Memaparkan catatan dengan label Polymer. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label Polymer. Papar semua catatan

17 Ogos 2009

Terima Kasih Kawan Kawan


Saya secara tiba tiba merasa sangat syg kpd kawan merangkap coursemate merangkap abang-se-supervior sy yang bernama Abdul Hamid :D
Ini krn apabila sy mengkanselkan dari mengikut rombongan PGSC (kelab PG PPKBSM) ke Cameron Highland atas sebab2 tertentu, saya asyik berkata pd incik Hamid bhw sy nak nak bunga rose.sbb semua org dpt bunga masa minggu konvo baru2 nih tp sy xdpt sebab sy x konvo tp sy x kire sy nak jugak. hehe.

so di pendekkan cerita, td ade 'delivery' ke bilik saya..... dan saya dapat ini....

saya sangat suke!!!!!
terima kasih incik Hamid!!!!!

dan dpt jugak strawberry, teh strawberry & keychain. ;)

thank u juga cik amalina & cik siti salmi.
anda berdua pon sy syg jugak.

13 Ogos 2009

Berita Gembira


tgh lepak2 di bilik, dapat sms dr supervisor:

"Ur 1st paper accepted for publication. Congrats. i'm waiting for ur 2nd paper."

Teruja. Tersengih yang melampau jap. pastu terpikir. ntah2 Prof salah anta sms kat salah org kot. Terdiam plak. Pastu bukak web dia, login and check.

The effects of untreated and treated kenaf loading on properties of kenaf fibre filled natural rubber compounds.

Confirm tajuk paper itu paper saya. My paper is accepted. Wohoooo!

time kasih Prof sbb sms td. kalau x, mmg xtau la sbb x check pon. hehe. cehh ckp mcm prof bace je blog nih :P

Ok. klau nak kata saya sgt ntah pape sbb baru 1 paper accept nak masuk blog jugak,org len dah publish 5 paper pun diam2 je, saya x kisah ye. sbb ini blog saya. dan sy bangga dpt menulis paper itu & di terima tanpa perlu membuat pembetulan2 lg. and this is my very 1st, ok.

Kpd cik Bubbles, sila rajin2 kan diri tulis paper yg ke 2 tu yer. Dlm Prof ckp Congrats tu siap ade pesanan utk 2nd paper lg. huhu.

Congrats Julia :D

p/s: Congrats kawan2 yang Grad master smlm & adik2 yg grad esok. smlm pegi konvo mrk, tp update nnt. td nak update skali ade benda lain yg lbh best utk di update. :P

29 Julai 2009

Kesinambungan cerita semalam.......


7.00 pagi
Kecoh sekejap kat kampus kejuruteraan USM Nibong Tebal bila ada notis ditampal bahawa kampus akan ditutup selama 7 hari bermula 29 Julai sehingga 5 Ogos 2009.

Ape lagi..memang kekecohan gila lah. call mak. update facebook status. tweet. what else? haha. Pastu bila kesedaran dah kembali, baru la sedar lapar..and nak pegi breakfast dgn roommate. sampai kat guard, kene patah balik sbb no one is allowed to go out of campus without doing the medical check up. isk.nak g makan je pon. so patah balik ke kafe staff utk makan, sambil bergosip tentang cuti sempena h1n1 ini.

dimaklumkan bhw pelajar PostGrad dikecualikan dari cuti. haiisshhh~ mengapakah kami kena merisikokan diri kami ni? tp since xde kes positif lagi, xpe la. kene tenangkan jiwa raga dulu.

Pastu pegi kafe lembaran untuk membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan. Gila ramai orang. yg tensionnye tgk bdk2 siap bawak beg besar2 lagi pulak tu. sbb ada pengangkutan disediakan untuk ke Parit Buntar & Butterworth.

beberapa jam kemudian..

GEORGETOWN: Kampus kejuruteraan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di Nibong Tebal ditutup selama seminggu, mulai hari ini selepas 20 pelajarnya dikesan dijangkiti penyakit seperti influenza atau ILI.
Perkara itu disahkan Timbalan Pendaftarnya, Mohamad Abdullah menerusi satu kenyataan media di sini, sebentar tadi.
"Hanya aktiviti akademik serta kuliah ditangguhkan dan ia akan dijadualkan semula nanti. "Aktiviti lain akan berjalan seperti biasa," katanya.

