10 Mei 2009

Mother's Day

Puan Rokiah binti Mohamad,

thank you....

for the nine months of carrying me to everywhere you go..
for the pain of delivering me ..
for the sleepless nights you spend to make sure i sleep well and doing fine..

for teaching me how to eat..
for teaching me how to drink..
for teaching me how to talk..
for teaching me how to walk..
for patiently teaching me all i need to know..

for giving me courage to face everything that i'm afraid of..
for supporting me for what i want to do and who i want to be..
for scolding me for my own good..
for blessing me for every steps i take..

for accepting me for who i am today..
for correcting me when i'm wrong..
for always being there for me when i need you to..

for being understanding..
for not pushing me to be the best, but motivates me to be so..
for all the hardness you've gone through..

and simply for being a mother who cares, father who provides, friend who listens, teacher who teaches, doctor who cures, lover who loves and a great travel companion. ;)

Happy Mother's Day

you mean the world to me.


07 Mei 2009

Kenaf, Nurin & Home

the kenaf i'll b using in research dah sampai last friday after like 2 weeks of waiting. actually like lagi lama la. we ordered the kenaf from Lembaga Tembakau Negara, Trengganu weeks before, then they said that they'll come to hantar kenaf 2 minggu lepas tp baru datang last friday (on Labor Day). bagus mereka buat kerja walaupun hari bercuti. huhu~ oh, kenaf is a plant based fibre from the kenaf tree.

kenaf tree & fibre

ok, the kenaf fibre provided to us isn't as clean as in the picture above. so like always i need to clean & clean the kenaf for a week or 2 sampai die betul2 bersih, then kene potong 10mm then baru boleh start compound. cutting the kenaf sangat boleh buat jari2 melecet sebab pegang gunting dalam jangka masa yang sangaaaaattt panjang ok. tapi dah kerja kan. glad kenaf dah sampai so boleh sambung kerja yang terbengkalai.

i call home yesterday to talk to cousin mimin. nurin answered the phone.

"yin datang ngan siape?"
"...." (i heard "ngan abang")
"yin datang dengan abang amir ke?"
"tak.... maksud yi... abang amir kan sekolah.. macam mane abang amir nak datang umah bapak
(she called her moyang -bapak).. yi datang dengan nek na, dengan along dengan aleh kiki (harris zikri) la.."

excuse me? 'maksud yi'?? amboi..amboi.. aku yang dah besar panjang ni pun tak guna maksud maksud ni tau. isk3...
i wonder how it'll be when harris starts talking...nurin & harris are turning 4 and 2 this August, and we'll be welcoming the new baby boy insyaAllah in the same month~ habis la duit weh bila august menjelma
kak mala, anda dinasihatkan memilih bulan selain August & September jikalau mahu saya menyediakan hadiah untuk anak anda kelak.

i miss home. it's been like 37 days and kalau balik minggu depan dah jadi 43++ days tak balik rumah. i'll break my own record x balik rumah before this mase 2nd year 35days. huhu... nak balik, wehhhh!!
kalau x pasal we need to move from previous room ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi gara2 renovation yang dilakukan, i would be a lil bit free to settle my works and could go home on that labor day. ini semua gara-gara kerja tak siap, paper tak habis tulis, barang nak pindah2 tak habis packing+pindah naik atas, and org LTN yang nak datang on public holiday.

takpe..takpe.. 1 week more, insyaAllah... =)

p/s: kerja Kosong - siapa nak ambik kontrak potong kenaf aku???

04 Mei 2009

You Know Me Well..?

lately, there are a lot of friends created the How Well Do You Know ___? test in FB. i would like to create one, too. but i remember that i have created one before like back in 2007 and had it posted in FS. before i create another not-so-tough Q's in the FB, would any of u like to try this out? =)

Create your own Friend Test here

to those yang dah try this - nads, eda, amie, nanim, fadilah - wait for the 2nd version of the How Well Do You Know Me? =D sila study hard and make sure u all score,ok.

p/s: x aci ok fadilah buat test ni 2 kali ;p

24 April 2009

You're the best part

This song was one of my fave song. Zaman skola2 dulu, femes lagu nih. Pastu lagu ni hilang dek zaman and suddenly yesterday this song came to my mind.

The Best Part
(Tommy Page & Amy Mastura)

The best part in the morning is...
Opening my eyes...
Seeing you next to me
Make me realize... That all in my heart...
You're the best part

The best part of the day is...
Receiving your call...
Taking me away from the rest of it all...
Hearing your voice...
That's the best part

The best part of sundown
Is the colourful sky...
Dreaming of us... Eye-to-eye...
Thinking of you...
That's the best part

Although there maybe bad times...
That cause us some pain...
If all the times were good...
It wouldn't be through...
But I'd go through the bad times...
Just to have one good time with you...

When I think of my life...
And the day of my love...
The best part of living...
Has been you...

When I dream in the night...
Hold you close... Hold you tight...
The best part of loving comes true...

The best part of my life...
Is being with you...
If you ever ran away...
My life would be through...
Coz' right from the start...
You've been the best part...
The Best Part....

Dedicated specially for you.

p/s: sape ade lagu ni.. pls.. nak...!! carik kat youtube xjumpe.. kat 4shared de sorg je ade, tp gile xdpt download :(
dah dapat!!!!!!! =D

21 April 2009


last friday, me zydah and penick went to Kapitan, Penang for penick's farewell dinner as he's going back to sarawak. he finished his last exam paper friday evening, and need to prepare for his fyp report and all, and planned take the flight home on monday. he's going back to (maybe) working in sarawak. he planned to work in kl, or at least east m'sia but things happened and he need to stay near to home.

yesterday morning, penick sms-ed me saying rashid couldn't send him to the airport and asked if i could. so, zydah & i sent him off at the airport for his 1745 hrs flight to kch. it was kinda sad to actually see him off to the departure hall. last year, around this time, kitorg ke Genting for our farewell trip. and lepas tu, even dah x bersama ikhwan & nurul (yang start bekerja terus after habis degree), x sesedih ini maybe because we (me & zyd) already know that ikh was going 2 work in kl, and nurul dah surely org semenanjung. so, 2-2 pun insyaAllah senang nak jumpe. and cause we were going to have each other for at least another year. but semalam, i did feel sad deep inside. sbb since last year yang ikh & nurul dah xde kat usm, it was always be me, zyd & penick pegi ke mc'd or had dinner together once in a while.

we'll miss u.

he had always been there for me - for us - whenever wherever we needed him to be. last year die even bawak assignment ke karaoke sbb kami nak sgt ke karaoke atas sbb2 yg xdpt dielakkan and die 'terpakse' ikut. and now, the fact that he might be working in sarawak, lagi la, like when are we going to see each other again?

now penick dah xde kat usm and zydah will finish her mixed mode master degree in few months. i'll be left alone here. :( except if she decide to pursue her study lagi.

goodbye, my friend
and good luck.

p/s: Al-Fatihah to penick's father who passed away last Saturday.
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