25 Januari 2010

P-Grad Super Series 2010, Piala Prof Hanafi Ismail


Last Saturday, 23rd January 2010, there was a badminton tournament, P-Grad Super Series 2010 Piala Prof. Hanafi Ismail organized by School of Material & Mineral Resources Engineering Post Graduate Student Club (PGSC), USM.


The tournament started at 8am with registration of the participants from mostly all the schools in USM Engineering Campus – Civil, Chemical, EE & Mechanic - and from different races, as well as international students from Iran, Thailand and Vietnam.

2010_01_23_5841   2010_01_23_58872010_01_23_5959 Hamid & Faizal

2010_01_23_5900Nik Noriman & Kahar2010_01_23_5953kak Intan2010_01_23_59032010_01_23_59212010_01_23_5969

One of the emergency incident2010_01_23_59242010_01_23_6026Men Double – Winner 2010_01_23_6033 Group picture of participant with Prof. Hanafi Ismail & Dean of SMMRE, Prof. Ahmad Fauzi

2010_01_23_6034 The (not so) winner & the (real) winner :P

21 Januari 2010

Dansa by Sasha Bashir


Have you ever heard of Sasha Bashir?

Well, she might not be as famous as Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza the singer, or Maya Karin the actress. But I bet some of you might’ve came across her name before. She worked for Istana Budaya and performed in few theatres. She was the host for Explorace and she was one of the actress of “5 Jingga” drama.

I simply like her because she is a graduate from West Australian Academy of Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Performing Arts. And this is because I love dancing especially traditional dance.

So she has this documentary of dances titled DANSA that was aired on TV3 earlier last year and re-aired on NTV7 (English version) by end of last year. And unfortunately i hadn’t had the chance to watch the show :( This is the very disadvantages of staying in the hostel, you know…


Anyway, few months ago, she launched her first book ever also by the titled DANSA. The book includes beautiful photographs of her during the shooting of DANSA episode taken by Aiemax/Fazari, Madehi and Jay Ismail. The photographs are including the different places she went, the costumes and the story of the dances.


(Picture courtesy of Sasha Bashir’s blog)

It is a hardcover with 200 pages, contains over 250 beautifully photographed moments during her journey of the documentary. There are also pictures taken behind-the-scenes while Sasha Bashir and the production crew travelled to 13 locations for the show including states in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and Japan.


DANSA by Sasha Bashir is available in Malaysia bookstores for RM 130.


So here come the question…

who’s willing to get this for me….?


Pretty please….. >_<

15 Januari 2010

Ok. I do feel old now.

Hari tu masa hujung minggu pertama bagi tahun 2010 yang diluangkan di rumah, terpikir nak selongkar almari nak carik gambar2 zaman skola2 + matriks + undergrad nak upload kat facebook (but mostly yang best2 dah upload dah) dan terjumpa dengan beberapa harta yang amat berharga. Harta yang berharga ni bukanlah emas ke duit ke. Tapi lagi mahal tau. Yang x boleh dibeli di mana2 tau tau..

Eh cop. Blog ni kejap ckp english kejap ckp BM. Hurmm..apa2 lah.

