17 Oktober 2011

Bubbles' new patchwork sling bag

When I go travel, I always need another bag  beside the backpack to bring my stuff (camera, purse, handphones, tissues etc) here and there. I don't prefer ladies handbag because it won't look nice with my shoes. I normally wear sneakers or just sandals, with exception to flats once in a while. And I prefer sling bag than a tote. I just feel more comfortable and secure as and when I need to move fast.

The border of Wang Kelian (Perlis) and Satun (Thailand)

14 Oktober 2011

Syawal's Jejak Tanah ceremony

Last week, cousin Angah invited me to attend her son, Syawal's Jejak Tanah ceremony. Angah has the Rawa (Rao) bloodline on his father's side. Syawal is my third nephew who did this jejak tanah thing according to the Rawa tradition after cousin Along's sons, Harris and Hadief.

And no, I don't have the Rawa blood in me. I just have the interest in people tradition and culture. Another ceremony that I wish to attend and watch is the Lenggang Perut. You know... the ceremony for the 7-months pregnant mother-to-be, er.. well I don't really know what they do. But I do mean Lenggang Perut, ok. Not that oh-so-modern baby shower thing. So if you or any of your family/friend is having your/her Lenggang Perut, please invite me ok. *buat muka tak malu sikit*

Anyway, you can read about the detail flow of the Jejak Tanah ceremony on my previous post I wrote for Hadief's jejak tanah (click here). Yes, I'm that lazy to write everything up again. Huhu.

Enjoy the simple video here, follows by the not-so-many pictures took during the ceremony.

29 September 2011

Mark your date - the Sushi Bonanza is back!

Yes you heard is right! Mark your calendar, organizer, diary, smartphones, tablet, Outlook calendar, Google calendar whatever it is - the Sushi King Card RM2 Bonanza is back in town this October!!

Sabah & Sarawak :  3 - 6 October 2011
Selangor & KL : 17 - 20 October 2011
Penang, Perak, Kedah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Johor & Pahang : 31 October - 3 November 2011

But of course, there are always terms and conditions applied. Click on image above to read them.

Anyway, looking at the dates for KL outlets... anyone wants to treat me for birthday? :P

24 September 2011

Akhirnya berjaya merajinkan diri membuat puding roti berkuah kastad

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 24 Sep '11, 8.53pm MYT]

Puding roti ni salah satu makanan kegemaran jugak. Tapi tak pernah try buat sendiri. Selalu makan kat mana2 buffet atau yang makcik2 pernah buat. Tapi lagi suka makan puding roti kalau yang hidang dengan kuah kastad sekali.
Dari minggu lepas dah beli susu roti semua tapi asyik malas je nak buat. Dari hari ke hari, akhirnya tadi berjaya merajinkan diri membuat puding roti jugak. Dengan kuah kastad sekali. Yayyyy! Puas hati dengan masakan sendiri. Ok lah for first timer kan. Mak pun kata ok. Hehe. Pasni boleh buat lagi! :D

20 September 2011

Cenderahati dari Vietnam

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 20 Sep '11, 12.31pm MYT]

Pagi-pagi dapat call dari Kak Hazrina kat Chancellery suruh datang ambil barang. So pergi lah ke Chancellery untuk mengambil barang yang dimaksudkan. They're souvenirs from Vietnam, from the kakaks - kak hazrina, kak azura and along. They went to Vietnam last week till yesterday with the IMU staff trip. Thank you, kakaks!

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