(sumber : Berita harian Online)

kami yang student2 PG masih x berpuas hati nih. dah la duduk dalam kampus, di mana ade pelajar yang dikuarantinkan. iskkkk.

dah abes melepak bergosip dan segalanya, balik bilik , check email...

"...Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar, sehinggalah jam 10.40 pagi tadi apabila dimaklumkan bahawa ujian makmal Kementerian Kesihatan yang dijalankan ke atas sampel yang dihantar mendapati empat orang pelajar positif Influenza A (H1N1). Sekali lagi keadaan menjadi panik seketika dan satu perjumpaan dengan Ketua Jabatan serta pegawai-pegawai perubatan diadakan untuk mengetahui apa tindakan yang perlu diambil seterusnya..."

Bagaimana dengan Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi?
Kelas dan makmal untuk pelajar Ijazah Tinggi berjalan seperti biasa dan mereka bolehlah berhubung terus dengan Dekan atau Timbalan Dekan untuk mengetahui perkembangan."

Penolong Pendaftar Kanan
Pejabat Pengarah

uwaaaaaaa...!! nak balikk! oh supervisor...tolong la..saya mahu balik..


01 Julai 2009

kenduri durian di rumah salmi lagi

hari-hari yang tak berapa nak best last week telah diceriakan oleh mereka-mereka ini iaitu ahli-ahli rombongan lawatan memakan durian (sekali lagi) ke rumah siti salmi di sungai batu, pulau pinang pada hari jumaat yang lepas. hehe. walaupun tak berapa sihat, saya sangat seronok dan enjoy pada hari tersebut ;D

semoga murah rezeki salmi & keluarga yang bermurah hati mengkendurikan durian2 dan manggis dan pulut dan lain2 kepada kami yang jauh dari keluarga masing2. hehe

gambar2 lain di fesbuk je yer. malas nk muat-naik (gile ape skema aku ni) gambar banyak2 itu. hehe

muchas gracias, amigos.

untuk kamu semua.....

no durian, no life!

p/s: ahad saya juga sangat seronok *smiles*

*still can't stop smiling* ;p

11 Jun 2009

Hujung minggu datang lagi....!!!

Kesibukan & keserabutan & kekurang-sihatan seminggu dua telah dipulihkan dengan hujung minggu yang agak menarik, minggu lepas.

On Saturday, went out with Azza and Nurul to Jusco Perda, eat nice healthy foods at Johny's and watched Terminator Salvation. And dengan baiknya, saya tidak membeli belah. Good job, Julia! =D

The next day, ikut Cik Siti Salmi ke rumah beliau di Sungai Batu,Pulau Pinang with Amalina and 2 juniors - Aza & Tini. Kami telah di hidangkan dengan laksa, manggis & durian. Yummmyyyy!!

Tuan Cik Rumah - Siti Salmi

Jangan jeles dengan makanan yang yummy ini... ;p

Rumah Cik Salmi ada pantai yang cantik, in a walking distance ok! So bila rasa nak mandi laut, u can just walk there. tak ke cool begitu. if it's me nak mandi laut semasa di rumah, i need to go to PD kot paling dekat. like by car and hours of driving. huhuhu~ but we didn't go to swim pon. pergi camwhoring dan melayan perasaan sahaja. hehe

Lombong yg tak di ketahui namanya

Ama, Aza, Salmi, Tini & bubbles yang comel

Dan kemudian kami ke kawasan nelayan-nelayan. ada satu macam jeti, yang boleh jalan ke tengah (x la tengah sangat) laut. serius macam best (okeh ini adalah ayat orang2 yg tak pernah/kurang ke tempat2 begini yer)!!! but honestly this is one of the beautiful places in Penang that i've never been before. i might have been here before, if i didn't miss salmi's bro's wedding. hehe

me likey!!

next destination, Feringhi night market - atas permintaan junior kami yg x pernah sampai ke sini.. kami kan senior yang baik. ;p and once again, no shopping. double good job, Julia!! *big big grin*

and before heading back to campus, we had a great dinner at Kapitan.