Ok. Sambung. So ada lah terjumpa beberapa harta yang membuatkan diri sendiri tersenyum sorang2 dalam bilik dan membuatkan diri rasa tua pulak sebab dah lama meninggalkan zaman harta2 berharga tersebut. Huhu~Look what I found.
Buku tulis masa zaman sekolah rendah SRK (P) Dato’ Abu Bakar (2) dan SRA Al-Watan. Ada beberapa buah buku macam ni dalam almari. Ada yang dah guna ada yang masih belum terusik.
Yang ada dalam gambar ni, buku sekolah SDAB tu belum guna. Masih kosong lagi. Yang buku sekolah Al-Watan tu dah guna. Buku pelajaran ‘Jawi’, darjah ‘2 Ros’. hehe. Buku tahun 1993 tu..
2010_01_15_5799Sekolah Rendah Agama Al-Watan, Jalan Traver, Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur
SRK (P) Dato’ Abu Bakar (2), Jalan Davis, Kuala Lumpur
Sekolah rendah ni dulu sangat lah orang x tau sebab sangat di hujung pelusuk mana ntah. Pagi2 pukul 6 lebih dah keluar pergi sekolah naik bas mini nombor 25 (memula warna biru, pastu bas mini diseragamkan jadi warna pink), turun kat Majestic, Pudu. Pastu kene jalan kaki jauh wooo.. dah la gelap lagi, lalu tempat setinggan, pastu byk anjing, pastu ada drug addicts pulak..bahaya. Tapi itu la yang dilalui sehari2.. Alhamdulillah masuk gak U hasil dari bejalan teruk2 ke sekolah untuk menimba ilmu. hehe..
Tapi sekarang sekolah tu betul2 tepi jalan kat fly-over bulatan kg.pandan menghala ke bukit bintang tu. sebab semua rumah area situ kene roboh masa diorang nak buat jalan tu.
Ok. Lepas tu.. jumpa lagi harta yang sangat berharga jugak. Ni harta yang wujud pada zaman sekolah menengah. Tahun 1999. Cuti sekolah hujung tingkatan 2 nak masuk tingkatan 3.
Jeng jeng jeng…………..
2010_01_15_5797Surat surat cinta dari kekasih hati ku.. Miss Nurbaiti Hanim, ya’ll!!!

Tau x kami sama-sama duduk Kampung Pandan, berkongsikan poskod yang sama?
Tau x klau naik bas dari rumah ke rumah dia hanya lepas beberapa bus-stop sahaja?
Tau x klau naik basikal pegi rumah die x sempat nak penat pun?
Tapi memang gatal kan saja nak tulis2 surat, siap pos lagi. Haha. Sekarang mane ade wehh…
See she wrote my name as Mrs Julia Kavanagh. X paham kenapa? Read this!! hehehe2010_01_15_5805
Tengok lah. Siap tulis surat guna exam pad sekolah lagi. Semangat SABian betul girlfriend I sorang ni kan3. ;p2010_01_15_5809  
“Hanim Skywalker” LOL!! Masa ni tengah hangat pasal Star Wars Episode I : the Phantom Menace
And lepas tu jumpa benda ni pulak. Benda ni si Siti Marian, ex roomate kat Kolej Matrikulasi Kuala Pilah (KMNS) yang buat kan. Budak tu sgt kreatif dan sangat rajin la nak buat benda2 macam ni. Yang best nye masa masuk bilik tu, xtau dia pun suka Powerpuff Girl. Then, kitorg found out yang kitorg same2 gila PPG, and kebetulan dia sgt suka Buttercup, while me..ehem ehem.. of course la Bubbles. hehe So kitorg berdua ‘memberikan’ Blossom kepada our 3rd roomate, Nurul Amirah. Kami tinggal bertiga di bilik 4 orang itu. ;) I miss you both Yam and Nurul!!!!
2010_01_15_5791if u’re still wondering where the bubbles in “bubbles182” came from. ;)

p/s: Ye. Saya secara rasmi nya dah sedar yang saya dah tua (sikit) berbanding tahun2 yang lalu. Hahaha still in denial xnak mengaku dah tua betul ;p

12 Januari 2010

Puan Hazreen binti Ahmed Redza



Happy Birthday, Angah a.k.a Puan Hazreen!!!

Saje letak gambar ni sbb tau mood pengantin baru tu ade lagi. kan3 ;p

Btw, sedar x kite skola dari skola rendah smpai skola menengah same? Seb bek x masuk U same gak. huhu

So anyhow..semoga bergembira di hari lahir yang pertama di sambut bersama suami tercinta, Encik Hakim.

Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki!!!


