Memaparkan catatan dengan label Blogging. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label Blogging. Papar semua catatan

08 September 2010

Live blogging

Whenever I’m back at home, I spend less time in front of the home pc or laptop. It has been this way since years ago. I tweet and check my Facebook mostly through my mobile phone. The attempt to blog also will be less whenever I'm back at home.  But I’ve set up a live blog few months back, to blog, live from my mobile phone update on the spot (if the internet line is okay) about whatever happens in my surrounding, my updates etc.

For those who never came across my live blog, well, please do so.

See you there :)


Anyway, my cousin Angah had safely given birth to a cute baby boy in HUKM earlier tonight. Congratsssss!

4967492423_04cb659214The baby who is yet to be named. :)

Welcome to the family, love.

26 Ogos 2010

Am I addicted to Twitter?

I registered my Twitter account on 22nd May 2009. At first I don’t tweet much because I don’t really know how to interact with strangers online, after leaving the mIRC world years ago. Some of my earliest twitter friends were Baiti the bestie, Syazaliyana & Miasuraya the juniors, Ekha Shana & An the cousins and some strangers.

As time flies, I come to realize that I’ve been tweeting with the new strangers i met online more than the friends I have in the real world. It seems like they, the Tweeps / Tweeples / Twiends are always there for me whenever I need them.

25168_382681313043_575488043_3799519_199692_nSome of the earliest Twitter friends I met offline during the Foursquare Day

When I was writing my thesis, when I was in the boring-7-hours train journey, when I was waiting for some friends at the coffee shop - they are always there. When I wanted to share my happiness, sadness, good news, bad news, when I was being all emotional, and stressed up because I was tired of reading and writing – they’ve never failed me. Yes, even though I never met most of them in real life.

DSC06726The other bunch of Twitter friends I met during the Youth10

A few weeks ago, I was home and I don’t really tweet much and the laziness to tweet prolonged until a few days after I came back to campus. Then, there were some of my Twitter friends asking where have I been and why don’t I tweet. At first I don’t think it was THAT obvious until I tweet “Is it so obvious that I tweet less lately?” and i received lots of mentions saying yes, it is! How sweet of them to actually realize that I’ve been MIA from the Twitterland. :’)

38199_407445989681_620124681_4666320_3648444_nPicture courtesy of ShamHardy from his Facebook album - “Hari @bubbles182 turun padang bertemu rakyat” (Ada ker patut??)

ShamHardy’s Qik video during the ‘hari bertemu rakyat’

The thing is – why is it so obvious when I tweet less than usual? Am I that addicted to twitter that I tweet a lot that when I suddenly went MIA everyone notice?
I remember B made a joke of me being a Twitter addict. She said that I need to go to a rehab and should go by “Hi, my name is Julia. I’m a Twitter addict.” Haishh. See, girlfriend also made fun of me being addicted to Twitter.

DSC06824B also never failed to be there in Twitter when I needed her, and always accompany me if I’m meeting my tweeps. Thanks, sunshine!

Lemme think. After I woke up everyday, the first thing I do is check my phone for sms, then twitter (if my laptop is off), then switch on the laptop, and open TweetDeck. Everywhere I go, I’ll check my Twitter at least once every hour - even though I’m not tweeting or replying - I’ll check the timeline. And the last thing before I go to bed, I’ll shutdown my laptop, but continue checking Twitter on the phone. Hmmm…

DSC06605Me checking out Twitter while the super-delicious Sup Hameed is waiting right before my eyes! (Photo taken by Sharmi during her visit to Penang)

…I guess I AM addicted to Twitter. :/


Hello everyone. My name is Julia, and I’m a Twitter addict.

Come follow me, @bubbles182 on twitter if you haven’t.

p/s: I love you guys, tweeps!!

07 Ogos 2010

Congratulations, USM bloggerz!


On Friday, 6th August 2010, few of USM bloggerz batch 2009/2010 were conferred the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) during the 42th USM Convocation Ceremony. And some of the bloggers are them, who i called my adiks – Hadi, Sally, Haaziq, Lya and Lily. I went to the main campus ( very last minute plan. Yes, hadi, at first i didn’t want to go :P ), thanks to bestie, Zydah who was willing to take a half day leave to accompany me to USM main campus.

