22 Disember 2011
14 Disember 2011
06 Disember 2011
The end of another journey
05 Disember 2011
Kuih Bunga Pundak
Masa buat sesi lawatan ke utara dgn mak few years ago, masa bershopping2 kat Pekan Rabu, kitorang dikenalkan dengan sejenis kuih yang dikatakan terkenal di utara terutamanya di Kedah iaitu Kuih Bunga Pundak. Sedap jugak kuih ni. Ada inti kelapa. Nama kuih ni adalah sempena nama bunga pundak.
Hari tu layan2 Facebook, nampak ofismate Erna check in Pekan Rabu. So mintak tlg Erna belikan sbb so far x jumpa lg kat tempat lain. :D
p/s: masih mencari kuih jala mas kat tgh2 kota kuala lumpur ni...huhu..
02 Disember 2011
Asyik kena bedah je incik boifren saya
Sejak pergi hantar incik boifren ketuk pintu belah kanan yang kemek sbb eksiden hari tu, memang rasa ada yg tak kena dengan tingkap kat tempat driver. Ada bunyi2 bila nak bukak tutup tingkap. Lately, x bukak tutup pun ada bunyi jugak. Tgh hari tadi paling kritikal bila nak keluar lunch, tingkap turun senget. Naikkan pun nampak senget. Tp tutup rapat lg. Td nak balik terlupa dah camtu, turunkan tingkap. Naik x leh rapat langsung. :( jalan la jugak dgn tingkap tak rapat tu. Huhu. Ingat nak pegi esok je kedai. Sbb ptg dah plan nak melawat baby dgn B. Tp cik B tak mereply Whatsapp.. By the time masuk area rumah trs terpikir nak singgah kedai dekat rumah tu. Pastu cik B lak msg kata tertido.. :| so di Pandan Utama inilah incik boifren saya dibedah lagi sekali. Sekian. Wassalam.
P/s: Happy belated birthday incik boifren. :D
20 November 2011
Cuti cuti Medan - Part 2
18 November 2011
Yayy I've got mine!!
Been hearing everyone talk about the Starbucks card and been wanting the card so badly! i havent been to Starbucks for quite a while so tunggu je lah.. But now i'm at the Berjaya Times Square so i can finally get my Starbucks card yayy!! And the cardholder too weeee! I'm a happy girl. :D
Last year i didnt manage to collect all stamps for the Starbucks planner on time, so someone bought me the planner instead. Agak2 this year ada org nak belikan lg tak kalau tak sempat kumpul point lagi? :P
Cuti cuti Medan - Part I
16 November 2011
07 November 2011
Recipe searching made easy with Google
Ok first of all, if any of you have known this for quite a while, please don't brag at me. Saya tahu saya selalu agak ketinggalan zaman dalam hal sebegini -___-"
So anyways....
03 November 2011
Susah juga kalau pemikiran terlalu sempit
31 Oktober 2011
Portable charger - the birthday present from IMU
27 Oktober 2011
Meeting the Buttercup and Blossom juniors
26 Oktober 2011
Yang dirindui di Penang
19 Oktober 2011
17 Oktober 2011
Bubbles' new patchwork sling bag
14 Oktober 2011
Syawal's Jejak Tanah ceremony
And no, I don't have the Rawa blood in me. I just have the interest in people tradition and culture. Another ceremony that I wish to attend and watch is the Lenggang Perut. You know... the ceremony for the 7-months pregnant mother-to-be, er.. well I don't really know what they do. But I do mean Lenggang Perut, ok. Not that oh-so-modern baby shower thing. So if you or any of your family/friend is having your/her Lenggang Perut, please invite me ok. *buat muka tak malu sikit*
Anyway, you can read about the detail flow of the Jejak Tanah ceremony on my previous post I wrote for Hadief's jejak tanah (click here). Yes, I'm that lazy to write everything up again. Huhu.
Enjoy the simple video here, follows by the not-so-many pictures took during the ceremony.
29 September 2011
Mark your date - the Sushi Bonanza is back!
But of course, there are always terms and conditions applied. Click on image above to read them.
Anyway, looking at the dates for KL outlets... anyone wants to treat me for birthday? :P
28 September 2011
24 September 2011
Akhirnya berjaya merajinkan diri membuat puding roti berkuah kastad
Puding roti ni salah satu makanan kegemaran jugak. Tapi tak pernah try buat sendiri. Selalu makan kat mana2 buffet atau yang makcik2 pernah buat. Tapi lagi suka makan puding roti kalau yang hidang dengan kuah kastad sekali.
