Memaparkan catatan dengan label KL. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label KL. Papar semua catatan

19 April 2010

I finally met them at the #4sqdayKL

Yes. As a mayor of several places *ehem* (mostly in Penang tho) in Foursquare, I went to the Foursquare Day (4sqdayKL) last Friday (16/4/2010) at Starbucks Uptown. Thanks to girlfriend, Baiti and Ruban for the company :D

4sqdayA badge u don’t get often!! lalalala~


So at the 4sqdayKL, I finally met some of the Twitter pal in the Twitterland in person. Have nothing much to tell about the day. But, hey, come meet my virtual friends ;)

DSC06392 @tekong – the one who made me look like a fool on April Fool day, remember? –__-“

DSC06394@rararawr @bubbles182 @techsupremo @khairul @tekong @wfxyz

DSC06386 me, girlfren, @shamhardy @ruhanirabin

DSC06390 Frens from the Twitterland


I had fun at the 4sqdayKL event. And the next day, I’m all tied up at home for my arwah pakcik’s 100 days tahlil.

Oh, send Mr.Boifren to the workshop the other day for some touch-up, and now he’s back – handsome,macho,charming - without any (obvious) scars. Yayyy!! lalala~

14 April 2010

The Postcard Crossing Project

Postcards Exchange

Do you like to swap postcards from all over the world?
How do you feel to received mails from random country and random sender?
It’s been 83 days till today since i registered with the which i knew from random googling. I’ve sent 13 postcards and received 14 postcards, till date, to all around the world. So, what is PostCrossing?
The Project
“The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost free! The main idea is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive at least one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.
Why? Because, like the author, there are lots of people who like to receive real mail.
The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't like that?”


31 Mac 2010

Congratulations, Sunshine!

I went to the Blog4FT prize-giving ceremony dinner for the winners, as Baiti was invited as she won the monthly award for media category for her blog entry, When Strangers Unite. The ceremony was held at the Sime Darby Convention Centre. I went to the dinner with B, Sis Harim and B’s friend Ruban.

DSC06148Well… ehem… u know us ;)

  DSC06153B with the official letter with list of the winning prizes she get.

DSC06156Her cheerleaders :P

 DSC06159B with Media category grand prize winner, Niki Cheong with his entry, My Bangsar.

DSC06164Red carpet pose.

DSC06170The gentleman, Ruban.


Congratulations to our truly Emila Yusuf who won herself a Peugeot 308 VTi, for her entry,  KL: A to Z Fun Things To Do & Places To Visit With Kids.

22 Februari 2010

Rumah Titian Kasih, Titiwangsa

If u ever came across my entry about PBSM Malaysia located in Jalan Nipah, off Jalan Ampang, KL, you’ll remember about the unused item (mostly clothes) yang kami sekeluarga hantar as a donation so that they can sell and use the money for their PBSM activity.

So few months back, i did a closet clearance and have some clothes that I don’t use anymore and wanted to send it off to PBSM. Then call cousins & aunts tanya kalau2 ada jugak barang nak hantar sana, boleh kumpul2 hantar sekali. tetiba bila dah kumpul macam banyak pulak. then mum said, this time x payah hantar kat PBSM la. she read about an orphanage home, Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK), near Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. So she gave me the address and I went there with my aunt & cousin. Masa tu, pergi, hantar clothes and some dry foods, then balik. Nothing much.


Lebih kurang seminggu yang lepas, sepupu ada buat kenduri tahlil hari ke 40 untuk pakcik kat rumah atuk (the same house i live in). Masa kenduri tu, kami ada buat bungkusan2 makanan2 kering (kueh mueh, buah, jelly etc) untuk bagi pada tetamu2. So, sepupu tu buat la lebih sebab nak sedekah kat rumah anak yatim sikit. Ikutkan rumah yang kitorang pergi tu, ada la dalam 50 orang mcm tu kot (anggaran je).

So esok tu, kitorang pun pergi la ke Rumah Titian Kasih tu, bawak bungkusan2 tu dan ada baju2 dari ahli keluarga yang x digunakan lagi.

Sampai-sampai kami carik Mak Pah, pengurus rumah tu. Mak Pah kata x ramai orang hari tu sebab ada orang bawak diorang pergi kenduri kahwin. Ok, x kisah lah tu.

