02 Ogos 2018

Homemade pumpkin puree with Autumnz Baby Food Processor

When Balqis turned 6 months old, I was so excited to make her first puree to feed her with all scheduled and all. I made her food in a very conventional way - steamed on the kitchen, blend with a blender - one by one. I was just a student back then and had all the time needed to prepare her food.

But when Bilal was about 5 months old, I could imagine that I wouldn't have the time to prepare his food like I used to do for his sister. As I am currently working and need to leave house as early as 7 plus, reach home at almost 7 every day, and rush to cook dinner and wash cloth and so on and so forth, I knew I needed some help. Then I found one! It's the Autumnz 2-in-1 Baby Food Processor!

Autumnz Baby Food Processor is so convenient, it helps busy parents like me a quick and efficient way to prepare baby food. It is a steam and blend in one appliance, hence no more washing two or three kitchen stuff to prepare baby food.

I've been using it since Bilal turned 6 months old until now, for about 5 months now and yes - I would totally recommend it!

Since I love it so much, I made this tutorial video to show you how easy it is to use it. Check this out.

(This is not a sponsored post.)

01 Ogos 2018

Visit to LittleWhiz Setia Alam for Car Seat Shopping

When looking for a new car seat last weekend, we decided to visit LittleWhiz.com in Setia Alam as they are one of the shops with Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. And to our luck, Mr Louis Tan of LittleWhiz, their Certified CPS Technician Instructor was there that day.

He shared in detail on child passenger safety to the customers and gave advise on how to choose the right child car seat or booster for our kids, suitability depends on car, correct way to install the seat etc.

03 Julai 2018

Aktiviti Messy Play di Dr Nurhaya Lactation Centre

'Messy Play' atau sensory play adalah penting untuk perkembangan kanak-kanak kecil dengan memberikan mereka pelbagai cara belajar secara tidak langsung yang menyeronokkan.

'Messy Play' dapat membantu kanak-kanak dalam banyak cara, untuk bertenang, meluahkan perasaan mereka, bereksperimen dengan bahan-bahan yang berbeza, belajar tentang tekstur dan mengasahkan koordinasi mata-tangan atau melatih kemahiran menuang, mengukur dan mencampur.

Ia juga merupakan aktiviti membantu meningkatkan kemahiran sosial walaupun tidak terlalu bergantung pada kata-kata. Kanak-kanak boleh bermain bersama dan berkongsi hasil penemuan mereka dari 'Messy Play' tanpa perlu menjelaskan perkara-perkara tersebut secara lisan.

SO, hari tu Mummy bawak Balqis untuk join aktiviti Messy Play di Dr Nurhaya Lactation Centre. Seronok sangat Balqis bermain dengan semua "mess" yang ada. Harap dengan join dan melalukan aktiviti seperti ini, dapat lah membantu meningkatkan motor skill dia. Sebenarnya, salah satu sebab nak bawak dia sebab nak bagi dia bersosial sikit. "Social skill" pun penting untuk perkembangan anak-anak jugak.

Jom tengok video ni - sekitar aktiviti Messy Play di Dr Nurhaya Lactation Centre pada 1 Julai 2018.

05 April 2018

Visit to KL Tower Mini Zoo

The KL Tower Mini Zoo is located just before the entrance to the KL Tower. The concept is similar to Farm in The City in Seri Kembangan. I think it is managed by the same company/group. Some of the animals in the zoo are birds, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, rabbits, monkeys, foxes, raccoons, tortoises and alpacas. 

Balqis loved the alpaca so much that she keeps on telling us about how she touched the alpaca till today.

16 November 2016

Don't break the chain!

I was having a major writer's block. 

I stared at the blank page on the screen for hours. Kept on flipping on the printed journal papers on my desk for hours.

Still nothing.

Then I found one of the videos on PhD and thesis writing saved about a year back titled "How to Finish Your PhD Thesis in 6 Months Even if You Have No Idea What to Write". So I spent my lunch time watching and listening to the video, hoping by the time I finished listening, I finally know what and how to write.

The first tips given by the speaker, Scott Rank from thescholarpreneur.com is;
He mentioned how by writing EVERY DAY, even a non-academic, non-PhD related, would help the PhD thesis writing eventually. 

Just keep on writing.

If possible, have a daily writing target or goal to meet.

Just draft whatever you can think of.

Write, write, write.

"A simple habit to help you write every day."

So, here I am - writing.

Hope this is the start to a longer (non-academic) write up and eventually the journal paper and thesis writing.

(And hope to regularly update this blog again, too. :P)


Wish me luck, guys!
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