24 September 2009

Iftar + Lepaking Session


Lets us postponed Raya post & picts eh.

Back to 2 days before raya, still during the holy month of Ramadhan. I went out my the girls for iftar at Pavilion. Plan was to go to Capsquare but was changed then due to some difficulties. Anyhow, iftar was great wherever it was as long as i had the chance to spend my time with the girls & the food was great. :D

Tepanyaki for me

The crowd

B couldn't make it on time since she had to run some errands but she made it for desert, together with sister Kak Harim & bestie Kumar. We had desert at the Ministry of Food (MOF).

Choclate Shake. The yummmmiessttttt!

x cukup dgn desert from MOF, Nuth bought this.
and B came with somemore cupcakes. haisshhhh~

Do Not Disturb.

Naddy, Sha, julia d bubbles, B, Nuth, Eda & Amie

Thank you girls & guys for making the lepaking session fun!

If only the other - Hanie Fadil Eza Aira etc - could make it, it would be merrier, for sure. But nvm. This bunch of girls & guys already made my day! :D Love u!!

23 September 2009

Malam Raya


one of my fave menjelang raya.
pelita lampu tujuh likur yang atuk buat sendri guna botol brylcream zaman dulu-dulu

anak anak saudara beronok bermain bunga api

mak bapak saudara seronok main ni. :p

20 September 2009

Salam Aidilfitri


Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf zahir batin, kalau ada silap salah terkasar bahasa
Jemput datang rumah ye kawan2 ;)

-Julia d Bubbles-

15 September 2009



Since i am too busy (kononnye :p) and there too many people that i love and care for celebrating their birthday in September, i'll just make an all-in-one post wish eh. :)

Happy belated birthday..

5th September
An darling

Acap Saim
8th September

11th September
Cousin Effa

12th September
Cousin Sis Mala

12th September
Cousin Haziq a.k.a Abang

13th September
Atuk tesayang


Happy becoming birthday...

24th September
Naddy darling

24th September
Fadilah a.k.a Kembar
(we seriusly need to meet up, baru sdr dah lame gile xjumpe fadilah sampai gambar pon xde kene curik dr blog fadilah..huhu)

26th September
Cousin Farah

30th September
Sis Marhani
(sory ye curik gambar dr FB. pun xde gambar akak.. jom jumpe tgkap gambar byk2. )

Neng Azhani (2/9)
Ainor (2/9)
Azdel (6/9)
Husna Alyaa (9/9)
Beep (15/9)
Eza (28/9)
rasa mcm ramai lg tp x mampu nak ingat.

Happy birthday, lovely people
Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki
and may Allah bless
I love u

13 September 2009

Bila nak balik raya ni......


I spend my Saturday in the room. The initial plan to go out with roommate was canceled. Since i've already got back my paper back from my sv, i think it's better for me to make the correction a.s.a.p and submit it to my co-sv. during my working with 20% concentration and laziness level up to 80%, i got 3 mms from mom.

tengah buat tat gulung

siap gulung

dah siap bakar

ape ni... dah start buat kueh raya tanpa menunggu kepulangan anak yang comel yang di perantauan ini. hehh~ perasan comel.

uwaaaa...bila nak balik raya ni.........

the day before, i received a video call from mom. but for sure i know it wasn't mom who really wanna video-call me and see my face. of course la my little precious Nurin was at home and she was the one who wanted to do the video call. then she went pusing pusing satu rumah asking everyone to talk to me. sampai atuk pon kene. haha apelah di bulinya semua org. i wanna go home. sabar Julia, sabar. hehe =D
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