13 Disember 2009

Cousin Angah’s wedding


So most of you knew that my cousin Angah a.k.a Ayien has finally married to Hakim last week from previous post right. I dont know what i did this whole week at home that i seems busy but i practically just lepak-ing at   home and do nothing. haha

And right now i feel so rajin to update the blog with my cousin’s wedding ;) err..when i say update, it means i’ll just upload the pics ok. hehe

 5 December 2009 - Pernikahan
2009_12_05_4136 2009_12_05_4180
Saat-saat medebarkan. Sekali lafaz beb! Bravo Hakim!!! :p

5 December – Malam Berinai
2009_12_05_4358 IMG_4773
Bile yang sepupu sepapat jumpe camera….
2009_12_05_4378Cousin Effa’s primary school friend & my secondary school friend , Sabrina Hakiem. Thank for coming!!

6 December 2009 – Majlis Persandingan
Fewwiiitttttttt~ rombongan pengantin lelaki tiba.
2009_12_06_4490 2009_12_06_4501
Gamelan yang mengiringi majlis2009_12_06_4526Angklung pun ade jugak.
meet Papa J from Sehati Berdansa, ya’ll~ he’s my mum’s cousin.
Angah’s new family ;)
a good example. bakal2 pengantin sila amek perhatian :p

12 December 2009 - Bertandang
2009_12_12_4901 2009_12_12_4924 2009_12_12_4952 2009_12_12_4983
ok. for more picts sila tengok fb saya :D

few updates.
  • it’s been more than a week at home and i just loveeee the feeling of waking up at home every morning..
  • Alhamdulillah Angah’s wedding went well.
  • Went for Natrah  theatre with mom, my treat for her belated birthday present. It was great, Remy Ishak sgt handsome (tetiba haha)
  • Congrats to my friends Anwar-Shikin & Hanie-fiance(xtau name ;p) for their engagements, both today.
  • Finally berjaya menghabiskan duit from “Bubbles Gadget Fund” for things that i hope berbaloi beli. haha. Skarang kene start menyimpan for that fund again –_-“
  • Went to see someone today. Am actually glad i made it ;)
  • Conference to be attended next week at Resident Hotel Uniten.
  • 2 more girl friends are getting engage this next weekend. Congrats in advance,
  • I want to see someone so badly!!
Going to bed. It’s 3.07 in d morning. Daa~

09 Disember 2009




Lovely friends,

Wana & GG



Darling cousin,

Angah & Hakim



Semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat. ;)


p/s: gambar terrrrrrlalu banyak x larat nak upload kat sini dlu sbb terrrlalu busy di rumah :p more picts in facebook.

02 Disember 2009

Googling on the Wave


google_wave_logo_finalBasically, Google Wave is an online communication tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.

For now, Google Wave is able for people who are invited only. And so i got the invitation for Google Wave. and I’m spreading the love and the invitation to those who are interested. But the invitation is limited. So come hurry!

For the mean time, I’m still so confused on how to use it. But still learning and I think I’m gonna love it just how much I love twitter now. No. not love. I’m addicted to twitter. hahaha. Makes life super easy and fun!!

google_waveA screen shot of Google Wave

Let me know if you want the Google Wave invitation.

Oh. If u tweet and haven’t follow me yet, please do! Follow me!!



p/s: I feel much much better now. =)

29 November 2009

As you wish


"I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me. I won't come back. I won't put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I'd never existed."
-Edward Cullen

28 November 2009

I am now officially love The Star hahaha



My sunshine will be off and off and off lagi and on night shift when I’m in KL in Dec nanti!! isn’t that super duper duper awesome??!! and Naddy darling will be in KL again starting on the 17th. and it’s school holiday! means Sharmi supposed to be freeeeeee!!! Heaven!! KL. KL. I miss you, KL!!

Thank you The Star. or whoever the person who do the roster thing. haha

Oh btw, like what Naddy said: don’t be excited about Penang yet, Juls, nnt x jadi nnt kecewa. huhu

Anywayss, today is my Mr.Boifren’s 1st birthday!!! Cepatnya rasa masa berlalu kan. hehe.. Thank you Mr.Boifren for being able to bring to wherever i wanna go, utara selatan naik bukit turun bukit. sampai mileage melampau2 tinggi nyer. huhu~  and thanks sebab x buat perangai yang melampau2 stakat ni (and hopefully x kan la yer). cukup la dgn calar balar yang sikit2 tu..sedeyyyyy btol! =(

anyhow Happy 1st Birthday to u!!!!!! u know i love u. xxx

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