Dari minggu lepas dah beli susu roti semua tapi asyik malas je nak buat. Dari hari ke hari, akhirnya tadi berjaya merajinkan diri membuat puding roti jugak. Dengan kuah kastad sekali. Yayyyy! Puas hati dengan masakan sendiri. Ok lah for first timer kan. Mak pun kata ok. Hehe. Pasni boleh buat lagi! :D
20 September 2011
Cenderahati dari Vietnam
Pagi-pagi dapat call dari Kak Hazrina kat Chancellery suruh datang ambil barang. So pergi lah ke Chancellery untuk mengambil barang yang dimaksudkan. They're souvenirs from Vietnam, from the kakaks - kak hazrina, kak azura and along. They went to Vietnam last week till yesterday with the IMU staff trip. Thank you, kakaks!
15 September 2011
Yunalis Zarai gave me goosebumps!
When B first asked me to join her watching Yuna, I wasn't really excited about it. Guess I'm more to a theater person than a concert person, except Hindi concerts cause they are more like musicals. :P But I said yes anyway and bought us the tickets. Her original show was planned only for 12 September but tickets were sold out fast and they decided to make an additional show on 13 September, and we got our tickets for the second day.
14 September 2011
13 September 2011
09 September 2011
Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia
Sejak kedai rakyat 1Malaysia kecoh diperkenalkan, tak pernah lagi try pergi. So tadi alang2 nak carik barang, kakak sepupu ajak singgah kat kedai rakyat 1Malaysia kat Pusat Komuniti Bandar Tun Razak. Kedai dia macam kedai2 lain jugak cuma barangan yg dijual menggunakan label 1Malaysia. Sama je mcm konsep Tesco, Giant, Carrefour dan Hero. Barang ok lah murah harga. Siapa yg utamakan penjimatan boleh la membeli kat sini. Siapa yg malu or pentingkan jenama tu, no komen la ye.
Saya x malu mengaku saya shopping kat Mydin je. :)
07 September 2011
06 September 2011
What I found during my massive spring cleaning
Well as you know, when you did a spring cleaning, you will surely find things you might never even remember having at all. Or is it just me? :|
Anyway I did found so many things that I didn't even know I still have them in my closet. Heee~ :D and sadly, there are also many things I need to let go..to give away.. If I don't, I think I can open up a museum - Bubbles Museum.
Btw, #random - do you know mum still keep my milk bottle that I used 25 years ago?
Lets see what are some of the things I found during the spring cleaning. jeng jeng jeng....
02 September 2011
29 Ogos 2011
Menyiapkan incik boifren nak menyambut raya
Sempena nak menyambut raya esok , insyaAllah, kena lah siap2 kan incik boifren jugak kan. Tak kan la gefren dia je nak beraya sakan. Kesian la dia kan. Hehe. By the way sebenarnya lama dah kena hantar servis tapi sebab (konon) busy melampau, tak menyempat nak ke Perodua Service Centre. Ni pun baru tau ada pusat servis kat Pekan Ampang, dekat sikit dgn rumah. Padahal lalu jalan ni banyak kali tapi tak sedar kewujudan pusat servis ni. Huhu. Yelah... Sebelum ni kebanyakan servis kat Penang je masa zaman belajar dulu kan. Anyway Perodua kat Pekan Ampang ni ok jugak. Despite the congestion kat area ni, pusat servis ni betul2 tepi jalan, senang nak cari. Dan lagi satu, wifi connection dia not bad. Laju je surf guna iPad dari tadi. So memang x boring la kan. Hehe.
Sape2 yang nak drive balik kampung tu jangan lupa check kereta dulu ye. Drive safe, everyone!
27 Ogos 2011
Malam 7 likur
Masa kecik-kecik, start 10 malam terakhir puasa je, lepas berbuka kitorang mesti berebut nak pasang lampu pelita 7 likur. Sangkut pelita kat luar, nyalakan api terang rumah menjelang Syawal. Start pasang malam ke 10 akhir, pastu selang sehari sampai malam ke 3 akhir pasang straight sampai raya.
Lampu pelita kitorang bukan yg plastik yg boleh dibeli di mana-mana tau. Tapi special punya. Botol Brylcreem zaman dulu kala, zaman atuk muda mudi dulu. Botol tu botol kaca tutup besi. Atuk tebuk penutup tu untuk letak sumbu. Pelita ni la yg kitorang guna dari kecik2 dulu. At least yg ingat, sejak 20thn yg lepas. Usia sebenar pelita botol Brylcreem tu masih tak dapat dikenalpasti. :P
Btw, semua dah ready nak raya? Hehe.
19 Ogos 2011
Jom shopping raya jommm!
