06 Mac 2012

Less crazy pose, more serious pose

Baiti asked if I wanted to help answering some sort of questionnaire for The Star's International Women Day slot. One of the requirement was 'send your photo in high resolutions.'

B warned "Gambar YOU ok bukan Nurin plss. Kau bagi gambar anak buah kau, siap hang."

Haha. Macam tau tau je I have more photos of niece and nephews than my own photo.

So anyway, since I had agreed to help her friend to answer the questionnaire, I have to search for the best OWN photo in high resolutions to send to them. I looked in my phone, I looked in my Facebook albums. Then only I realize that I have a huge problem.

02 Mac 2012

IMU 20th Anniversary celebration

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 2 Mar '12, 1.17pm MYT]

Oleh kerana dah lama x update blog ni, mari lah mengupdate sebelum beliau merajuk. Ke patut tutup je live blog ni? Huhu.
By the way, 2012 marks the 20th year anniversary of the International Medical University. So banyak lah aktiviti yang telah dirancang sepanjang tahun untuk menyambut harijadi IMU ke 20. Bermula dengan perasmian hari ni. So hari ni semua bersuka ria sempena University Day. Dapat baju kaler2, ada team building, makan free, dpt thermos IMU free :P
my group's team building is at 2.30pm. Jom warm up get ready utk berlari lari kesana kemari kejap lagi. Huhu.

03 Februari 2012

Facebook timeline cover photo

Have all of you intentionally change or forced to change to the new Facebook timeline?
I changed mine months ago, thanks to Cik Chokilala sebab dia yang bagi link tutorial masa tu. Hehe.

Anyway, there are lots of cool, nice and creative Facebook timeline cover photo shared all over the internet. But you know what is more cooler?

To have other's cover photo with you in it. :P *mode mengada je nih*

Cousin Sis Alice's FB
- Herself, Effa, Diba, Haziq and me on top of the Broga Hill-

-The girls on Sharmi's solemnization day, Putrajaya-
(nampak la jugak walaupun ditutupi Eda cesss)
Happy dan ceria kan kami?

Bangga wooo. :p

31 Januari 2012

Bila nak kahwin?

I bet that most of you who is still single or in a relationship, 24 and above have been asked with that question by the makcik makcik especially during hari raya or family member's wedding kan kan kan? Some of you might find it ok, senyum jawab dengan ikhlas but I know some of you feel totally the opposite - menyampah, jawab dengan sakit hati jiwa raga, and ada yang terasa juga. Tapi ok la jugak kan kalau yang tanya tu makcik makcik - sinonim dengan perkataan busybody mengambil berat. -___-"

(Photo: Ghada Abdel Aal's I Want to Get Married)

But have you girls been asked that particular question by your guy friends? And then they make comments on you dengan jawapan - jawapan yang diberikan? I do. In fact there are many guy friends - married or not - have asked me the same question. Yang buat sakit hati nya adalah bila mereka memberikan komen sesuka hati diorang je. Here are some of the comments/assumptions made by them that I've compiled.

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