that was last weekend. and this weekend......
i'm HOME!!!!!!
in fact, i AM at home now. yayyyyyy!!
tomorow i'm going to Seremban. Aira, we're coming!!!
it felt good to see Nurin & Harris right after sampai KL semalam. miss them both much.
up till now, no activity for today. but might be going out kot kejap lagi. tgk mood la. haha

miss bubbles,
remember u have one more paper to write *sigh*

07 Mei 2009

Kenaf, Nurin & Home

the kenaf i'll b using in research dah sampai last friday after like 2 weeks of waiting. actually like lagi lama la. we ordered the kenaf from Lembaga Tembakau Negara, Trengganu weeks before, then they said that they'll come to hantar kenaf 2 minggu lepas tp baru datang last friday (on Labor Day). bagus mereka buat kerja walaupun hari bercuti. huhu~ oh, kenaf is a plant based fibre from the kenaf tree.

kenaf tree & fibre

ok, the kenaf fibre provided to us isn't as clean as in the picture above. so like always i need to clean & clean the kenaf for a week or 2 sampai die betul2 bersih, then kene potong 10mm then baru boleh start compound. cutting the kenaf sangat boleh buat jari2 melecet sebab pegang gunting dalam jangka masa yang sangaaaaattt panjang ok. tapi dah kerja kan. glad kenaf dah sampai so boleh sambung kerja yang terbengkalai.

i call home yesterday to talk to cousin mimin. nurin answered the phone.

"yin datang ngan siape?"
"...." (i heard "ngan abang")
"yin datang dengan abang amir ke?"
"tak.... maksud yi... abang amir kan sekolah.. macam mane abang amir nak datang umah bapak
(she called her moyang -bapak).. yi datang dengan nek na, dengan along dengan aleh kiki (harris zikri) la.."

excuse me? 'maksud yi'?? amboi..amboi.. aku yang dah besar panjang ni pun tak guna maksud maksud ni tau. isk3...
i wonder how it'll be when harris starts talking...nurin & harris are turning 4 and 2 this August, and we'll be welcoming the new baby boy insyaAllah in the same month~ habis la duit weh bila august menjelma
kak mala, anda dinasihatkan memilih bulan selain August & September jikalau mahu saya menyediakan hadiah untuk anak anda kelak.

i miss home. it's been like 37 days and kalau balik minggu depan dah jadi 43++ days tak balik rumah. i'll break my own record x balik rumah before this mase 2nd year 35days. huhu... nak balik, wehhhh!!
kalau x pasal we need to move from previous room ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi gara2 renovation yang dilakukan, i would be a lil bit free to settle my works and could go home on that labor day. ini semua gara-gara kerja tak siap, paper tak habis tulis, barang nak pindah2 tak habis packing+pindah naik atas, and org LTN yang nak datang on public holiday.

takpe..takpe.. 1 week more, insyaAllah... =)

p/s: kerja Kosong - siapa nak ambik kontrak potong kenaf aku???

25 Januari 2008

Sungai Petani Trip

Yesterday, coursemates & i went to The Carnivall for mandi-manda and Ayen's house for makan-makan.
We were supposed to gather at 11am but it was already 12.15pm when we were start moving. Made some stops - Bank Islam, Shell Nibong Tebal - and continue the journey. Reach Sungai Petani (S) tol at about 1.50 pm, went to the mosque for Zuhur. We then have our lunch at a stall in front of the mosque before finally went to The Carnivall.
The Carnivall was OK. Not that great as expected, i mean. But the people who came along make the day greater. Tired, but I did enjoy the day so much. Thanx to my monomers who came along yesterday. U are all the great sisters & brothers!! Oh..and a great hubby as well. xD

Some picts of yesterday!

Budak comot saya!

