16 Ogos 2011

Village in the city for Aidilfitri

Most of the shopping malls had started to decorate their mall especially the lobby area to bring the raya mood to their customers in accordance to the coming hari raya Aidilfitri. Well, logically when the mood is there, the more they will spend on raya stuff, right. So I went to three different shopping malls in Bukit Bintang area last Saturday and found that all three have similar theme for hari raya decorations in the main lobby area – the Malay village.

Bukit Bintang Plaza

15 Ogos 2011

Saya baru sedar darah saya tak pernah diambil

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 15 Aug '11, 4.39pm MYT]

For some reason, I gotta do medical check-up. This is not the first check ups i went to. Pernah je masa nak masuk degree dan master dulu. Tapi tak pernah pulak teringat yang kena ambil darah. And tak pernah jugak seumur hidup ni pergi menderma darah. Huhu. So, tadi pergi IMU Specialist Clinic for medical check up. And tetiba kena ambik darah. Takut wooo! Nurse kata vein dah senang nampak, obvious dah tp xdapat2 gak cucuk. Pastu nurse tu kata vein tu lari so susah nak amek darah. Tapi last2 dapat jugak. Huhu. So, tak la sakit sangat rupanya ambik darah ni. :P

10 Ogos 2011

Ramadhan, so far...

It had been 10 days we’ve fast in the holy month of Ramadhan 1432H.
If last year, I spent my first day of Ramadhan at the hostel, this year I had my first sahur and iftar at home. And if last year I only get to go perform Tarawih together with family on the 4th day, this year I went to the mosque on the first night of Tarawih with family.

20 Julai 2011

My handsom boy's birthday

Last 2 years, on 20th July, a cute baby boy was born in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He's the second son of the happily married couple, cousin Along and Zuraidy.
After the arguement between the husband and wife, they finally came to the decision to name their newly born son Hadief Zayed.

The over-excited Aunty Bubbles went to see the baby hours after he was born. She was so excited and happy as she loves kids so much. She looked at the lovely baby and kissed the baby on the left cheek.

And guess what???

18 Julai 2011

"Luck never gives, it only lends."

After I get a hold of my precious Bachelor of Engineering (Polymer Engineering), I did not really look for job because I’ve made the decision to pursue with my Master Degree. I wanted to hold a Master scroll, or even a Doctorate if that’s possible. I’ve always wanted to be a researcher or a lecturer.

Years went by, and I came to almost the end of my Master study. I started looking for jobs - academic institution, research centre, industry - no luck. I sent out resumes (with the big S!!) – with only degree qualification, with my master in progress stated, high expected salary, low expected salary – still no luck. When I was about to come home for good after submitting the first draft of thesis, cousin Along asked if I wanted to do part time job in her office. I said yes. When you have mouth to feed, bills to pay, car payment to settle, least you would think of how good or glamour the job is.
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