03 November 2011

Susah juga kalau pemikiran terlalu sempit

Semalam ternampak satu screen shot Google Translate yang dikongsi oleh satu group yang agak banyak yang 'Like' kat Facebook. Gambar yang dikongsi tu pun tak kurang banyak jugak la yang 'like' dan komen. 

Panas, kan?

31 Oktober 2011

Portable charger - the birthday present from IMU

I was away to Penang exactly the day after my birthday, when I got an email from my Manager.

"Need you to tell me what you want for your b'day. Each staff dapat budget RM150. This way you get something you want rather benda you tak minat."

I then remember that she once told me that all staff are eligable for a RM150 worth present for their birthday from IMU. I told my manager to get me a portable charger or anything she think might be practical for me i.e for travelling purpose. But later she told to just get anything by myself, then claim. Yeah.. she being herself memang lambat la kalau nak pergi beli. (hehe sorry bos :p )

So yeahh I got myself a portable battery charger, the Energizer XP2001 :D

27 Oktober 2011

Meeting the Buttercup and Blossom juniors

Besides went for food hunting in Penang last weekend, I also went to Kulim to visit my lovely, very own Buttercup and Blossom - Zydah and Nurul and their princess. Zydah and Nurul had been a very close friend to me since my first year in USM, back in 2004.

Zydah, Nurul & me. 2005.

26 Oktober 2011

Yang dirindui di Penang

Last weekend I was requested by my supervisor to come and see him due to my unfinished thesis problem. As much as I was worried to go and think about my thesis, I looked forward to come to Penang for some reasons too. One of them was for its food. Yes, I am so much in love with Penang food and I've missed some of them since my very short trip to Penang like 3 months ago. So I decided to full fill my crave for Penang food and I made sure to check in Foursquare and counted the 'Yang dirindui di Penang #'. :P

Cheese Naan + Tandoori Set (Kapitan)

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