Some of the lovely monomers

Sha. Yun. Kema. Uyu. Julia. Ayu




However, the pics inside The Carnivall Wet Park are censored. =p

07 November 2007

Raya picts

Finally can upload some picts. tetibe syg pulak kat USM. hikhikhik... These are picts during raya at Dr.Zul's place (27 oct 2007)

Julia, midah & nurul

some of the gentlemen

our dr.Zul Ariff, the tuan rumah

polymer engineers-to-be. aminnnn....

peja & myBee

the ladies

08 September 2007

harvik - industrial visit

we gather in school at 7.45am to go to harvik rubber Sdn bhd with some other coursemate. this industrial visit; organized by John & Salmi - is for rubber engineering class. dr.azura suggested us to have a visit to rubber factory making engineering product. some of them went to a bearing making factory in kuala kangsar perak last 2 weeks. so, today is our turn.
harvik rubber made boots. safety boots. boots for oversea uses. boots for polo sport. boots for fireman. boots for petroleum field. when we heard the word boot, one thing that always come cross our mind is phua chu kang boot, isnt it? boots might look simple for some of us, but visiting harvik bring other perspective of boots to us.
we were bring to tour the factory. from raw material store to mixing process to calendering process to cutting and assembly of components that make a boot. most of the process is done manually. after more than 30 years operating, they still use conventional machine and human labour to maintain the quality ofthe product.
eventhough i've been to malaysian rubber board for industrial training, i still had a lot of question to ask. doing experiment in lab, research project and applying in industry is total different.
overall, going to harvik might help me a lot in completing my final year project since i've the opportunity to ask question from the experts.
later today we had chemical safety & health briefing for final year student.
mum is on her way to singapore by train to visit some relatives and to attend a wedding ceremony. she'll stay at a relative house. jimat, right? hehe..
when will i get the chance to go there too... =(

29 Ogos 2007

Infineon Kulim industrial visit~

as 1 of the assesment for ebb323 semiconductor fabrication technology course, we need to attend for an industrial visit chosen by our own. so i've choose Infineon Kulim (IFKM) and today is the day for the visit.

today is a very tiring day. started my class at 8 and need to go to the lab at 9. after azrul do some weighing, we need to come back at 10 for the testing. finished lab, i have anotha class at 11. since the class started a bit late, the lecturer finished it 10 minutes after 12.


the trip journey started with us ready to go at 12.45pm. the bus arrived at 1pm ad we went to kulim with all 20 student + dr.cheong. we arrived there at about 2pm. the first thing we need to do before we enter the building is to put on a plastic to cover our shoes. hehe... CUTE!~ even to enter the office building also we need to put it in to minimise the dirt or contamination inside the building and the fab area.

firstly, we were bring to a meeting room for a briefing about the company product, and all... then only they took us to the fab area that is in next building; separated by a bridge. the fab area is in a cleanroom. and the room is waaayyyy very clean. we need to put on ths thing like a robot garments. all in white. covering all over the body except for the eyes. it is a very lucky for us since we were the only group which get to experienced the working environment in a cleanroom.

after we put on the baju robot, we need to get thru an air shower to reduce any small small particle that might happened to stuck on us. the we were bring for a tour inside the cleanroom, from the fabrication to the testing.

before we went back, they served us tea and coffee and some kueh and gives us sourviniers. infineon kulim is way too great!! thanx to the staff who treat us good and share their skill n knowledge. tetibe jatuh cinta pulak dgn semikon! hehehe..

Great experience eventhough after a tiring day... Worth it!!

Infineon - Never Stop Thinking!

26 Ogos 2007

we are the polymer!

we had our photography session in last few weeks and the photos are ready. just wanna show and share the picture of me with my other 'monomers'... the Polymer Engineering USM '04- '08

memories remain! friendship forever!

23 Ogos 2007

it's bowling time!

this is what how we define POLYMER. we are the monomers; bonded together as a chain. =)

coursemates and I went to bowling at penang megamall last night. there were some of us.
me ekey sha ayu yun uyu kema sufiah midah ayen amid kulert hakim yasin amin peja ise
it was FUN! we had been in several group and i was in a team with sha and hakim. we WON the first game! yay! thanx to sha who scored highest among us. hehe... but unfortunately, we lost in the 2nd game. a BIG lost. huhu...all in all....i REALLY did enjoy the nite.thanx to all of u!!

p/s: special thanx to dr.razaina, we get the permission to pass up our report next week, and we could come along.
09 10