Hari pagi2 dapat emel yang menyejukkan hati, management nak bagi voucher jusco sempena nak menjelang raya ni. Hehe. Ni dah ambil dah voucher tu, total few hundreds ringgit jugak la. Kachinggg! Shopping raya,baybeee! Hehe. Btw, hari ni me and mum both ambik cuti halfday. Nak pegi hantar barang2 used yg dah xnak lagi kat pbsm. And hopefully sempat tengok Syawal kat Hospital Pantai yang dah 3 hari kat dalam tu sbb kena jangkitan paru-paru.
16 Ogos 2011
Village in the city for Aidilfitri
Most of the shopping malls had started to decorate their mall especially the lobby area to bring the raya mood to their customers in accordance to the coming hari raya Aidilfitri. Well, logically when the mood is there, the more they will spend on raya stuff, right. So I went to three different shopping malls in Bukit Bintang area last Saturday and found that all three have similar theme for hari raya decorations in the main lobby area – the Malay village.
15 Ogos 2011
Saya baru sedar darah saya tak pernah diambil
For some reason, I gotta do medical check-up. This is not the first check ups i went to. Pernah je masa nak masuk degree dan master dulu. Tapi tak pernah pulak teringat yang kena ambil darah. And tak pernah jugak seumur hidup ni pergi menderma darah. Huhu. So, tadi pergi IMU Specialist Clinic for medical check up. And tetiba kena ambik darah. Takut wooo! Nurse kata vein dah senang nampak, obvious dah tp xdapat2 gak cucuk. Pastu nurse tu kata vein tu lari so susah nak amek darah. Tapi last2 dapat jugak. Huhu. So, tak la sakit sangat rupanya ambik darah ni. :P
10 Ogos 2011
Ramadhan, so far...
22 Julai 2011
20 Julai 2011
My handsom boy's birthday
After the arguement between the husband and wife, they finally came to the decision to name their newly born son Hadief Zayed.
The over-excited Aunty Bubbles went to see the baby hours after he was born. She was so excited and happy as she loves kids so much. She looked at the lovely baby and kissed the baby on the left cheek.
And guess what???
18 Julai 2011
"Luck never gives, it only lends."
Years went by, and I came to almost the end of my Master study. I started looking for jobs - academic institution, research centre, industry - no luck. I sent out resumes (with the big S!!) – with only degree qualification, with my master in progress stated, high expected salary, low expected salary – still no luck. When I was about to come home for good after submitting the first draft of thesis, cousin Along asked if I wanted to do part time job in her office. I said yes. When you have mouth to feed, bills to pay, car payment to settle, least you would think of how good or glamour the job is.
13 Julai 2011
09 Julai 2011
Tiang atau lembaga?
Lebih 20 tiang saya lihat, saya ternampak satu tiang yang lebih besar dan tinggi dari yang lain. Warnanya juga berwarna lain dari yang lain. Saya mendongak. Alangkah terkejutnya saya apabila melihat tiang itubermata, hidung dan yang mengerikan lagi ialah taring dan kukunya yang begitu tajam dan panjang. Rupanya ia satu lembaga.
29 Jun 2011
Moving to the new work station
Been tiring these 2 days packing and moving to a new work station. Same level but relocated at a new room. Academic Program Development has a new work station yaww!
We are basically rebuilding our unit. New place, reorganizing our stuff and documents, restructuring the job scope. Yeah, when i leave this place, the new personnel should remember me being the one contract staff who help the manager setting up the unit. Haha. Kidding! :p
In the picture, the ITS guys helping shifting my manager's computer from the previous office to our new place. Thank you, korang!
27 Jun 2011
Layan Monday blues kat balai polis
Monday blues kat office pagi tadi jadi tak berapa nak blues when I got a call from my manager telling she's involved with an accident with a motorcycle. She told me that the guy yang langgar her car, means she's innocent. But she, being herself, brought the guy to the hospital, paid for the registration fee sekali. Haishh. Btw, here I am, accompanying her at the police station to make a report. And she didn't even have the motor registration no. Boleh x? Isk3. We sms-ed the guy's friend for the reg no, he gave. Then he asked my manager to not make the report because he doesn't have the road tax. Now who's to blame?
23 Jun 2011
Pesta Chow Kit Kita Fasa 2
Dari segala bangsa tua atau muda
Ada yang berkereta ada yang jalan saja
Ada yang cuci mata ha ha ha ha ha ha"
For a true KLites, that famous song by Allahyarham Sudirman had always stuck in my head since like forever. Chow Kit, generally, was one of the place where I used to spend my time at. Grocery shopping at Gedung Harian or Batu Road Supermarket, early Sunday morning at Pasar Chow Kit, lunch at the food stalls near "Bangunan UMNO lama", buying bakery stuff at Bake With Yen, Lorong Haji Taib and other places.
