23 Mei 2009

Kuala Lumpur memang menenangkan hati..

Yes. KL sure does calm my-stressful-self down. I had a blast week at home. Went home for a week, siapa tak suka kan duk umah lama2? hehe.. Thanks to the ITEX at KLCC, sebab my supervisor need to be there and he then went to Medan so i was able to have a long holiday at home (mati la aku kalau dia baca nih ;p). I went back on Wednesday, May 13 late evening with Kak farhah and her team-mate for ITEX. Arrived home already at night, so got nothing to do just take some rest sebab penat.

The next day, mum didn't go to work. She applied for leave for Thursday and Friday, sebab anak dia nak balik. lalalala~

So, basically, during my 7 days at home..

1. I went to see this two favorite niece & nephew, Nurin Adrianna & Harris Zikri. (they are my favorite for the time being la, wait till Harris' bro dah keluar nanti ;p). Lepak'ing at my aunt house at Cheras untuk bermain dengan mereka berdua ini. Harris nampak dah besar compare to the last time i saw him. Dah tinggi sikit. Serius!

2. I went to the National Monument with Mum, Ibu (mum's youngest sis), cousin Dba and Nurin. Ok, i don't know why but i like to come here. This is the 3rd time I brought Nurin here for the last 2 years. Those who live in KL but never come here, please do so ok. Jangan memalukan diri anda, bila orang tanya pernah sampai tugu negara x, anda jawab tidak. Hehe.. Besides this is one of the place where we would appreciate our fallen heroes from World War I & II and the Emergency.

...and proceed to the Lake Garden (Taman Tasik Perdana). ;)

(next time i go back home, kalau ada masa yang panjang, nak bawak mereka2 yang tak pernah atau dah lebih 10 tahun tak ke Muzium Negara untuk melawat Muzium pulak. sila daftar kan diri anda kalau nak ikut. ;p)

3. Went to KL Convention Centre to see the ITEX exhibition, but didn't really walk around pun. just spend the time at USM booth with Hamid only sebab tak ada kawan nak pusing2. My friends who should be coming early and went to the ITEX with me came late that day.

4. Then the friends, Kulert and Ekey arrived in KL from Bentong, and we hangout together with Hamid at CB KL Plaza. Lepaks like lama sangat sebab berborak panjang. Haven't met Ekey and Kulert since convocation day. Happy to see both of them. Hopefully next time we can hangout with bigger crowd.

5. Oh, di rumah juga dapat menonton Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasi 7 yang tak begitu gempak seperti tahun2 lalu. Tak menyesal pun balik lambat and tak tengok dari mula. Glad Aril at least won 2nd place.

6. Went to Danau Kota with family - mum, ibu, cousn farah, diba & haziq. But unfortunately it was raining and we didn't really get the chance to usha-usha barang. Selamat sikit duit... haha
(p/s: kepada orang yang sebenarnya kata nak ke Danau Kota lepas tgk AF tu, lain kali sila pergi ye kalau kate nak pergi. )

7. Saya sudah menempah baju raya. x) Baju raya harus di tempah awal2 sebab next time balik KL sure orang-orang penjahit dah x ambil tempahan dah sebab puasa bulan 8. hehe~ suka pulak.

8. Had dinner with the most important circle of friends that i won't go back to Penang without seeing at least some of them. Dinner at KLCC the night before going back to campus.
Thanks to Nads, Anwar, Naqi, Sha, Acap, Ariff and double triple thanksss to Hafiz jumal sebab tak jumpa lama gila since KMNS!!

All of them are currently working, except Hafiz Jumal who is pursuing his Master in UKM. Nasib baik ada jugak kawan yang masih belum bekerja. hehe

9. And finally went to PappaRich Taman Shamelin to meet up with Baiti after the dinner cause she had thing to do and couldn't join us for dinner earlier.

Met a lot of people but still there are people who i wanted to see yet there's not enough time. Sorry to those of you dah quite a while jugak tak jumpe.. Next time, insyaAllah.

And the next day, pulang lah saya ke kampus kejuruteraan USM dengan kerja-kerja yang bertimbun setia menanti..

You know, nowadays i don't really like choc cake sangat, i asked mum to bake me carrot cake twice during the week. Citarasa sudah berubah~
Oh, i cooked mee curry! Sedapnya makan mee curry masak sendiri. and thanks mum sebab buatkan home-made air soya. suka! suka! ntah bile ntah nak belajar buat sendiri. malas je.. huhu..

