10 Februari 2010

Back to the future!

Back to the future!, originally uploaded by juLia d buBbles at 10 Feb '10, 11.42am MYT PST.
I'm back to live-blogging. Will try to update this blog as often as posible :)

Am currently in the postgrad room pretty much doing nothing.hehe so will b back!

p/s some of previous post has been deleted coz i've deleted the photo from my flickr, so no image is available.

after a loooooooong hiatus. i'm back, insyaAllah.. hehe

07 Februari 2010

Sambungan cerita Kota Singa


Lets continue with the 2nd day of my Singapore trip story.

Woke up early morning, had breakfast and we were out heading to the Sentosa Island. Since it’s just a short trip, we didn’t plan to spend the whole day there. Just make a quick stop to bring the kids there.

Took the MRT from the Farrer Park station heading to Harbour Front station, where VivoCity is located. Mum suggested that we take the cable car but the cable car was closed for maintenance or something so we took the Sentosa Express. Sentosa Express monorail station is integrated in the Vivocity Mall.

17174_279742188043_575488043_3323454_5541868_n 17174_279744608043_575488043_3323463_2077324_n In the Sentosa Express, heading to Sentosa Island

We stopped at the Beach Station. Headed to a shop to buy some souvenirs, then went to the beach for photo session. Pity the children they were literally dying to swim. haha. sorry yer.. lain kali je ;p


Then there were these Skyride and Luge that look totally awesome and think we should try. I didn’t want to take the Luge at first. Since nephew, Hilman wasn’t feeling well, i thought of taking him to take the Skyride on return trip. But when cousin Effa was buying the tix for Skyride+Luge for herself and nephew, Amir, the kakak at the counter told her that the price for 2 person (Skyride+Luge) was SG$22 but it cost SG$ 28 for 4 person! Dang! so there were me & mom decided that we’re gonna try the Luge as well. heeee!

17174_279761908043_575488043_3323489_5902217_n 17174_279764888043_575488043_3323493_7420834_n This ride was awesoommmmeeee!!! Boley drift wooooo! haha

After then, we took the Sentosa Express back, and took off at the Imbiah Sation for see another huge Merlion.


The huge merlion is actually one of the tourist attraction at Sentosa Island. It’s the Imbiah Lookout where you can see the whole Sentosa, and Singapore southern shores from up above. See the open mouth of the merlion? Yes. you can actually be up there.

17174_279770018043_575488043_3323510_6873781_n The trip crew17174_279770048043_575488043_3323513_6094410_n

After more and more camwhoring session at Sentosa Island, we were back at the VivoCity and everyone was already starving for lunch. Had at lunch at the food court. Hey,wait! see the fake beach on top of the mall!! It’s on the 3rd level of VivoCity. But swimming is not allowed. Untuk lepak2 sahaja, ok.

17174_279770753043_575488043_3323522_6035524_n Level 3, Vivocity

Next? Bugis street. Bugis Street is similar to our Petaling Street in KL. You can find a lot of stuffs here. But it was very crowded that we only spend a little time here.

17174_279773903043_575488043_3323538_3084865_n Bugis Street

Across the street of the Bugis street is the Bugis Juction. Old old buildings, renovated, air-conditioned. Nice place I can say.

17174_279780373043_575488043_3323550_3970626_n 17174_279780388043_575488043_3323552_7820522_nI U


After then, we went to Bedok to see some family member. But we only had the chance to go to one house, Uncle Othman’s. ok2. next time (er..ada ke next time? ;p ) we should see more family members there, ok!


From Bedok, nephew Amir requested that we take the double decker. He wanted to take a ride on the double decker since he saw one on our arrival in Singapore. So we decided to take the double decker to go back. But since there were no straigt double decker bus to our hotel, we went to Orchard Rd to change bus/MRT. (alasan jer switch bus tu sebenarnya… well.. it’s Orchard Rd bebehh! haha)


So, Orchard Road again!! Had dinner at Wisma Atria before going back to Little India by MRT.

17174_279787838043_575488043_3323585_4956211_n 17174_279791193043_575488043_3323610_5703204_n

Ok. Enough. Penat. Back to the hotel. Tidur. Esok balik.

So the next morning, woke up, breakfast and spent the last few hours in Singapore at the City Square Mall. Why la mesti ada Charles & Keith boutique in the City Square Mall, that just across the hotel…? –_-“ Dah. Jom balik.

17174_279796833043_575488043_3323624_386470_n I wish that the old buildings at Lebuh Ampang & Masjid Jamek area will be nicely renovated and painted like this17174_279796848043_575488043_3323625_853910_nKTM Tanjong Pagar Station

So this is the end of the trip. I seriously wish to come again. There’s just a lot more places to be visited in Singapore.


Ma..thank you for the trip! ada rezeki boleh belanje g Singapore lagi. ;p

04 Februari 2010

Jalan jalan bersama keluarga ke Kota Singa


Last weekend I went to Singapore for a holiday with my family – mum, auntie, cousins and nephews. A short, simple holiday but is enough to help me take my mind off of things.

Went there by KTM train, departure from KL Sentral station on the 29th January, 2230 hrs and arrived at Tanjong Pagar station the next morning at 0800hrs, after a short stop at Woodlands train check point around 0700 hrs.

Had breakfast at Tanjong Pagar station. Then walked to the nearest MRT which is Tanjong Pagar, to go to our hotel in Little India.