Mak Pah tanya kami pernah pergi tak rumah lagi satu, rumah yang menempatkan anak2 perempuan. Ohhh.. rupanya baru kami tahu rumah yang ni ialah rumah lelaki, tapi sebab pejabat kat sini so Mak Pah selalu kat sini. Rumah lagi satu rumah perempuan. Mak Pah kata kat rumah perempuan ada orang OKU dan warga emas jugak. Mak Pah ajak kami pergi rumah tu. Ok gak. sebab x pernah pergi tengok pun.


Sementara tunggu Mak Pah and pergi rumah perempuan, kami beli la sikit2 makanan2 yang dijual, hasil tangan ibu2 tunggal di sini, sebagai salah satu punca pendapatan. Ada kerepek, kuih dan acar buah.
Sampai kat rumah perempuan, tengok x ramai orang. Mak Pah kata ada yang pergi kem motivasi, ada yang pergi kenduri kahwin.

Masuk dalam rumah tu, ternampak ada seorang kanak-kanak perempuan ni. nampak macam umur 2-3 tahun. Duduk sorang2 je. Mak Pah bagi satu bungkusan yang kamu bawak tu. dia masuk bilik, duduk sorang2 je terkial-kial nak bukak bungksan tu. Bila nampak die macam susah nak bukak tu, kitorang datang kat dia nak tolong dia..

DSC05817nama panggilan dia kak cik. ayah kak cik baru je meninggal. ibu kak cik xtau la pulak mane.

DSC05819see that’s my niece, Nurin in yellow shirt. she’s 4+ years old. kak cik is much smaller than Nurin,kan. But she’s actually 5. Mak Pah kata dia sangat x cukup makan, x cukup zat before masuk RTK ni. Kak Cik ada 2 org abang yang sama2 tinggal di sini.

Then, there’s a girl named Nana. 24 years old. I can’t remember ape nama penyakit dia Mak Pah ada bagitau. But she talks reaaalllyy slow. bukan gagap. she kept on asking “mana ibu nana…?” “kenapa ibu x datang..?” she called cousin Kak Lina, aunt and my mum “Ibu…Ibu….”.. and she kept on repeating “Mak Pah baik… jaga kami….mak Pah baik sangat….”  Mak Pah cakap diorang pun x tau kat mana ibu Nana sebenarnya..

DSC05822DSC05826meet Nana. :)

DSC05830 Anak yatim, OKU, ibu tunggal, warga emas – all in a place they call heaven, Rumah Titian Kasih (Mak Pah is the one on the right,  in blue kurung and grey tudung)

DSC05832DSC05834 DSC05835
This is Haziq and his sister Farah. both parents are alive. but sadly dua-dua bermasalah, and pity this beautiful kids, kat sini tempat mereka akan membesar.. i wonder where are the other family member..grandparents? aunties? uncles? :(

bercerita pasal pergi Rumah Titian Kasih ni bukan dengan tujuan nak berlagak. kami pun bukan orang senang sangat pun. tapi kami teringin nak tolong setakat mana yang mampu. InsyaAllah, Allah tahu niat kami ikhlas.
and i hope and pray, kalau la ada yang lebih mampu, bantu-bantu lah mereka ni jugak. RTK bukan di bawah biayaan Jabatan Kerajaan Masyarakat ataupun Baitimal. They stand on their own feet. and they need help.

Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK)
62A-2, Lorong Maran Off Jalan Kuantan,
Tasik Titiwangsa, 53200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel/Fax: 03-4025 5246

Penghuni: 85 orang
Ibu Tunggal: 20 org
Anak2 Yatim: 51 org
OKU: 12 org
Warga Emas: 2 org
In charge: Sharifah Adlan (Mak Pah) - 019-645 5769, 03-40255246

“Mum, i love you so much. thanks for everything. thanks for the 25 years of struggles to take care of me. did your best to make me who i am today. i know it was hard for you. but u did it anyway. thanksss! everyday should be mother’s day. How lucky I am to have you… :) “

26 Januari 2010

The best schools in Malaysia?


Source: The Star Online ; Published: Monday January 25, 2010 MYT 7:27:00 PM

PUTRAJAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Monday announced that 20 schools -- 14 secondary and six primary -- had been accorded the status of high performance schools (SBTs).
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said of the 14 secondary schools, 10 were fully residential schools and the rest were day schools.

“These schools were chosen from among schools that showed outstanding performance in the field of academia, co-curricular activities and niche areas.

“The schools will be guided and monitored closely to ensure they continue to attain even higher levels of performance,” he told reporters at his office here Monday.

