04 Ogos 2009

saya yang kebosanan


i had a pretty boring and dull week. campus is somehow lengang gila mengalahkan time2 cuti sem. at least during sem break, there are also FYP student or last time still got a lot of PostGrad students before most of them moved outside and rent houses (atas sebab dihalau asrama konon nye x cukup bilik and nasib baik sy masih dpt duduk asrama.hehe).

H1N1 case is getting serious when they announced the 8th death, yesterday. This is quite serious compare to any other virus cases that we faced before. Lots of campuses and schools are closed due to many students caught fever. And USM Engineering campus is still closed until tomorow, 5th August 2009. Hopefully those student who had been quarantined for high fever before the campus was closed last week is getting better and can start their classes as usual.

Ok, now she has her own web? let's spam people! hahaha. gile jahat. sila abaikan. ;p

Oh! for those who follow me on Twitter, you might come across this:
Pardon my language. >_<

Yes. dah la mase Baiti sms-ed i was driving so agak riuh sikit dalam kereta (disebabkan sy sendiri). and sampai rumah keep on asking her on why were Shahrukh Khan and Rani Mukherjee in KL, for what etc. And she can't really talk on the phone pon sbb she in the middle of the dinner, as a press. Later she mms-ed SRK's pict yang kinda made me jump jump kat rumah sampai kene marah dengan mak sebab bising. haha. and then she called:

"....you owe me dinner, you know. i did not had my dinner so that i can take SRK pict for you. he's entertaining during the dinner. and i have a 7 minutes video of him bla bla bla...."

Told ya!! "and eventho she doesn't like Hindi movie, she can proudly say the 'Meh Tumsei Pyar Karti Hu' and always remember that i love Hindi movie." to be added, she remembers how i just love SRK! haha.

Nanim my sunshine (sambil menyanyi lagu You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey... ;p) ! u know i love you so much! ok ok i owe u dinner. later when i'm home and when i see you k. but don't forget to give me the video first or else no dinner. hehe.

03 Ogos 2009

and he turns 2!!


and 2 years 2 days later..another cute little boy was born.
he is Along's & Abg Zuraidy's first child.
he likes ultraman. he likes upin & ipin. well, almost all children are.
(even the adults pon suka)

he is also our sweetheart who always makes us smile.
and he is now a big bro to baby hadief.
he is our..
Harris Zikri.

happy 2nd birthday harris sayang...!
semoga membesar menjadi anak yang soleh.
jadi anak yang mendengar kata & mengenang jasa umi dan ayah.

01 Ogos 2009

she is 4 today....


4 years ago, a cute little baby girl was born...
today, she's 4.
she's our joy & laughter. she puts smiles on our faces.
she likes to sing. she likes to dance. or even shuffle.
she likes nubhan. like a lot!
she likes taking photograph. and she takes nice picture, x tipu.
she is...
Nurin Adrianna.

happy 4th birthday nurin sayang..!

semoga membesar menjadi anak yang solehah.
dan semoga dimurahkan rezeki & sihat selalu.

29 Julai 2009

Kesinambungan cerita semalam.......


7.00 pagi
Kecoh sekejap kat kampus kejuruteraan USM Nibong Tebal bila ada notis ditampal bahawa kampus akan ditutup selama 7 hari bermula 29 Julai sehingga 5 Ogos 2009.

Ape lagi..memang kekecohan gila lah. call mak. update facebook status. tweet. what else? haha. Pastu bila kesedaran dah kembali, baru la sedar lapar..and nak pegi breakfast dgn roommate. sampai kat guard, kene patah balik sbb no one is allowed to go out of campus without doing the medical check up. isk.nak g makan je pon. so patah balik ke kafe staff utk makan, sambil bergosip tentang cuti sempena h1n1 ini.

dimaklumkan bhw pelajar PostGrad dikecualikan dari cuti. haiisshhh~ mengapakah kami kena merisikokan diri kami ni? tp since xde kes positif lagi, xpe la. kene tenangkan jiwa raga dulu.

Pastu pegi kafe lembaran untuk membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan. Gila ramai orang. yg tensionnye tgk bdk2 siap bawak beg besar2 lagi pulak tu. sbb ada pengangkutan disediakan untuk ke Parit Buntar & Butterworth.

beberapa jam kemudian..