[Tips] We bought the EZLink card (similar to our TnG card) and would likely to suggest you to buy the card if u’re going there for a hols. Your trip there would be much easier, no need to queue for tickets. EZlink can be used for MRT, buses etc. It’s sold at SG$ 15, with SG$ 10 amount in it. It means that you pay SG$ 5 for the card. BUT. each trip by MRT or bus, u’ll get discount. so it’ll cover your SG$5 back. Plus, it lasts for 5 years when it’s not used. And the balance amount in the card is refundable. But the card itself isn’t. So you can refund the balance at the end of your trip, and keep the card for next trip :p

The hotel was located in Little India but the nearest station was the Farrer Park. Since it was still early for check-in, we went to the City Square Mall, which was linked to the Farrer Park MRT station. The mall is a newly opened mall with ‘go green’ theme and just across our hotel.

Our first destination on the trip was to Orchard Road. OMG!! This place is a serious shopping heaven. Kalau rasa2 nak habiskan duit sekelip mata, sila lah ke sini. There are too many shopping complexes here e.g Lucky Plaza, Wisma Atria, ION Mall. 

17174_279689933043_575488043_3323267_7045255_n17174_279704753043_575488043_3323292_1760935_n17174_279697938043_575488043_3323279_3326056_n Yes, Chinese New Year is nearing and sale are everywhere!17174_279697948043_575488043_3323281_278889_n 17174_279726953043_575488043_3323386_680652_nYeah. Whatever. As long as I’m happy :P

After the ‘cuci mata’ session at the Orchard Road, we went to the Merlion Park to see the must-see and must-snap-photo-with Merlion. Taking the MRT to the next destination sangat mencabar jugak. There are boutiques and shop lots everywhere through the link at the underpass. *sigh*

17174_279729003043_575488043_3323396_3294883_n Esplanade, the theater by the bay.

17174_279729023043_575488043_3323398_6938915_n 17174_279736088043_575488043_3323411_5120368_nTHE must-see and must-snap Merlion!17174_279729038043_575488043_3323399_5493778_nSingapore flyer & the Floating Stadium at the Marina Bay

The floating stadium is located on the water. yes it is floating. but as far as i can see, and through the pictures on the internet, i can’t see any high fences surrounding the museum. So what happened if the balls were kicked so high and went outside the field? O_o

17174_279736108043_575488043_3323413_3187989_nThe smaller size Merlion17174_279736628043_575488043_3323416_3703137_nCan you imagine if the bridge at Masjid Jamek or any other bridges in KL/Malaysia are as as clean as this? Wouldn’t it be nice?

It was late evening so we decided to go back to the hotel, and just spend the night in the hotel area - the Little India area, City Square Mall, Seragoon Plaza etc. We walked to the Victoria Memorial to wait for the bus.

17174_279736638043_575488043_3323417_7390312_nAnderson Bridge

17174_279736648043_575488043_3323418_7079098_n The Stamford Raffles statue, at the Victoria Memorial

But the decision to take the bus was a big mistake. We forgot that the hotel was in Little India, and it was the night of the Thaipusam. We were stuck on the traffic jam as some road were closed for the well-carrying marching for the Thaipusam. –_-“  we should’ve take the MRT instead..

So we had some rest, we went out to have dinner at the City Square Mall and to Seragoon Plaza.

 [Tips] Print out the Singapore MRT map (click here for map) and bring it everywhere. Helpful. Very very helpful.

..to be continued…

26 Januari 2010

The best schools in Malaysia?


Source: The Star Online ; Published: Monday January 25, 2010 MYT 7:27:00 PM

PUTRAJAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Monday announced that 20 schools -- 14 secondary and six primary -- had been accorded the status of high performance schools (SBTs).
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said of the 14 secondary schools, 10 were fully residential schools and the rest were day schools.

“These schools were chosen from among schools that showed outstanding performance in the field of academia, co-curricular activities and niche areas.

“The schools will be guided and monitored closely to ensure they continue to attain even higher levels of performance,” he told reporters at his office here Monday.

The 10 fully residential schools are Sekolah Tun Fatimah (Johor Bahru), Sekolah Dato’ Abdul Razak (Seremban), Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Sekolah Seri Puteri (Cyberjaya), SM Sultan Abdul Halim (Jitra), Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (Seremban), Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (Klang), Sekolah Menengah Sains (SMS) Tuanku Syed Putra (Perlis), Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah (Putrajaya) and SMS Muzaffar Syah (Malacca).

The four day schools are SMK (P) Sri Aman (Petaling Jaya), SMK Aminuddin Baki (Kuala Lumpur), SMK Sultanah Asma (Alor Setar) and SMK (P) St George (Penang).

The six primary schools are SK Seri Bintang Utara (KL), SK Taman Tun Dr Ismail 1 (KL), SK Bukit Damansara (KL), SK Zainab (2) (Kota Baru), SK Convent Kota (Taiping), SK Bandar Baru Uda 2 (Johor Bahru).

Muhyiddin stressed that SBTs were not elite schools which benefited only a limited number of students.

Instead, he said each school in the country had the same opportunity and a level playing field to be recognised as an SBT.

..Continue reading here.

Congratulations to all the school that had been accorded the status of high performance schools.
We are proud to be SABIAN!!!
And we are proud of you, SAB! Weeee!!!
Sekolah Aminuddin Baki
Sekolah kami yang tercinta
Berkhidmat dan berjasa
Pelajaran panduan hidup lambangnya
Marilah kawan mari bersama
Belajar dan berusaha
Tegakkanlah nama perwira
yang berbakti dan berjasa
Janganlah jemu wahai kawanku
Tanamkanlah tekad taat dan giat
Sama-sama pohonkan restu
Moga-moga berjaya selalu
Bergerak terus maju bersama
Dengan penuh cekal cita-cita
Berbudi tinggi amal susila
Berjaya membina nusa bangsa


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