04 April 2011

Sharmi’s Bollywood style reception

I didn’t really blog about friends’ weddings lately (except for KNizam’s) since there were too much wedding one after another – Sharifah, Eda, Ashraf, Salmi, Sharmi etc. But I gotta blog about Sharmi’s Bollywood reception.  Sharmi’s father is a Pakistani, she had this Bollywood style reception in honor to her paternal bloodline.


Went there with Baiti, Eda and her husband. Sharmi, Eda and I are known as Bollywood fans not Baiti. During high school, Sharmi, Eda and I used to sing and dance to Hindi songs a lot. And if you know me well, you would know that Bollywood is sooo my thing!



Ain’t she pretty?


Day 2 without laptop

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 4 Apr '11, 10.05am MYT]

It's day 2 without laptop and I feel like dying already. Dah la hari ni ada MQA accreditation visit, means I'm not at my desk - no computer. Ok all together, aargghhh!
Ok, what actually happened to my laptop was it was infected (sound serious ey?) by stupid virus and instead of looking for the anti virus whatever thing, i wanted to restore like I once did. I mean, restore to the factory setting. Little did I know, i misplaced the backup CDs. I only realize it AFTER I restored the laptop to the zero system. Yayy! Clap clap to the genius Julia. -__-"
And now I'm left with nothing. Yes. NOTHING! *cries*

On the other hand, have you heard about the beast teacher who beat and abused a 7 years old boy till death, just because the teacher claimed that the student stole RM7? Does one's life too cheap, as much as RM7 to that 26 years old beast who thinks he can do that? Stupidness! He's a teacher. In a sekolah agama, for God's sake! Astaghfirullah.. Hope he realize what had he done..

Al fatihah adik Saiful Syazani.. May you rest in peace..

01 April 2011

God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

My manager asked me if I’ve heard of a song written by a father who has a down syndrome daughter. She said it is a beautiful and very touching. I search upon the song on YouTube. Indeed, it touched my heart.

Steve Moser wrote the amazing song about the birth of his daughter, Anna who was born with down syndrome.

My idli breakfast!

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 1 Apr '11, 10.04am MYT]

Dah lama tak makan idli. In fact dah lama x makan Indian food like tosai, capati etc. Hari ni dapat idli for breakfast. The kakaks at the office decided to share rezeki masing2 dapat bonus with the department staff. So setiap orang gilir2 belanja breakfast utk 3 minggu mula semalam. Tapi exception untuk yang baru masuk kerja sbb tak dapat bonus. Kitorang tukang makan je. Haha.
Semalam kak rina belanja nasi lemak. Hari ni Denize belikan idli. Hari tu plan nak makan idli for Nida's birthday tapi x jadi.
Thank you Kak Rina & Denize! Tengok next week dapat apa pulak. Hehe.

27 Mac 2011

Sunway Pyramid lights off for the Earth Hour 2011

It is an annual campaign on conserving the earth through the Earth Hour program. Every year in end of March, we are called to switch off the lights as a support to the Earth Hour awareness campaign. This year, the Sunway Pyramid mall together with the Malaysian WWF celebrating the Earth Hour 2011 at the main entrance of Sunway Pyramid.


I wished to go, but didn’t have proper plan. Not until the afternoon on the 26th March itself that me, Khairil, Een and Andy decided to hang out at Empire Subang, which turned out to be a bit bored so we headed to Sunway instead to spend the evening. Since we were already there, we stayed for the Earth Hour countdown as well.


Too bad with no plan, no camera was brought, so all pictures are captured only by our phones.



26 Mac 2011

Celebrating Earth Hour @ Sunway Pyramid

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 26 Mar '11, 8.43pm MYT]

Tgh boring2 kat rumah, ajak la budak2 Een, Kerel, Andy keluar. Yang lain2 semua ada hal. Tujuan asal ke Empire tapi bosan and x tau nak makan apa, so we headed to Sunway Pyramid instead. Kebetulan ada sambutan Earth Hour 2011, kitorang pun decide nak stay and support the Earth Hour celebration. Nice. They give away candles for us to lit. After countdown, at 8.30pm they switched off the lights around Pyramid.
Now ada siapa ntah shuffle2 atas pentas.
And bumped into Kak Yan @bugbitesandco here! Semalam sama2 check in kat Pavillion. Ada jodoh betul. Hehe.

25 Mac 2011

“…Dalam Botol”: Controversial much?

Yesterday, B asked me out for a movie. Well if you have known her for years, you would know that she didn’t really watch Malay movie. But she had been watching few lately – Adnan Sempit in example – in cinema! Yes, that didn’t sound like her at all last few years.


Anyway, she asked me out to watch …Dalam Botol. I was like “Are you sureeeee??” Then she said it was because she wanted to see what the fuss was all about and what’s good about it till it caught the Library of Congress, Washington DC attention. I had no plan and had no protestation towards gay movie, gay character or maybe *cough* gay actor *cough*, plus I am being supporting to a USM student, Arja Lee (like I was biased-ly supported Mamu in Raja Lawak :p), so I said why not?

And there we were watching the controversial movie, “…Dalam Botol”.




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