12 Ogos 2010

Annual break-fasting gathering with girlfriends dilemma

Every year (or at least the last 2-3 years), my girlfriends and I always had at least an Iftar get-together during Ramadhan. It has been like an annual thing for us to do. And every year, I’ve never failed to made it to the Iftar gathering. In fact, I was one of the very excited ones to call/text the others and make plans.

(2008 and 2009 Iftar blog posts)

DSC00612Little Penang Cafe (KLCC), 2008

DSC00629After-Iftar session, A&W (KLCC), 2008

This year, Naddy took the initiative to message us on FB to set the date sooner, since everyone’s going to be busy with works, planning iftar with family members and some with wedding arrangements. And since I am busy struggling with the thesis writing, I can only be back on certain weekends.

8423_133787593043_575488043_2497613_6790456_nFood Republic (Pavilion), 2009

8423_133787683043_575488043_2497629_2166_nAfter-Iftar session, Ministry of Food, MOF (Pavilion), 2009

So after the discussion, they agreed to meet up on the 21st/22nd August, which I most probably won’t be able to make it since I’m going back this weekend (and I bought the return tickets already).

But then Sharmi started making sad face emoticon in the message - then on my FB wall – and followed by some others. I didn’t know what to say, just that I really can’t make it due to some reasons like work stuffs and cost, for sure.

Then Eda started to say thing that made me awed.


(altogether now) Awwwwwwwwwwww~

But B my dear, “the cause of Bringing Julia Home for Ramadhan”?! LOL. Dah macam kempen ape je nih.

But hey, aren’t they the sweetest thing that ever happen to me? :’)

11 Ogos 2010

Pasar Ramadhan Parit Buntar

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 11 Aug '10, 7.12pm MYT PST]

Hari pertama puasa carik juadah berbuka kat Pasar Ramadhan Parit Buntar, Perak. So far selama 7 tahun puasa kat sini, ada 2 pasar yang tau. Lagi satu kat Bandar Baru, Kedah. Kalau ada pasar baru kat Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, boleh lengkap 3 negeri jalan carik juadah berbuka. :D

Apa2 pun, selamat berbuka puasa kawan2. Selamat berbuka ni selamat dah 1 hari kita berpuasa. Waahh nak raya!! :D

10 Ogos 2010

This is how satan works

Found these videos on YouTube, and I guess they’re worth sharing, moreover with the coming holy month of Ramadhan.



(Video creadits to www.wamy.co.uk and www.islamtomorrow.com )

والله أعلم بالصواب


"(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will,- it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew"

~ [al-Baqarah, 2:184]

Happy Fasting to all my Muslim readers. Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.


Surprise visit to Manjung for Kak Farhah’s Birthday

Last Sunday, me with some friends went to Manjung, Perak to celebrate my dear Kak farhah’s birthday. I really want to surprise her as she, with my whole bunch of kakaks & abangs, did a surprise birthday celebration for me on my birthday last year. Plus, it has been a while since we met after she left USM and started working in Ipoh. So I planned the surprise visit with her husband, Ikmal.

We reached Manjung at around 3 o’clock and went straightaway to the Secret Recipe, as planned. But, Ikmal who supposed to bring Kakak at 3 pm arrived at 330 om with the birthday girl and her sister, Madihah. (Ikmal, memang nak kene nih!)

2Happy Birthday, Kakak!!!

3Jejak kasih Kak Ida & Madihah. Macam bertahun tak jumpa –_-“

So anyways, no, we didn’t celebrate with all the balloons and birthday decorations. Just a simple lunch and hang-out session – changing stories, updating gossips – like we always do.

4Kakak waiting for us to sing her the birthday song.

5    She’s happy with the song ( which the Secret Recipe put on the speaker, not sing by us ).

6Blowing the candle.

1My super-delicious chicken cordon bleu :D

8Kak ida & Madihah learning to be a good mum :P

Then we went to Kak Farhah’s house for a while, to see Mama & do our prayers.

9Baby Aryan with his (self-proclaimed) god-mother ;p

We headed back at around 6+ pm, but we didn’t just go back. Hehe. We stopped by Taiping for a dinner at the famous Doli Kuey Teow Goreng. Finally!!! XD

( Dear B, I promise next time we go to Doli TTDI together-gether k. You jgn la merajuk2 mengadu kat kawan I lagi tau. :P )

10Alhamdulillah dpt jugak.

Then, we go back to campus, with happy mood happy hearts and happy stomach XD.

Thank you for the roadtrip crew for making this possible, and to Ikmal for helping me in planning the surprise trip.


p/s: I intentionally didn’t put up much of others’ photo, so that Kakak will be happy that this post is dedicated to her, with most of the photos are hers. :’)

08 Ogos 2010

Doli kuey teow goreng

[Live blogged by juLia d buBbles at 8 Aug '10, 8.19pm MYT PST]

Setelah lama tak makan, dapat jugak akhirnya singgah Taiping makan Kuey Teow Doli yang terkenal ni. Jemput makan ye semua :D

07 Ogos 2010

Congratulations, USM bloggerz!