The 10 fully residential schools are Sekolah Tun Fatimah (Johor Bahru), Sekolah Dato’ Abdul Razak (Seremban), Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Sekolah Seri Puteri (Cyberjaya), SM Sultan Abdul Halim (Jitra), Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (Seremban), Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (Klang), Sekolah Menengah Sains (SMS) Tuanku Syed Putra (Perlis), Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah (Putrajaya) and SMS Muzaffar Syah (Malacca).

The four day schools are SMK (P) Sri Aman (Petaling Jaya), SMK Aminuddin Baki (Kuala Lumpur), SMK Sultanah Asma (Alor Setar) and SMK (P) St George (Penang).

The six primary schools are SK Seri Bintang Utara (KL), SK Taman Tun Dr Ismail 1 (KL), SK Bukit Damansara (KL), SK Zainab (2) (Kota Baru), SK Convent Kota (Taiping), SK Bandar Baru Uda 2 (Johor Bahru).

Muhyiddin stressed that SBTs were not elite schools which benefited only a limited number of students.

Instead, he said each school in the country had the same opportunity and a level playing field to be recognised as an SBT.

..Continue reading here.

Congratulations to all the school that had been accorded the status of high performance schools.
We are proud to be SABIAN!!!
And we are proud of you, SAB! Weeee!!!
Sekolah Aminuddin Baki
Sekolah kami yang tercinta
Berkhidmat dan berjasa
Pelajaran panduan hidup lambangnya
Marilah kawan mari bersama
Belajar dan berusaha
Tegakkanlah nama perwira
yang berbakti dan berjasa
Janganlah jemu wahai kawanku
Tanamkanlah tekad taat dan giat
Sama-sama pohonkan restu
Moga-moga berjaya selalu
Bergerak terus maju bersama
Dengan penuh cekal cita-cita
Berbudi tinggi amal susila
Berjaya membina nusa bangsa


15 Januari 2010

Ok. I do feel old now.

Hari tu masa hujung minggu pertama bagi tahun 2010 yang diluangkan di rumah, terpikir nak selongkar almari nak carik gambar2 zaman skola2 + matriks + undergrad nak upload kat facebook (but mostly yang best2 dah upload dah) dan terjumpa dengan beberapa harta yang amat berharga. Harta yang berharga ni bukanlah emas ke duit ke. Tapi lagi mahal tau. Yang x boleh dibeli di mana2 tau tau..

Eh cop. Blog ni kejap ckp english kejap ckp BM. Hurmm..apa2 lah.

Ok. Sambung. So ada lah terjumpa beberapa harta yang membuatkan diri sendiri tersenyum sorang2 dalam bilik dan membuatkan diri rasa tua pulak sebab dah lama meninggalkan zaman harta2 berharga tersebut. Huhu~Look what I found.
Buku tulis masa zaman sekolah rendah SRK (P) Dato’ Abu Bakar (2) dan SRA Al-Watan. Ada beberapa buah buku macam ni dalam almari. Ada yang dah guna ada yang masih belum terusik.
Yang ada dalam gambar ni, buku sekolah SDAB tu belum guna. Masih kosong lagi. Yang buku sekolah Al-Watan tu dah guna. Buku pelajaran ‘Jawi’, darjah ‘2 Ros’. hehe. Buku tahun 1993 tu..
2010_01_15_5799Sekolah Rendah Agama Al-Watan, Jalan Traver, Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur
SRK (P) Dato’ Abu Bakar (2), Jalan Davis, Kuala Lumpur
Sekolah rendah ni dulu sangat lah orang x tau sebab sangat di hujung pelusuk mana ntah. Pagi2 pukul 6 lebih dah keluar pergi sekolah naik bas mini nombor 25 (memula warna biru, pastu bas mini diseragamkan jadi warna pink), turun kat Majestic, Pudu. Pastu kene jalan kaki jauh wooo.. dah la gelap lagi, lalu tempat setinggan, pastu byk anjing, pastu ada drug addicts pulak..bahaya. Tapi itu la yang dilalui sehari2.. Alhamdulillah masuk gak U hasil dari bejalan teruk2 ke sekolah untuk menimba ilmu. hehe..
Tapi sekarang sekolah tu betul2 tepi jalan kat fly-over bulatan kg.pandan menghala ke bukit bintang tu. sebab semua rumah area situ kene roboh masa diorang nak buat jalan tu.
Ok. Lepas tu.. jumpa lagi harta yang sangat berharga jugak. Ni harta yang wujud pada zaman sekolah menengah. Tahun 1999. Cuti sekolah hujung tingkatan 2 nak masuk tingkatan 3.
Jeng jeng jeng…………..
2010_01_15_5797Surat surat cinta dari kekasih hati ku.. Miss Nurbaiti Hanim, ya’ll!!!