Chow Kit (including Chow Kit Road, Jln TAR, Jln Raja Laut) had always be me and mum's place to go even until today when no other KLites are going there anymore with the reason of too many unwelcomed 'foreigner' there. With so much interest and love towards Chow Kit Road, I am so happy to know that KL teenages get together with lots of volunteer and the KL Krash Pad to held the Pesta Chow Kit Kita.

15 Jun 2011
12 Jun 2011
Nokia Angry Bird Biggest Playground
06 Jun 2011
The first patchwork attempt
01 Jun 2011
28 Mei 2011
Are you an Angry Birds freak?
Do you spend lots of time playing the Angry Birds than reading school books?
Are you ones with lots of golden eggs?
If the answers are yes, yes, yes... than you really should be at Low Yat Plaza, KL this coming 11 June 2011 from 11am to 9pm, because Nokia Malaysia is bringing you the most awesome World's Biggest Angry Birds Playground!! How big could it be? It is an attempt for the Guinness World Record - Most People Playing in a Mobile Phone Game Relay. Yes people. THATTT BIG!!
Register here to participate. Admission free, fun and prizes await!! So, do I see you there? ^_^
25 Mei 2011
One after another

20 Mei 2011
Si hensem Hadief kecederaan
Tengah sibuk kat sana sini pasal #asidsplasher atau penyimbah asid, tetiba dapat tau anak buah kesayangan sorang tu melecur tangan kena air panas. Adehhh~ ape lah budak hensem sorang tu. Macam2 hal pulak..
Malam semalam ayah dia mms gambar. Sayu pulak tengok, so balik kerja tadi ajak mak pegi tengok Hadief kat rumah nenek dia. Bawak Nurin sekali. Tak padan luka kat tangan tu... Ligat dia. Tapi berhati2 gak nak main dgn dia, takut terkupas teruk dan berdarah lagi teruk.
Semoga cepat2 baik Hadief.
Kesimpulannya, kena asid kat tepi jalan ke, kena air panas kat rumah ke, kemalangan boleh berlaku di mana2 bila2 masa. So berhati2 lah dan ingatlah orang tersayang.
As bad as I am...
Weeks ago, I tweeted that I overheard a high school girl talking about how she feels ashamed if she has to go out with her mum, just the two of them.
18 Mei 2011
Yong Tau Fu, Kampung Pandan
Tadi mata merah balik, lepas beberapa minggu dah baik. Mata merah dan pedih, and I became a bit scared so took out the lenses. Asked cousin Along to send me back to take my glasses. I couldn't drive home after working hour without neither lens or glasses, could i? On our way back to Bukit Jalil, we drop off at the Kampung Pandan famous yong tau fu. Kedai yong tau fu tu dah ada kat situ since like forever kot. At least I grew up makan kat situ. Balik sekolah agama Al-Watan singgah situ. Kalau org Kampung Pandan x tau kedai ni, jangan mengaku org Kg.Pandan la ye. :p
09 Mei 2011
Too much doodle to handle
I might not know this Mr Hagreaves, but what catched my attention was, when I opened the Google.com for the second time today, it showed different doodle from the previous one. Then I clicked refresh. Another one. Me likey! So much doodle for this guy! Here are some of them;
03 Mei 2011
Malaysian Today Secret Phrase
Have you ever heard of the Malaysian Today fortnight newspaper? I started to read Malaysian Today after I started working in IMU as the paper can be found at colleges, universities, and popular eateries for free on Thursdays, fortnightly. Malaysian Today is not like the average tabloid you boring-ly read everyday. It is a magazine-style newspaper which gives you facts, information, so colorful and it is fun to read. Really suits their slogan: No 1 Youth Weekly. Plus,they give gift-away too!
And yours truly is one of the winner of the Malaysian Today secret phrase gift-away. Yayyy! It is as simple as ABC.
One of the covers which I twitpic-ed before.
So how to win the gift-away?
25 April 2011
The first social activity with the IMU colleagues
Kak Yang, on behalf of the organizer who organized the unofficial bowling tournament had been kind enough to asked me to join them too. I didn't really plan to join cause I have the part time tuition. But I had cough and sore throat, started to lose my voice so I cancelled the class. Cousin Effa who excitedly came to join the bowling get together asked me to tag along so I thought I might just go with them as the class had already been cancelled. So there were we, playing bowling at the Bukit Jalil Golf Resorts.
22 April 2011
IMU bowling not so official tournament
The kakaks from one of the department send out emails to ask us to join a bowling get together, tournament for fun. The plan was to go to Endah Parade, but due to some circumtances the venue was changed to Bukit Jalil Golf Club. 20 players are currently playing. Well i was supposed to go for my tuisyen class but i cancelled the class cos im having a cough and im losing my voice now. Effa join the bowling and she asked me to tag along, so here i am! Hehe.