Now dah kat campus..sila la pulun berkerja ye, cik bubbles.. (-_-')

22 Mei 2009

Muhammad Anwar!!

i know that he most probably doesn't read this blog. but still i wanna wish him..


he was one of my earliest friends in SAB back in form 1.
he used to be one of the popular guy in our batch.
mase form 1, 2, 3.. naik form 4, 5 dah x sangat kot. haha
he's funny, although sometimes he tend to be a 'lil idiotic. tetibe je lost bile tgh borak2.
but he's kind. and taken.
oh! he's the favorite guy among the girls' mums ok! not joking.
one thing about anwar, he will always be at my home on 1st Syawal every year (except last year sbb i was busy beraya), because we both tak ada kampung. ;p

i wish u all the best in life.
sila cepat2 kahwin dan dapat anak banyak2.
(pesanan yang sama di tujukan buat encik ahmad naqiuddin)
be good always.
hope to spend more and more time with u and d other!!
have a blast 24th birthday!!

21 Mei 2009


saya, dengan bijak nye telah meninggalkan adaptor laptop saya di rumah.
tahniah, cik bubbles. hurmm..

nak cerita mcm2. nanti la yer. boleh bukak laptop max 2 hours je, then borrow roommate's adaptor to charge. :(

tp ape yang pasti....saya sangat gembira berada di rumah minggu lepas!!! hehehe

sehingga ketemu lagi.... selepas bonda tercinta mengepos adaptor saya. ok.

10 Mei 2009

Mother's Day

Puan Rokiah binti Mohamad,

thank you....

for the nine months of carrying me to everywhere you go..
for the pain of delivering me ..
for the sleepless nights you spend to make sure i sleep well and doing fine..

for teaching me how to eat..
for teaching me how to drink..
for teaching me how to talk..
for teaching me how to walk..
for patiently teaching me all i need to know..

for giving me courage to face everything that i'm afraid of..
for supporting me for what i want to do and who i want to be..
for scolding me for my own good..
for blessing me for every steps i take..

for accepting me for who i am today..
for correcting me when i'm wrong..
for always being there for me when i need you to..

for being understanding..
for not pushing me to be the best, but motivates me to be so..
for all the hardness you've gone through..

and simply for being a mother who cares, father who provides, friend who listens, teacher who teaches, doctor who cures, lover who loves and a great travel companion. ;)

Happy Mother's Day

you mean the world to me.


07 Mei 2009

Kenaf, Nurin & Home

the kenaf i'll b using in research dah sampai last friday after like 2 weeks of waiting. actually like lagi lama la. we ordered the kenaf from Lembaga Tembakau Negara, Trengganu weeks before, then they said that they'll come to hantar kenaf 2 minggu lepas tp baru datang last friday (on Labor Day). bagus mereka buat kerja walaupun hari bercuti. huhu~ oh, kenaf is a plant based fibre from the kenaf tree.

kenaf tree & fibre

ok, the kenaf fibre provided to us isn't as clean as in the picture above. so like always i need to clean & clean the kenaf for a week or 2 sampai die betul2 bersih, then kene potong 10mm then baru boleh start compound. cutting the kenaf sangat boleh buat jari2 melecet sebab pegang gunting dalam jangka masa yang sangaaaaattt panjang ok. tapi dah kerja kan. glad kenaf dah sampai so boleh sambung kerja yang terbengkalai.

i call home yesterday to talk to cousin mimin. nurin answered the phone.

"yin datang ngan siape?"
"...." (i heard "ngan abang")
"yin datang dengan abang amir ke?"
"tak.... maksud yi... abang amir kan sekolah.. macam mane abang amir nak datang umah bapak
(she called her moyang -bapak).. yi datang dengan nek na, dengan along dengan aleh kiki (harris zikri) la.."

excuse me? 'maksud yi'?? amboi..amboi.. aku yang dah besar panjang ni pun tak guna maksud maksud ni tau. isk3...
i wonder how it'll be when harris starts talking...nurin & harris are turning 4 and 2 this August, and we'll be welcoming the new baby boy insyaAllah in the same month~ habis la duit weh bila august menjelma
kak mala, anda dinasihatkan memilih bulan selain August & September jikalau mahu saya menyediakan hadiah untuk anak anda kelak.

i miss home. it's been like 37 days and kalau balik minggu depan dah jadi 43++ days tak balik rumah. i'll break my own record x balik rumah before this mase 2nd year 35days. huhu... nak balik, wehhhh!!
kalau x pasal we need to move from previous room ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi gara2 renovation yang dilakukan, i would be a lil bit free to settle my works and could go home on that labor day. ini semua gara-gara kerja tak siap, paper tak habis tulis, barang nak pindah2 tak habis packing+pindah naik atas, and org LTN yang nak datang on public holiday.

takpe..takpe.. 1 week more, insyaAllah... =)

p/s: kerja Kosong - siapa nak ambik kontrak potong kenaf aku???

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