11 Januari 2010

Manjung road trip to see baby Aryan


Ingat x cerita pasal Kak farhah yang selamat delivered a baby boy on 27th December lepas?

Oleh kerana masih belum melawat beliau, dan juga baby baru itu, saya telah ke Seri Manjung bersama 2 org kawan untuk melawat ibu baru itu serta anak lelaki beliau.

2010_01_09_5728 Ada gaya jadi ibu yang baik x? hehe2010_01_09_5731 2010_01_09_5735 Me, new baby and the baby’s mother, Kak Farhah2010_01_09_5745 Introducing… Muhammad Aryan Iman b. Mohd Ikmal!!

Otw balik dari rumah kakak di pertengahan jalan, kami men-decide untuk singgah ke Taiping dan dinner di Doli Kuey Teow Goreng sebagai ganti trip yang lepas x jadi singgah ;)


Dan dalam banyak2 orang la kat bandar Taiping tu.. boleh la pulak terserempak dengan mamat2 ni.. aisshhh. x cukup ke jumpe kat Parit Buntar ke Nibong Tebal jer… ;p


06 Januari 2010

When the family gathers


I spend my New Year Eve on the train on my way back home and spend the 1st weekend of 2010 at home. Nice. ;)

On Jan 2nd, cousin Along organized a family lunch to celebrate her Mom & Dad‘s 30th anniversary. We had lunch at Khadijah’s Kitchen, PJ owned by one of Malaysian top singer Khadijah Ibrahim.


Along ordered quite a lot of dishes. Nak bagi pecah perut jugak la. But the food are nice. Kene dengan selera.

Some of the dishes…

2010_01_02_5600 Appetizer – Cucur udang & tofu goreng


Sambal udang & terung goreng cili

2010_01_02_5615 Sotong masak hitam. My all time favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sotong masak hitam is my favourite food an since i was very very small. :D bukan senang nak jumpa restaurant yg jual this tau. and i bet most of you never even try this, right? hehe

2010_01_02_5616 Bayam & tauhu goreng2010_01_02_5627

Kurma ayam

lagi ada asam pedas tenggiri & daging salai masak lemak.

2010_01_02_5618 the crew2010_01_02_5622 2010_01_02_5625  i just realize lately i buy a lot of plain black shirt/blouse2010_01_02_5643 2010_01_02_5655 the organizercousin Along

then after we finished eating the main course and chit chatting and camwhoring, then came the desserts…

2010_01_02_56582010_01_02_5659 bubur pulut hitam

and thank Along for this………………..2010_01_02_5660 ubi kayu rebus & sambal tumis yummmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

2010_01_02_5666 some of Kathy’s record.

to our luck, Kathy was there during our lunch gathering. she looks so gorgeous and beautiful for her age. and she is so friendly. just like when we saw her on TV or on stage.

2010_01_02_5668 mum used to work with Kathy’s sis-in-law (Latiff Ibrahim’s wife) 2010_01_02_5670 I cant stop capturing her pics. I want to look like her in my 40s.2010_01_02_5690  2010_01_02_5700

wall of fame


and there went my aunt & uncle’s anniversary lunch. thank you, Along!!


On Monday morning, while i was still lazily half-awake on my bed, my aunty (Ibu) woke me up, telling me that my uncle passed away in his sleep. I cancel my monday night ticket back to campus and stayed another night in KL, at my aunt's house in Cheras and got back to campus last night.

Al-fatihah..may he rest in peace…

27 Disember 2009

My (self-proclaimed) newborn god-son hehehe


27122009841 Welcome to the world, baby boy.

Congratulations to my dearest Kak Farhah & Ikmal on the birth of your first baby boy. I am so incredibly happy for you. I wish you the best of luck with your new baby. Be good & loving parents, you both. May Allah bless.

 Dear you little one,
be a good son. 
I’m gonna love you to bits!
Can’t wait to see you ;)

your (self-proclaimed) god-mom 
09 10