Tau x kami sama-sama duduk Kampung Pandan, berkongsikan poskod yang sama?
Tau x klau naik bas dari rumah ke rumah dia hanya lepas beberapa bus-stop sahaja?
Tau x klau naik basikal pegi rumah die x sempat nak penat pun?
Tapi memang gatal kan saja nak tulis2 surat, siap pos lagi. Haha. Sekarang mane ade wehh…
See she wrote my name as Mrs Julia Kavanagh. X paham kenapa? Read this!! hehehe2010_01_15_5805
Tengok lah. Siap tulis surat guna exam pad sekolah lagi. Semangat SABian betul girlfriend I sorang ni kan3. ;p2010_01_15_5809  
“Hanim Skywalker” LOL!! Masa ni tengah hangat pasal Star Wars Episode I : the Phantom Menace
And lepas tu jumpa benda ni pulak. Benda ni si Siti Marian, ex roomate kat Kolej Matrikulasi Kuala Pilah (KMNS) yang buat kan. Budak tu sgt kreatif dan sangat rajin la nak buat benda2 macam ni. Yang best nye masa masuk bilik tu, xtau dia pun suka Powerpuff Girl. Then, kitorg found out yang kitorg same2 gila PPG, and kebetulan dia sgt suka Buttercup, while me..ehem ehem.. of course la Bubbles. hehe So kitorg berdua ‘memberikan’ Blossom kepada our 3rd roomate, Nurul Amirah. Kami tinggal bertiga di bilik 4 orang itu. ;) I miss you both Yam and Nurul!!!!
2010_01_15_5791if u’re still wondering where the bubbles in “bubbles182” came from. ;)

p/s: Ye. Saya secara rasmi nya dah sedar yang saya dah tua (sikit) berbanding tahun2 yang lalu. Hahaha still in denial xnak mengaku dah tua betul ;p

06 Januari 2010

When the family gathers


I spend my New Year Eve on the train on my way back home and spend the 1st weekend of 2010 at home. Nice. ;)

On Jan 2nd, cousin Along organized a family lunch to celebrate her Mom & Dad‘s 30th anniversary. We had lunch at Khadijah’s Kitchen, PJ owned by one of Malaysian top singer Khadijah Ibrahim.


Along ordered quite a lot of dishes. Nak bagi pecah perut jugak la. But the food are nice. Kene dengan selera.

Some of the dishes…

2010_01_02_5600 Appetizer – Cucur udang & tofu goreng


Sambal udang & terung goreng cili

2010_01_02_5615 Sotong masak hitam. My all time favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sotong masak hitam is my favourite food an since i was very very small. :D bukan senang nak jumpa restaurant yg jual this tau. and i bet most of you never even try this, right? hehe

2010_01_02_5616 Bayam & tauhu goreng2010_01_02_5627

Kurma ayam

lagi ada asam pedas tenggiri & daging salai masak lemak.

2010_01_02_5618 the crew2010_01_02_5622 2010_01_02_5625  i just realize lately i buy a lot of plain black shirt/blouse2010_01_02_5643 2010_01_02_5655 the organizercousin Along

then after we finished eating the main course and chit chatting and camwhoring, then came the desserts…

2010_01_02_56582010_01_02_5659 bubur pulut hitam

and thank Along for this………………..2010_01_02_5660 ubi kayu rebus & sambal tumis yummmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

2010_01_02_5666 some of Kathy’s record.

to our luck, Kathy was there during our lunch gathering. she looks so gorgeous and beautiful for her age. and she is so friendly. just like when we saw her on TV or on stage.

2010_01_02_5668 mum used to work with Kathy’s sis-in-law (Latiff Ibrahim’s wife) 2010_01_02_5670 I cant stop capturing her pics. I want to look like her in my 40s.2010_01_02_5690  2010_01_02_5700

wall of fame


and there went my aunt & uncle’s anniversary lunch. thank you, Along!!


On Monday morning, while i was still lazily half-awake on my bed, my aunty (Ibu) woke me up, telling me that my uncle passed away in his sleep. I cancel my monday night ticket back to campus and stayed another night in KL, at my aunt's house in Cheras and got back to campus last night.

Al-fatihah..may he rest in peace…

09 10