So, to my lovely brothers & sisters, Congratulatios & Happy Graduation!!! I hope u guys like the simple card and the small teddy :)

  DSC06934Sally @nikillas

DSC06946Lily @lilyto

DSC06935Hadi @maverickhornet

DSC06940Haaziq @bluecrystaldude

DSC06943Lya @uverXkuro

I was so glad that I managed to see all of my darlings, but tak dapat kumpul ramai2 lepak2 like the last time we hang out together :’( Hope we can reunite again one of these days. All the best in whatever path you guys choose. Love you guys!!

And thanks to dear Zydah for coming to our campus, accompany me to the convocation, hang out till late night (Abg Wan, sorry bawak isteri Abg Wan kuar sampai lewat malam. rindu nak lepak ngan Zydahhh!! :P ) and the sleepover!!

DSC06930 DSC06952 My Buttercup!!!

This afternoon, after Zydah and I went to lunch, and Zydah went back home, I found something in my locker that almost made me cry…


A note from Zydah, with the ending…

“p/s: Take this cute pink bear as ur inspiration to finish your thesis.”

Zyd got her Master’s Degree scroll back during the USM 40th Convocation in 2009, and left me all alone in the room we used to share during her postgraduate life. :(

Yes, Zyd. I’ll try my best to finish my thesis and finish my Masters. Yes, I want to graduate as soon as possible.  And I want a huuggeee teddy bear from you for my Masters graduation, ok? :P

I miss convocation!! I still remember the feeling I had during my Degree convocation day. Come on, Juls!! Thesis thesis thesis!!! You can do it! XD

14 Julai 2010

Dansa by Sasha Bashir, Part II

For readers who have been reading my blog for quite a while, you might have come to a post titled Dansa by Sasha Bashir I posted a few months back. I really want the Dansa book but it’s a bit costly (at least for me). I’ve been eyeing the book and been reading it while spending time in Borders Queensbay Mall.

And last week, Sasha Bashir offered her Dansa, A Dance Journey book as a giveaway in her blog. Not a contest, free giveaway, randomly pick winners. How cool is that? Trying my luck, i send an email to her, wishing I’ll be picked as the lucky ones.



But since it’s a random pick, i know it must be hard to be chosen, since I’ve already won a contest from her blog once. So some friends volunteered to help email Sasha on my behalf, and i asked some other to email for me. It was mentioned that anyone can state for whom the book is dedicated to, to be autographed.

A twitter friend of mine, techsupremo was one of the random winners picked and he did dedicate the book to me. Yayyy!!! Thank you soooo much!!!

  DSC06867 DSC06869

I am happy :D


p/s: Check out techsupremo’s Picture Perfect blog (might also check rates for photography packages) and his PhotoArts Facebook page.

p/sII: Happy belated Birthday Girlfriend a.k.a Baiti a.k.a Nanim sayang!!! xoxo


p/sIII: Happy 3rd Birthday to my lovely blog. ;)


23 April 2010

USM Bloggers nights out

Finally setelah asyik nak keluar sama-sama tapi x pernah menjadi, kami (some of USM bloggers) berjaya mengumpulkan diri dan keluar bersama sebelum mereka-mereka yang di Tahun Akhir meninggalkan USM dan meneruskan kerjaya masing2. Terima kasih semua, lebih2 lagi orang2 yang x abes exam lagi. ;p

1st time jumpa semua (selain Hadi, Sally & Nik) was the night before yesterday (check live update from Hadi & Sally). Saje melepakkan diri di Bistro Mohamad, Nibong Tebal. Masa tu plan2 konon nak keluar lagi, tapi disebabkan ke-busy-an masing2 – ada yang x habis exam lagi, ada yang nak balik kampung halaman dah, ada yang nak pergi Terengganu for scuba test etc. – so we made the plan up utk keluar dinner yesterday.

Oh, FYI, Sally is a guy, okay. Haha.

So, there we were – Secret Recipe, Juru.

