22 Ogos 2009

Is it November yet..?


Ok. when the first Twilight Saga : New Moon official trailer was out months ago, i was practically screaming and started to look for anyone who would like to accompany me to watch it later (like later later in November, ok).

and now...this!!

when will November come..?? i feel like the time is running so slow (when it comes to work, then i feel it is kinda fast :p) !!!

OMG i can't wait anymore. this is getting me sick. November..please come fast.

eh, wait. November??? got a conference in November. as a committee & as a presenter as well? no no nooooooo!!!! *sigh*

p/s: why must the thumbnail views are during jacob's part? it should be edward's ok!!

21 Ogos 2009

Makan puas puas sblm Ramadhan menjelma


Hehe. tajuk tu macam la kalau dah Ramadhan xleh makan lgsung padahal nanti sahur byk2 bukak puasa pon mesti membeli belah bagai nak rak kat bazaar :P

so anyways i was invited to a BBq partayyy at Norrish's place few days ago. the initial plan was to have it on Wednesday, then was changed to Thursday. so yesterday there were me, Kak Husna, Kak Ann, Kak Ida, Kak Kay, Najwan, Amin, Firdaus, Nurul, Siti Nur and few of Norrish's frens.

and yes. i totally didnt help in membakar the ayam sosej kerang potato at all. even masa open house raya kat rumah pon tidak membantu langsung. i am not good in BBQ'ing, ok. plus sy malas juga kot berhadapan dgn asap. hehe

they cook. i only eat. hehe
ye, saya hanya belakon je tu

food was great, thanks to all yang memasak & membakar untuk saya makan. :p
thanks ida chan for the kek batik.
thanks incik tuan rumah & parents kpd incik tuan rumah juga sbb melayan kami dgn baiknya.
and thanks kpd mak incik tuan rumah yg membuat teh strawberry dan menyiapkan bihun sup juga.
thanks kawan-kawan juga sbb saya buat happy walaupun tgh sakit kepala. hehe.

p/s: kak farhah...we miss you!!!!!!!!

and to all the Muslims.. selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak. Lagi sebulan nak raya. yayy! haha puasa belom lagi dah pikir nak raya mengalahkan budak kecik punya julia. :p

Selamat Bersahur
Selamat Berpuasa
Selamat Berbuka
Selamat Berterawih
Selamat Beribadah

17 Ogos 2009

Terima Kasih Kawan Kawan


Saya secara tiba tiba merasa sangat syg kpd kawan merangkap coursemate merangkap abang-se-supervior sy yang bernama Abdul Hamid :D
Ini krn apabila sy mengkanselkan dari mengikut rombongan PGSC (kelab PG PPKBSM) ke Cameron Highland atas sebab2 tertentu, saya asyik berkata pd incik Hamid bhw sy nak bunga.sy nak bunga rose.sbb semua org dpt bunga masa minggu konvo baru2 nih tp sy xdpt sebab sy x konvo tp sy x kire sy nak jugak. hehe.

so di pendekkan cerita, td ade 'delivery' ke bilik saya..... dan saya dapat ini....

saya sangat suke!!!!!
terima kasih incik Hamid!!!!!

dan dpt jugak strawberry, teh strawberry & keychain. ;)

thank u juga cik amalina & cik siti salmi.
anda berdua pon sy syg jugak.

15 Ogos 2009

USM 40th Convocation


Congratulations to my dear friends;

(Bachelor of Engineering)

and also to Rahayu & Rashid (lupa nak bergambar ngan korang berdua), new roomate - Azrina, USMKKj masters & phd graduates and to all my juniors.

Bile la saya nak konvo ni... isk.

13 Ogos 2009

Berita Gembira


tgh lepak2 di bilik, dapat sms dr supervisor:

"Ur 1st paper accepted for publication. Congrats. i'm waiting for ur 2nd paper."

Teruja. Tersengih yang melampau jap. pastu terpikir. ntah2 Prof salah anta sms kat salah org kot. Terdiam plak. Pastu bukak web dia, login and check.

The effects of untreated and treated kenaf loading on properties of kenaf fibre filled natural rubber compounds.

Confirm tajuk paper itu paper saya. My paper is accepted. Wohoooo!

time kasih Prof sbb sms td. kalau x, mmg xtau la sbb x check pon. hehe. cehh ckp mcm prof bace je blog nih :P

Ok. klau nak kata saya sgt ntah pape sbb baru 1 paper accept nak masuk blog jugak,org len dah publish 5 paper pun diam2 je, saya x kisah ye. sbb ini blog saya. dan sy bangga dpt menulis paper itu & di terima tanpa perlu membuat pembetulan2 lg. and this is my very 1st, ok.

Kpd cik Bubbles, sila rajin2 kan diri tulis paper yg ke 2 tu yer. Dlm Prof ckp Congrats tu siap ade pesanan utk 2nd paper lg. huhu.

Congrats Julia :D

p/s: Congrats kawan2 yang Grad master smlm & adik2 yg grad esok. smlm pegi konvo mrk, tp update nnt. td nak update skali ade benda lain yg lbh best utk di update. :P

04 Ogos 2009

saya yang kebosanan


i had a pretty boring and dull week. campus is somehow lengang gila mengalahkan time2 cuti sem. at least during sem break, there are also FYP student or last time still got a lot of PostGrad students before most of them moved outside and rent houses (atas sebab dihalau asrama konon nye x cukup bilik and nasib baik sy masih dpt duduk asrama.hehe).

H1N1 case is getting serious when they announced the 8th death, yesterday. This is quite serious compare to any other virus cases that we faced before. Lots of campuses and schools are closed due to many students caught fever. And USM Engineering campus is still closed until tomorow, 5th August 2009. Hopefully those student who had been quarantined for high fever before the campus was closed last week is getting better and can start their classes as usual.

Ok, now she has her own web? let's spam people! hahaha. gile jahat. sila abaikan. ;p

Oh! for those who follow me on Twitter, you might come across this:
Pardon my language. >_<

Yes. dah la mase Baiti sms-ed i was driving so agak riuh sikit dalam kereta (disebabkan sy sendiri). and sampai rumah keep on asking her on why were Shahrukh Khan and Rani Mukherjee in KL, for what etc. And she can't really talk on the phone pon sbb she in the middle of the dinner, as a press. Later she mms-ed SRK's pict yang kinda made me jump jump kat rumah sampai kene marah dengan mak sebab bising. haha. and then she called:

"....you owe me dinner, you know. i did not had my dinner so that i can take SRK pict for you. he's entertaining during the dinner. and i have a 7 minutes video of him bla bla bla...."

Told ya!! "and eventho she doesn't like Hindi movie, she can proudly say the 'Meh Tumsei Pyar Karti Hu' and always remember that i love Hindi movie." to be added, she remembers how i just love SRK! haha.

Nanim my sunshine (sambil menyanyi lagu You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey... ;p) ! u know i love you so much! ok ok i owe u dinner. later when i'm home and when i see you k. but don't forget to give me the video first or else no dinner. hehe.
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