantar sekali. tetiba bila dah kumpul macam banyak pulak. then mum said, this time x payah hantar kat PBSM la. she read about an orphanage home, Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK), near Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. So she gave me the address and I went there with my aunt & cousin. Masa tu, pergi, hantar clothes and some dry foods, then balik. Nothing much.


Lebih kurang seminggu yang lepas, sepupu ada buat kenduri tahlil hari ke 40 untuk pakcik kat rumah atuk (the same house i live in). Masa kenduri tu, kami ada buat bungkusan2 makanan2 kering (kueh mueh, buah, jelly etc) untuk bagi pada tetamu2. So, sepupu tu buat la lebih sebab nak sedekah kat rumah anak yatim sikit. Ikutkan rumah yang kitorang pergi tu, ada la dalam 50 orang mcm tu kot (anggaran je).

So esok tu, kitorang pun pergi la ke Rumah Titian Kasih tu, bawak bungkusan2 tu dan ada baju2 dari ahli keluarga yang x digunakan lagi.

Sampai-sampai kami carik Mak Pah, pengurus rumah tu. Mak Pah kata x ramai orang hari tu sebab ada orang bawak diorang pergi kenduri kahwin. Ok, x kisah lah tu.

Mak Pah tanya kami pernah pergi tak rumah lagi satu, rumah yang menempatkan anak2 perempuan. Ohhh.. rupanya baru kami tahu rumah yang ni ialah rumah lelaki, tapi sebab pejabat kat sini so Mak Pah selalu kat sini. Rumah lagi satu rumah perempuan. Mak Pah kata kat rumah perempuan ada orang OKU dan warga emas jugak. Mak Pah ajak kami pergi rumah tu. Ok gak. sebab x pernah pergi tengok pun.


Sementara tunggu Mak Pah and pergi rumah perempuan, kami beli la sikit2 makanan2 yang dijual, hasil tangan ibu2 tunggal di sini, sebagai salah satu punca pendapatan. Ada kerepek, kuih dan acar buah.
Sampai kat rumah perempuan, tengok x ramai orang. Mak Pah kata ada yang pergi kem motivasi, ada yang pergi kenduri kahwin.

Masuk dalam rumah tu, ternampak ada seorang kanak-kanak perempuan ni. nampak macam umur 2-3 tahun. Duduk sorang2 je. Mak Pah bagi satu bungkusan yang kamu bawak tu. dia masuk bilik, duduk sorang2 je terkial-kial nak bukak bungksan tu. Bila nampak die macam susah nak bukak tu, kitorang datang kat dia nak tolong dia..

DSC05817nama panggilan dia kak cik. ayah kak cik baru je meninggal. ibu kak cik xtau la pulak mane.

DSC05819see that’s my niece, Nurin in yellow shirt. she’s 4+ years old. kak cik is much smaller than Nurin,kan. But she’s actually 5. Mak Pah kata dia sangat x cukup makan, x cukup zat before masuk RTK ni. Kak Cik ada 2 org abang yang sama2 tinggal di sini.

Then, there’s a girl named Nana. 24 years old. I can’t remember ape nama penyakit dia Mak Pah ada bagitau. But she talks reaaalllyy slow. bukan gagap. she kept on asking “mana ibu nana…?” “kenapa ibu x datang..?” she called cousin Kak Lina, aunt and my mum “Ibu…Ibu….”.. and she kept on repeating “Mak Pah baik… jaga kami….mak Pah baik sangat….”  Mak Pah cakap diorang pun x tau kat mana ibu Nana sebenarnya..

DSC05822DSC05826meet Nana. :)

DSC05830 Anak yatim, OKU, ibu tunggal, warga emas – all in a place they call heaven, Rumah Titian Kasih (Mak Pah is the one on the right,  in blue kurung and grey tudung)

DSC05832DSC05834 DSC05835
This is Haziq and his sister Farah. both parents are alive. but sadly dua-dua bermasalah, and pity this beautiful kids, kat sini tempat mereka akan membesar.. i wonder where are the other family member..grandparents? aunties? uncles? :(

bercerita pasal pergi Rumah Titian Kasih ni bukan dengan tujuan nak berlagak. kami pun bukan orang senang sangat pun. tapi kami teringin nak tolong setakat mana yang mampu. InsyaAllah, Allah tahu niat kami ikhlas.
and i hope and pray, kalau la ada yang lebih mampu, bantu-bantu lah mereka ni jugak. RTK bukan di bawah biayaan Jabatan Kerajaan Masyarakat ataupun Baitimal. They stand on their own feet. and they need help.

Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK)
62A-2, Lorong Maran Off Jalan Kuantan,
Tasik Titiwangsa, 53200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel/Fax: 03-4025 5246

Penghuni: 85 orang
Ibu Tunggal: 20 org
Anak2 Yatim: 51 org
OKU: 12 org
Warga Emas: 2 org
In charge: Sharifah Adlan (Mak Pah) - 019-645 5769, 03-40255246

“Mum, i love you so much. thanks for everything. thanks for the 25 years of struggles to take care of me. did your best to make me who i am today. i know it was hard for you. but u did it anyway. thanksss! everyday should be mother’s day. How lucky I am to have you… :) “

Good morning,Nibong Tebal

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 22 Feb '10, 8.49am MYT PST]

I'm back to campus. Good morning campus,we meet again.
Btw,this the view from my room. This is d best view ever i ever get to see in d morning compare to my previous rooms during my 6 years here. I can see d sun rises every morning :)

Happy monday!

21 Februari 2010


[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 21 Feb '10, 1.26am MYT PST]

Seriously?! Can't u just lepak kat Starbucks tu tgn tu duk diam2? drink your coffee or tea, or borak dgn kawan2,or online main laptop tu diam2, x perlu keluarkan pen dan tunjuk kreativiti melukis sana sini. *sigh*

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