GEORGETOWN: Kampus kejuruteraan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di Nibong Tebal ditutup selama seminggu, mulai hari ini selepas 20 pelajarnya dikesan dijangkiti penyakit seperti influenza atau ILI.
Perkara itu disahkan Timbalan Pendaftarnya, Mohamad Abdullah menerusi satu kenyataan media di sini, sebentar tadi.
"Hanya aktiviti akademik serta kuliah ditangguhkan dan ia akan dijadualkan semula nanti. "Aktiviti lain akan berjalan seperti biasa," katanya.

(sumber : Berita harian Online)

kami yang student2 PG masih x berpuas hati nih. dah la duduk dalam kampus, di mana ade pelajar yang dikuarantinkan. iskkkk.

dah abes melepak bergosip dan segalanya, balik bilik , check email...

"...Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar, sehinggalah jam 10.40 pagi tadi apabila dimaklumkan bahawa ujian makmal Kementerian Kesihatan yang dijalankan ke atas sampel yang dihantar mendapati empat orang pelajar positif Influenza A (H1N1). Sekali lagi keadaan menjadi panik seketika dan satu perjumpaan dengan Ketua Jabatan serta pegawai-pegawai perubatan diadakan untuk mengetahui apa tindakan yang perlu diambil seterusnya..."

Bagaimana dengan Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi?
Kelas dan makmal untuk pelajar Ijazah Tinggi berjalan seperti biasa dan mereka bolehlah berhubung terus dengan Dekan atau Timbalan Dekan untuk mengetahui perkembangan."

Penolong Pendaftar Kanan
Pejabat Pengarah

uwaaaaaaa...!! nak balikk! oh supervisor...tolong la..saya mahu balik..


28 Julai 2009

Influenza A H1N1 is spreading in the campus..??

What is the A (H1N1) influenza?

It is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. It regularly causes high flu outbreaks in pigs but with low death rates. There are four main sub-types of the virus, but the most recent isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses.

By today, almost everyone in the country are so alert with this viruses and disease. I can say that when someone caught a fever, he/she would go to see the doctor as soon as possible because the virus had been spreading quite wildly. I as well am pretty scared of the disease as till today, there is no vaccine available to protect against the A (H1N1) flu. Further more, the viruses can be transmitted as easy as respiratory droplets and direct contact (skin or fomites).

Last night at 7-ish, there was a hostel officer came into our block and made an announcement that the Pusat Kesihatan is opened until night. Roomate & I discussed about it and we came to the conclusion that it was because of the H1N1 issue, and that they are taking precaution steps in case anyone caught a fever. Then few minutes later i was talking to a junior and he said that there were 28 students before him at the Pusat Kesihatan waiting to see the doctor. isn't that a freaking a lot of people?? 28 student demam in the same day? it sounds pretty scary to me, ok.

Then during dinner, a friend received 2 sms saying that one of our student had been a H1N1 suspect. i was a bit shocked+surprised+etc. but i was eating kan..so, makan dulu baru sambung terkejut.haha. so i refuse to believe it, because the news did give me a goose bump. so bla bla bla..went back, did some work etc etc etc. there was a knocked on the door around 1215am. the knock sounded harsh so agak mcm kelam kabut nak bukak pintu. and to my surprise (again!) there were 4 people, with one of them holding a book, asking for name & phone number & school & matrix no. and the other older woman took a thermometer to check my body temperature. so, what was that for, and she said that they were checking room to room, EVERYONE. to check if anyone caught a fever. sampai macam tu??? it made me scared gile sangat.

This morning when i reached school around 9.15am, i saw Dr.Nurul, our hostel penggawa (warden) talking on the phone and i caught a few lines sounds like this..

"..diorang kene pindah sekarang jugak. Kene kosongkan aras 3 tu."

i thought they want to do some more renovation or whatever so xlah nak hirau sangat. Then..

"..carik nombor telepon student, call diorang."

ok. kenapa sangat nak kelam kabut,usually they'll give letter like a few weeks before ker..so that the students will get ready. hati macam dah x sedap lagi.

"..suruh pindah seminggu, bawak baju je pindah xpayah kosongkan barang. Dr.Meenal suruh kosongkan aras tu."

now i really don't like it when Dr.Meenal's name came out in the conversation. What's the relationship between a doctor from pusat kesihatan with hostel things? okay. mintak2 saya telah salah dengar perbualan itu & nothing serious is going on.

bubbles darling, take care of yourself. insyaAllah xde pape.. :)

*edited @ 1.30pm*

konfem Blok 1 aras 3 dah dikosongkan!
and everyone on campus starts wearing mask.

09 10