20 Julai 2011

My handsom boy's birthday

Last 2 years, on 20th July, a cute baby boy was born in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He's the second son of the happily married couple, cousin Along and Zuraidy.
After the arguement between the husband and wife, they finally came to the decision to name their newly born son Hadief Zayed.

The over-excited Aunty Bubbles went to see the baby hours after he was born. She was so excited and happy as she loves kids so much. She looked at the lovely baby and kissed the baby on the left cheek.

And guess what???

18 Julai 2011

"Luck never gives, it only lends."

After I get a hold of my precious Bachelor of Engineering (Polymer Engineering), I did not really look for job because I’ve made the decision to pursue with my Master Degree. I wanted to hold a Master scroll, or even a Doctorate if that’s possible. I’ve always wanted to be a researcher or a lecturer.

Years went by, and I came to almost the end of my Master study. I started looking for jobs - academic institution, research centre, industry - no luck. I sent out resumes (with the big S!!) – with only degree qualification, with my master in progress stated, high expected salary, low expected salary – still no luck. When I was about to come home for good after submitting the first draft of thesis, cousin Along asked if I wanted to do part time job in her office. I said yes. When you have mouth to feed, bills to pay, car payment to settle, least you would think of how good or glamour the job is.

09 Julai 2011

Tiang atau lembaga?

Setelah pesta itu tamat, saya pun balik. Jam menunjukkan pukul 11 malam. Jalan ke rumah saya itu lengang dan semak pula. Tiba-tiba saya ternampak tiang yang tinggi dan besar di tepi jalan dengan banyaknya. Saya merasa hairan, bila orang kampung memacak tiang yang sebegitu besar ini.

Lebih 20 tiang saya lihat, saya ternampak satu tiang yang lebih besar dan tinggi dari yang lain. Warnanya juga berwarna lain dari yang lain. Saya mendongak. Alangkah terkejutnya saya apabila melihat tiang itubermata, hidung dan yang mengerikan lagi ialah taring dan kukunya yang begitu tajam dan panjang. Rupanya ia satu lembaga.

29 Jun 2011

#WordlessWednesday #3


Moving to the new work station

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 29 Jun '11, 11.53am MYT]

Been tiring these 2 days packing and moving to a new work station. Same level but relocated at a new room. Academic Program Development has a new work station yaww!
We are basically rebuilding our unit. New place, reorganizing our stuff and documents, restructuring the job scope. Yeah, when i leave this place, the new personnel should remember me being the one contract staff who help the manager setting up the unit. Haha. Kidding! :p
In the picture, the ITS guys helping shifting my manager's computer from the previous office to our new place. Thank you, korang!

27 Jun 2011

Layan Monday blues kat balai polis

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 27 Jun '11, 12.02pm MYT]

Monday blues kat office pagi tadi jadi tak berapa nak blues when I got a call from my manager telling she's involved with an accident with a motorcycle. She told me that the guy yang langgar her car, means she's innocent. But she, being herself, brought the guy to the hospital, paid for the registration fee sekali. Haishh. Btw, here I am, accompanying her at the police station to make a report. And she didn't even have the motor registration no. Boleh x? Isk3. We sms-ed the guy's friend for the reg no, he gave. Then he asked my manager to not make the report because he doesn't have the road tax. Now who's to blame?

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