06 Januari 2010

When the family gathers


I spend my New Year Eve on the train on my way back home and spend the 1st weekend of 2010 at home. Nice. ;)

On Jan 2nd, cousin Along organized a family lunch to celebrate her Mom & Dad‘s 30th anniversary. We had lunch at Khadijah’s Kitchen, PJ owned by one of Malaysian top singer Khadijah Ibrahim.


Along ordered quite a lot of dishes. Nak bagi pecah perut jugak la. But the food are nice. Kene dengan selera.

Some of the dishes…

2010_01_02_5600 Appetizer – Cucur udang & tofu goreng


Sambal udang & terung goreng cili

2010_01_02_5615 Sotong masak hitam. My all time favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sotong masak hitam is my favourite food an since i was very very small. :D bukan senang nak jumpa restaurant yg jual this tau. and i bet most of you never even try this, right? hehe

2010_01_02_5616 Bayam & tauhu goreng2010_01_02_5627

Kurma ayam

lagi ada asam pedas tenggiri & daging salai masak lemak.

2010_01_02_5618 the crew2010_01_02_5622 2010_01_02_5625  i just realize lately i buy a lot of plain black shirt/blouse2010_01_02_5643 2010_01_02_5655 the organizercousin Along

then after we finished eating the main course and chit chatting and camwhoring, then came the desserts…

2010_01_02_56582010_01_02_5659 bubur pulut hitam

and thank Along for this………………..2010_01_02_5660 ubi kayu rebus & sambal tumis yummmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

2010_01_02_5666 some of Kathy’s record.

to our luck, Kathy was there during our lunch gathering. she looks so gorgeous and beautiful for her age. and she is so friendly. just like when we saw her on TV or on stage.

2010_01_02_5668 mum used to work with Kathy’s sis-in-law (Latiff Ibrahim’s wife) 2010_01_02_5670 I cant stop capturing her pics. I want to look like her in my 40s.2010_01_02_5690  2010_01_02_5700

wall of fame


and there went my aunt & uncle’s anniversary lunch. thank you, Along!!


On Monday morning, while i was still lazily half-awake on my bed, my aunty (Ibu) woke me up, telling me that my uncle passed away in his sleep. I cancel my monday night ticket back to campus and stayed another night in KL, at my aunt's house in Cheras and got back to campus last night.

Al-fatihah..may he rest in peace…

27 Disember 2009

My (self-proclaimed) newborn god-son hehehe


27122009841 Welcome to the world, baby boy.

Congratulations to my dearest Kak Farhah & Ikmal on the birth of your first baby boy. I am so incredibly happy for you. I wish you the best of luck with your new baby. Be good & loving parents, you both. May Allah bless.

 Dear you little one,
be a good son. 
I’m gonna love you to bits!
Can’t wait to see you ;)

your (self-proclaimed) god-mom 

25 Disember 2009

I have a thing for flea market


In Penang, there are the Feringhi Night Market which sell mostly crafts and souvenir; and the Lorong Kulit Flea Market – which almost as the same as the one in Amcorp Mall PJ – selling antiques, used book, clothes etc.

In Petaling Jaya, there’s this building, Amcorp Mall, located opposite the Taman Jaya Lake and Taman Jaya LRT Putra station. It might not be popular for shopping stuffs you prefer to buy in Mid Valley, KLCC or One Utama. But it is well-known for its very own flea market which opens Saturday & SUnday 9.00am to 5.00 pm.

The flea market are everywhere in the mall. From the lowest ground floor to the top floor, all over the corridor and lobby. The KL biggest flea market has everything you could ask for - antiques, records, collectables, homemade food, old and new toys, pictures and photographs, stamps, old weapons and other junkie item you can’t even think of!

2009_12_13_5106 2009_12_13_5108 2009_12_13_5110

So there are people who burn old songs from old records on CD to be sold. There are songs you can’t even find it online. And look what me & my mum find!

2009_12_13_5073Two old singers named Julia & Rokiah CDs. :D

2009_12_13_50792009_12_13_5087 2009_12_13_5095Who need this size of hanger?


When I’m at home and have no plan on Sunday, I would just ask mum to come here with me. Just like once in a while i would go to Lorong Kulit flea market or the Little Penang Street Market to just stroll and look around.

Yes....i have a thing for flea market. ;)

21 Disember 2009

Polymer (unofficial) gathering ;)


During my oh-so-great-i have-a-long-holiday-at-home, i managed to see some people that i havent meet for quite a while. and due to the NSPM 2009 that i attended with some other coursemates, we managed to do a little unofficial last minute planned gathering.

The polymer-mates who went to the NSPM 2009 as well were Hamid, Faizal, Amin, Sufiah and Amalina.
On Sunday night I told one of our friend Azrul who’s working in Bentong to take an emergency leave (haha sukati je kan ;p)  the very next day to join us in KL. he said he could take a half-day leave.

And just when we gathered at the Residence Hotel at UNITEN, i texted Rahayu if she’s free and i would pick her to join us. and so glad that she could make it :)

2009_12_14_5184Rahayu Saniman
2009_12_14_5194 Sufiah, Amalina, Ayu & me

2009_12_14_5209 2009_12_14_5211
I wish we could gather with bigger crowd next time :)

So, the NSPM 2009 was held at the Residence Hotel at UNITEN; organized by Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and thankfully my presentation went well (at least I think so). I was so worried that I couldn’t present or forget what i was gonna say. Plus i was having fever+cough (in fact i still have them till today blerrghhh~).

DSC05389 Prof. Hanafi Ismail’s students
2009_12_16_5232Lunch after the presentation on Day 2
2009_12_16_5257 With the most favourite lecturer, Dr.Azlan ;)

p/s: Congratulation to Ragu who win the Best Paper for Oral Presentation NSPM 2009.

15 Disember 2009

Natrah, the theatre


Last Monday, December 7th I went to Istana Budaya with mum to watch theatre Natrah , directed by the one and only Erma Fatimah.

For those who never heard the story of Natrah a.k.a Maria Hertogh, please Google. semua orang harus tau psl dia, ok.

Btw i knew about the Natrah issue because my mom have these 4 volume of Dewan Masyarakat magazines back-to-back in the 80s (kot!) that tell stories about Natrah. I read about her story when i was small. And when i heard that they were making it to the theatre I insist to watch the show. Plus it’s been a while since i go to theatre with my mum.

Oh, and I am so so so glad that Diana Danielle x jadi pegang watak Natrah. Maya Karin did a very good job. i can’t imagine klau Diana Danielle atas stage tu.. blerrghh~

So by the end of the show….

the director, Erma Fatima DSC05309
Natrah’s mother, Cikgu Mansur, Natrah (13), Natrah (7), Director, Che Aminah, Natrah (70) DSC05310  DSC05313
DSC05318 DSC05321

Ekha, this is for you! ;p
DSC05323instead of calling (or shouting) his name Remy Ishak. the fans shouted ‘Mansur Adabi’ and most of the time, ‘Adam’. haha
DSC05331 DSC05336DSC05341

teringat zaman kanak2 tengok teater kanak-kanak Taman Baginda, Bawang Putih Bawang Merah, Siti di Alam Fantasi etc. masa tu belom ada Istana Budaya, kat MATIC je lg. ;)
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