DSC06405My dinner; Prawn Macaroni & Cheese and Iced Caffe Latte ( Mac&cheese yg very cheesy! klau berat naik lagi jgn bising2 la ye.. T__T )

DSC06404Lily & Haaziq

Lepas dinner, they wanted to hangout somewhere since some of us still need foods (haisshh~ ;p), konon nye nak lepak Pelita for soups, tapi panas. Nak tempat aircond konon. isk. So tempat persinggahan seterusnya.. McDonald’s.

Kat McDonald’s bumped into another USM Bloggers, DeeDee. We finally met for the first time also. :D Kate je duduk sekampus tapi x pernah jumpe pun. Macam la USM Kampus Kejuruteraan ni besar sgt pun. :P

DSC06427Me, Sally, DeeDee & Hadi


DSC06438   DSC06441

Terima kasih korang2 sebab jadi jugak keluar. :D

DSC06459Lyana -

DSC06420 Sally @nikillas - &

(Sally..gambar kite gegar, marah Hadi tau tau)



(i’m not THAT short tau bbanding nik. it was just that er.. i bend my kaki, and er.. sengetkan kepala.. err. yes. thats it. lalala~)

DSC06455Lily @lilyto - 


So, kepada adik2 tahun akhir, selamat menempuh alam kerjaya (well kakak korang ni jugak yg masih x bekerjaya huhu) and adik yang nak berlatihan industri tu pun, keje rajin2 jugak. :D

14 April 2010

The Postcard Crossing Project

Postcards Exchange

Do you like to swap postcards from all over the world?
How do you feel to received mails from random country and random sender?
It’s been 83 days till today since i registered with the which i knew from random googling. I’ve sent 13 postcards and received 14 postcards, till date, to all around the world. So, what is PostCrossing?
The Project
“The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost free! The main idea is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive at least one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.
Why? Because, like the author, there are lots of people who like to receive real mail.
The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't like that?”


31 Mac 2010

Congratulations, Sunshine!

I went to the Blog4FT prize-giving ceremony dinner for the winners, as Baiti was invited as she won the monthly award for media category for her blog entry, When Strangers Unite. The ceremony was held at the Sime Darby Convention Centre. I went to the dinner with B, Sis Harim and B’s friend Ruban.

DSC06148Well… ehem… u know us ;)

  DSC06153B with the official letter with list of the winning prizes she get.

DSC06156Her cheerleaders :P

 DSC06159B with Media category grand prize winner, Niki Cheong with his entry, My Bangsar.

DSC06164Red carpet pose.

DSC06170The gentleman, Ruban.


Congratulations to our truly Emila Yusuf who won herself a Peugeot 308 VTi, for her entry,  KL: A to Z Fun Things To Do & Places To Visit With Kids.

12 November 2009

First attempt using the Windows Live Writer


I’ve updated my Windows Live and together with the Windows Live package, there is this Windows Live Writer (WLW) ; developed by the Microsoft which supposed to be useful for bloggers to update their blog. I don’t really know how it’ll help, so I’m giving it a try. Lets see if it’s useful or not. Or maybe i might be late that everyone else have been using it? Cause i know I’m always late in the online stuffs. Haha but, nvm there’s always the first for anything :P
the screenshot

WLW supports most of blogging site including Windows Live Spaces, SharePoint blogs, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Wordpress etc.
So, this is my first post using the WLW. =)

nurin collage
Ok. I like the photo uploader  and editor. It has a lot of function (tilt, rotate, border, crop & more effects) and it’s seriously easy to use. You can easily add the watermark on the photos too.

Ok. This photo album thing is even coooolllleerr! Haha~


The preview thing is not bad either. better than the preview provided by Blogger one.

Oh and if u have more than one blog, like me hehe you can add all in the WLW editor and can simply choose which of it that u want to publish a post. Nice isn't it?

Most of us use different theme/template for our blog(s). The WLW can easily be used even for different blogs because you can update each of it with your local blog theme/template through WLW respectively.

Labelling is also easy to be done. Just choose in each categories your post is categorized, auto-updated with the labels in your blog as well.

Retrieving older post for editing also is super easy.

Hurm..What else can i do with this?

I’ll check and play with it more later. :D

I’m starting to like it. haha Didn’t i just said i like the new Blogger updated editor? I like this WLW more!

p/s: I can breath again... =)

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