15 Oktober 2009

Rombongan sehari ke Manjung


Last Saturday, 10th of October me & friends went to Manjung for my big sistah, kak Farhah's raya open house. Gathered around 10+am and started our road trip from the campus. There were 3 cars with 13 of us. There's nothing much to tell as we arrived and straightly look for food. Kak Farhah's mum cooked soto for us. And Nasi Hujan Panas especially for moi. ;)

I asked kakak few days before that i wanted nasi hujan panas but she said they were going to prepare soto, and the night before she said she's going to cook nasi putih for me to have it kari daging (i'm not really a soto fan). but then, there were nasi hujan panas + ayam masak merah + kari daging. weeee! me love you,kakak & mama. :p

and most of the time...camwhoring again and again!

my favourite mother-to-be

tuan & puan rumah

family potrait, ey? :p

then, we headed to teluk batik a outdoor raya photoshot. hehe.

the people who made my day

ema & haniza also came to kakak's

then while some of us have some fun swimming at teluk batik, the other including me were just hanging out, having air kelapa and looking around the shop lot.

11 Oktober 2009

Sushi Bonanza is backkkkkkkk!!!!!!


To my fellow sushi lovers......

Sushi Bonanza is back, y'allllll!!!!!

Exclusively for 2009 & 2010 Sushi King Card Members
Rice-based sushi on kaiten belt for only RM2* each

12-15 October 2009 West Malaysia
19-22 October 2009 East Malaysia

Sally and Hadi both updated their blogs with McDonalds posts, both are trying to collect the colourful Coke contour glass. Tho i also have one, *ehem* the perky pink one (sally sila jeles yer haha) but didn't wish to collect all :p , so i think it's better for me to update on this Sushi King RM2 Bonanza. If u missed the first half of the year bonanza, here come the second half, in October!!

But of course the are always terms and conditions

* Promotion is strictly for 2009 & 2010 Sushi Card Members and is valid for dine-in only.
* Card holders can bring a maximum of 5 people only.
* Promotion is applicable to sushi (rice-based) on all coloured plates on the kaiten belt excluding Tsumami (appertizer), Temaki (hand rolls), Sushi by Order & Normal Price Plates.
* Promotion is not valid with any other Sushi king Card discounts, other discounts or any menu-ordered sushi. All food leftovers will be charged according to the normal price.
* All vouchers will not be accepted during the Bonanza Promotion.


05 Oktober 2009

October is all about PINK


Some of you might know it, but some might not. There is something important is happening in October every year beside *ehem ehem* my birthday ;p. October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) or the Pink Ribbon is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

We, as the women should be aware of the common form of cancer that afflicting us. It's not possible to say what exactly causes a woman's breast cancer. However, research has shown that some factors might increase a woman's risk or chance of developing breast cancer.

You can just Google to read a lot of info of Breast Cancer as it is important to you, as well as for your mother sister and friends. All the important things is just at your fingertip. The same goes to the men of the women. Show your support for us!

The BCAM is supported through all over the world. Some of the famous landmarks and buildings were lit up pink to show support over pass years.

Tokyo Tower

White House

Niagara Falls

KL Tower

To all the ladies out there, wear a pink ribbon and make a different. or maybe you could wear anything pink everyday in October. T-shirt Pants Shoes Bag. Anything. Wear pink to show your support, and you should not be ashamed of it. For more, visit www.breastcancer.org.


Men, no offense! ;p

02 Oktober 2009

Finally, syawal update.


1st Syawal

Like mother like daughter.
Day 1. Brown.

Parking Tanah Perkuburan Ampang. mane sempat blasah je tangkap gambar. hehh

Then, to mum's cousin's family house in Keramat.

Pengubat duka lara. Amir Hakim, Harris Zikri, Hadief Zayied, Nurin Adrianna. (MIA Aliff Hilman)

2 Syawal
To aunty's at Cheras. Beraya & berkumpul untuk beraya.

Day 2. Green.

Went to cousin Angah's future husband's house. Then went to few houses in Hulu Langat, Selangor. Saudara mara from atuk's side.

Atuk's cousin's at Batu 18. ada jambatan gantung. best!

3 Syawal
Plan asal malam sebelumnya.
Ke Serendah. then, Sungai Buaya. then mane2 la patut.

Sampai Serendah, auntie's house around noon.

Day 3. Pink.

Effa. Along. Sis Mala. Me. Sis Alice.

Masa lepak2 di Serendah, terkeluar plan utk ke Batu Gajah. rumah mak mertua cousin kak lina.
So plan ke 2. Pasni ke Sungai Buaya, pastu ke Batu Gajah.

Tgh siap2 nak balik, saudara mara dr Sungai Buaya sampai.

Meet my mom's cousin a.k.a my other mother. Cik Ulyn. :)

So. cancel sungai buaya. Straight Batu Gajah, Perak.

With Hadief @ Batu Gajah

5 Syawal

Beraya di Muzium Negara. best. siape tak pernah masuk sini, sila pergi. siapa tak pernah dtg sini lebih 5 tahun? sila pergi jugak.

Next Raya i want Kuih Karas, Bahulu, Kuih Putu, Kuih Kapit and seangkatan dengannya. no cookies. thank you.

6 Syawal

mostly di rumah membosankan diri sendiri. then later ajak my mum pergi taman sebab bosan. thankfully Nurin dah sampai KL dari Batu Gajah. nak bawak Harris, along malas nak turun KL balik takut jem. so, beraya ke 6 di Taman Tasik Perdana. hehe

7 Syawal
Masak2 early morning and waiting for favorite people to come raya at home.

Fadilah, Anwar, Naqi, Edna & Baiti

Atuk's motorcycle yang dah rosak sikit2 dah di baikpulih. So akhirnya dapat menunggang motorsikal setelah rindu lame tak menunggang. yayyy~
Later that evening, went out with cousins for a karaoke session at BB and sushi madness for dinner. We were actually celebrating cousin Farah's birthday + cousin Effa's belated.

8 Syawal

went to Uncle's place in Shah Alam. eh why dont i have any pict with my cousins kat shah alam tu? isk. ekha kaina shana an. pasni kalau jumpe please remind me tangkap sama2. all u four.

Balik kampus.

I miss home. Jom balik lagi. Tonight!! hahaha

28 September 2009

Ubi kayu oh ubi kayu


Apa yang bila dah lame x dapat, and tetiba mengidam nak makan, and bila dapat makan sangatlah memuaskan hati cik bubbles?

Ubi kayu rebus + sambal ikan bilis + ikan masin

Satisfaction. Setelah mengidam sejak bulan puasa lagi. hehehe.. Akhirnya dapat gak last week. Thank you, mum!
09 10