Last Friday i went back home for finally having iftar with family at home sweet home =)
Went back on Friday morning with Kak Husna, Kak Ann & Kak Ida.
One of the weekend activity was potluck-ing for iftar on Sunday with the whole bunch of the family.
So menu of the potluck iftar:
Nasi putih, for sure
rebung masak lemak cili api
paru masak cili
sambal udang+petai
roti jala
lots of kueh mueh
roti hotdog
Homemade air soya yg sgt sedap x terkata. thanks mummy!!!!
Nasi putih, for sure
rebung masak lemak cili api
paru masak cili
sambal udang+petai
roti jala
lots of kueh mueh
roti hotdog
Homemade air soya yg sgt sedap x terkata. thanks mummy!!!!
dan yang paling penting....
Terima kasih kak lina sebab bwk pecal yg telah lame diidam2kan ini. lazat!!
oh gambar makanan2 lain xde sbb malas. terima kasih. hehh~
btw, menu makanan x la penting sangat. but the important and valuable thing about the iftar was the company; bagi seorang anak perantau spt saya. cehhhh konon :P
Cousin Along didn't come coz harris isn't feeling well after he got an injection, so x dpt berjumpa dgn harris and baby hadief.
And sebelum masing2 beredar...
Gambar2 bunga api x cantik la pulak.sape suh xbawak balik camera best.padan muka sendiri.
Had a great weekend at home.
Oh, cousin Along came the next day (Monday) so sempat jumpa harris & hadief before i went back to campus. =)
Baby hadief dah besar. Raya tahun ni ada anggota baru.
Had a great weekend at home.
Oh, cousin Along came the next day (Monday) so sempat jumpa harris & hadief before i went back to campus. =)
Baby hadief dah besar. Raya tahun ni ada anggota baru.
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