On Friday, 6th August 2010, few of USM bloggerz batch 2009/2010 were conferred the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) during the 42th USM Convocation Ceremony. And some of the bloggers are them, who i called my adiks – Hadi, Sally, Haaziq, Lya and Lily. I went to the main campus ( very last minute plan. Yes, hadi, at first i didn’t want to go :P ), thanks to bestie, Zydah who was willing to take a half day leave to accompany me to USM main campus.

So, to my lovely brothers & sisters, Congratulatios & Happy Graduation!!! I hope u guys like the simple card and the small teddy :)

  DSC06934Sally @nikillas

DSC06946Lily @lilyto

DSC06935Hadi @maverickhornet

DSC06940Haaziq @bluecrystaldude

DSC06943Lya @uverXkuro

I was so glad that I managed to see all of my darlings, but tak dapat kumpul ramai2 lepak2 like the last time we hang out together :’( Hope we can reunite again one of these days. All the best in whatever path you guys choose. Love you guys!!

And thanks to dear Zydah for coming to our campus, accompany me to the convocation, hang out till late night (Abg Wan, sorry bawak isteri Abg Wan kuar sampai lewat malam. rindu nak lepak ngan Zydahhh!! :P ) and the sleepover!!

DSC06930 DSC06952 My Buttercup!!!

This afternoon, after Zydah and I went to lunch, and Zydah went back home, I found something in my locker that almost made me cry…


A note from Zydah, with the ending…

“p/s: Take this cute pink bear as ur inspiration to finish your thesis.”

Zyd got her Master’s Degree scroll back during the USM 40th Convocation in 2009, and left me all alone in the room we used to share during her postgraduate life. :(

Yes, Zyd. I’ll try my best to finish my thesis and finish my Masters. Yes, I want to graduate as soon as possible.  And I want a huuggeee teddy bear from you for my Masters graduation, ok? :P

I miss convocation!! I still remember the feeling I had during my Degree convocation day. Come on, Juls!! Thesis thesis thesis!!! You can do it! XD

04 Ogos 2010

For Women in Science

I was talking to a friend one day, about who has inspired me to achieve what I’ve wanted in life including pursuing my Master’s Degree and being in this research field. There are a few of them including mum, family members, friends, lecturers and some others. One of the most influence inspiration i got is from my very own lecturer Dr. Azura A. Rashid.

101_1290 Polymer Night 2008

She was my lecturer during my undergraduate studies and my supervisor for my Final Year Project. She was one of two women lecturers we had during undergrad, and yes I was closer to her than the other lecturer. Plus, when I was doing Industrial Training in Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia (RRIM), she was one of the visiting lecturers. In fact, she helped me getting the IT place in RRIM, due to some problem I faced with my supposed-to-be IT place.

After finished my 4 years undergraduate, I worked for her as her Research Assistant. During my Final Year Project and RA works, Dr.Azura helped me in many ways. She told me stories, she gave me her words of advice and she helped me find the strength in me. She might have not realize it though. But I would like to thank her for that.

UntitledPaper presented was from my Final Year Project.

Last year, Dr. Azura together with Dr. Zainovia Lockman (USM) and Dr. Zarina Asputi (UM) were awarded the L’Oreal Malaysia For Women in Science National Fellowships.  The award which is jointly conducted with the Malaysian National Commission for Unesco and supported by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry and Higher Education Ministry was developed in 2006, to provide assistance, encouragement and recognition to women who contribute to scientific progress.

zarina (L-R) Dr. Zarina Asputi, Dr. Zainovia Lockman, Dr. Azura A. Rashid

IMG_5797 (Picture credit to : http://jauharkalam.blogspot.com)

With this award, Dr. Azura indirectly, gives me more strength in struggling to finish my Masters and achieve the best in life. I want to be like her, the women in science.

I remember talking to her about my worry of getting married late if I didn’t just go looking for jobs but instead pursue my study until the highest level, and she said :
“Go pursue your dreams and ambitions. You don’t have to worry about not getting married because our jodoh is in Allah’s hand. If it’s written that you’re getting married late, even if you don’t pursue your study, you’ll be getting married late.”

And well hey, look at her. She’s young, received her PhD, married with children, and success in what she’s doing.
InsyaAllah, I’ll do my best to achieve what I want in life, too.
Note to self:
"Life's a climb. But the view is great."

Check out;
For Woman in Science L’oreal website (http://fwis.com.my/)
FWIS – Dr. Azura’s page (http://fwis.com.my/azurarashid)
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